Why the fuck does this cartridge taste so fucking bad???

Why the fuck does this cartridge taste so fucking bad???

So that children like you don't swallow it.

Nintendo put chemicals on them so small children wouldn't want to eat them.

>Small child puts cartridge in their mouth
>Tastes like shit
>Spits it out
Simple economics.

Wtf is with that Bomberman Box? Mine only has the controls instead of 8bit Bombermen, not only that, I have seen a lot of people who only have the white text at the side of the box while mine has the logo on it
Ist it because I bought it at launch or what?

it's made of pure anti-soy to stop soytendo cucks from eating them.

But if the game is made of anti-soy then does that mean Nintendo games are not soy?

So that you don't try to taste them. Jesus Christ user.

So that people with your IQ don't eat it.

The taste directly correlates to the game's quality.

>nintendo core demographic need chemicals to tell them not to swallow video game cartridges

Why would it taste good? It isn’t food.

Why did grown men start a meme about tasting switch carts?

> hear kids like Nintendo
> figure I'll get my nephew one for his birthday
> buy a copy of NuDoom to go with it
> two days later find out he ate the game

Christ why don't they put age restrictions on these things?


threads that make you go hmmmm


the fat guy from giant bomb did it, now everyone else wants to be a meme.

Why are all ecelebs fat?

you have shit taste

Why are all goys fat? oh right they need healthcare and when the time comes they cant fight.

Why doesn't the government just do this to pedophiles?

What did you mean by this?

They have already done it to humans. The goverment creates the pedophiles by the chemicals in food.

I thought they created sexy lolis this way.

In a lot of cases, the government are the pedophiles.

I think they mean to put chemicals on children.

I think it’s regional differences

the same chemical that turned the freaking frogs gay

because nintenbros are so retarded they need anti swallow measures