Did anyone actually enjoy the puzzles in this game?

Did anyone actually enjoy the puzzles in this game?

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they were ok

I honestly got bored after 3-4 hours
I can't stand how silent the game is
it is perfect to play late at night and get asleep while playing

Yes. Two years later and it still hasn't been topped.

the ending is horribly lazy and it would've been better as a phone app

i liked the ones that used the environment to clue you in, but some of them just felt contrived, like the starburst puzzles and the elimination ones.

i was enjoying it until the audio puzzle section. i must be tone deaf or something, because audio puzzles in any game are always just the fucking worst

Yeah it was okay.

Yeah, for the most part they were super fun.

SUPER fun?

Fine, you got me, pretty fun.


I'm always torn on how kind of unnecessary but really interesting the world for the witness was. I just always feel like for the amount of effort that was put into it something more interesting could have been done.

I fapped

As should be expected with a game like this, the puzzles were all over the map in terms of difficulty and enjoyment. Some were boring, some were cryptic beyond belief, some were tedious, but there were also some that give you an "eureka" moment like no other game I have played before. Overall, I haven't finished the game, because I'm a brainlet and got frustrated at some point.

For the first two/three hours you'll genuinely enjoy the fuck out of them, especially when they involve the environment like on Symmetry Island or the shadow forest but after a while they start to become tedious, unnecessarily convoluted and simply unfun.
By the time you enter the mountain you're sick of it all and the fact that Blow had to resort to interface screws felt like he ran out of actual ideas and mechanics.
Worst of all are the wild flashing color ones which honestly should warrant an epilepsy warning on the Steam store page.

makes u go hmmmm,,,,

This game has one of the funniest endings I've ever seen in a game. And I don't mean the secret ending

>futa girl praying
Who knew Blow had such patrician tastes?


some were fun. others were autistic garbage.game is a 6/10 at best

The Witness was just begging to have a story that would give its world a meaning. I might have liked the game more if I haven't played it after Talos Principle

I loved the puzzles from start to finish, but didn't really give a shit about anything else in it so there being no point and no payoff didn't really bother me. I enjoyed solving things simply for the sake of figuring them out.

I'm not sure I'd really call it a game though, since I don't consider puzzles to be a game. There's only one correct answer, so it's purely pass or fail.

Does anybody actually enjoy the "puzzles" in DMC?

When the fucking gambling dice thing is the only fun one in the entire game, you know you've fucked up

my autistic brain is already looking for env puzzels fuck me

It's not just puzzles though. It wouldnt work as like a puzzle book, because then you wont figure out the "perspective" puzzles.

I had to look up the Upside-Down Y puzzles. I got the "logic" for all the other puzzle types on my own, but the Y ones confused the fuck out of me

I played it shortly after Talos Principle,too. I thought Talos was a legitimately great game, but just couldn't get into The Witness.

It could have been a great adventure game in a setting like that, instead it was the same puzzle with a different twist.

If they explained the story it wouldn't be nearly as interesting anymore.

I totally agree that it needed the environment for a lot of the puzzles. I don't think that really adds anything that suddenly makes it a game instead of just a series of puzzles though.

>be stuck on a puzzle
>give up after staring at it for 20 minutes

>come back to it later in the day
>solution pops into my head after like 15 seconds

I've honestly never enjoyed anything in my life

have you tried drugs user?

no, maze puzzles over and over without much variety

also good god it was pretentious, drop in recordings of ted talks like youre making a point fuck off jonathan blow

i did. could get real hard, very clever, and pretty rewarding to solve.
i didn't mind that there wasn't much in the way of story- for me it was always way less about a plot and more about its meta-themes

you can get it as a phone app

The story and writing in Talos is a lot more approachable and the puzzles themselves often give you more freedom in how you solve them to the point that the devs fully expected players to break them.

After playing Witness and Obduction I also realized just how much Talos benefits from being essentially a total conversion of Serious Sam 3.
The way you are able to freely to jump around and run at mach speed just feels so much better than the gentle strolling you do in those two games where every ankle-high ledge is a insurmountable obstacle for the player character that has to be walked around.

I disliked the exclusion puzzles and some areas had too much boring puzzles that presented no new ideas (such as most the puzzles in the treehouse). But overall it is pretty good.

Too hard.

I dig the idea of making one puzzle your lock screen

Puzzles were fine at first, but got sort of boring after a while. Just didn't get that feeling that I want to solve this puzzle.

It's a game that tries to emulate Myst but the director cannot actually create his own spatial puzzles so he just puts an overlay copied from a mobile game in every aspect of his game.

Very nice art direction apart from that. Cringeworthy attempts at storytelling but at least there are no infodumps like in that Croteam robot game.

I really wish I hadn't played Talos, since they released a VR version but I don't feel like replaying puzzle games :(

>i dont like the witness!
>the witness is boring!
>the puzzles are from a mobile game!
>i got frustrated because things were arbitrary!
>there was no story! games NEED a story!
>wah wah, change my diaper for me Mommy Jonathon!
Truly, these are the most brainlet-tier opinions.

I'll take pretentious non-game for 200, Blow.

Alright, user, here comes your clue:

This game plagiarizes the bible and adds puzzles with easily breakable "solutions," presenting the illusion of choice and autonomy in an insulting and condescending linear shitshow. Even after all this, it's praised endlessly by the low-IQ emotional babies on Sup Forums.

So? What'll it be?

Fuck off.

But he is le funny meme man.

sorry, did i hurt your fee-fees Roman Ribaric? or just your humble bundle royalties?

Don't speak to me, peasant. Back to your fake physics-based "puzzlers".

The puzzles that really used the environment in unique and interesting ways were great. The puzzles that could have just as easily been on a sheet of paper were a bit boring, though I still enjoyed the more challenging ones being a fan of puzzles. Overall I think The Witness was kind of a missed opportunity. It was a good idea that wasn't executed as well as it could have been

Your game is so shit, you're insulting e-celebs to deflect lol

This is what happens when a brainlet tries to play this game

I really really like this game, just the right amount of difficulty without being overwhelming. It's just a shame there aren't more games like it.

Sure thing. Ribaric is the CEO of Croteam, so I was implying that you were a Talos shill. Your post was essentially mine, except you removed all the nuance and wit. Just like what your favorite game did to philosophical puzzlers.

You're neither funny nor as authoritative as you think you sound.

Is it worth buying it on Steam?

I don't think, honey. I know.
Just fucking pirate it at this point. No one appreciates my art. NO ONE!!!

Definitely not right now, since the christmas sale just ended.

>Okay Sup Forums, what did you think about the Witness?
>brooo you gotta play the Talos Principle its a much better game I fuckin love Talos Principle did I forget to mention Talos Principle?
always funny how talos dicklets come out to play whenever The Witness is brought up

Bonus round:

maybe because it's better retard

masterpiece of shit

What do people have against the piss bottle



I loved every second of it

So, what was the deeper meaning of the piss jar?

>hates SJWs
>hates women
>piss in bottles for maximum comfyness
Is Blow our guy?

it wasn't the lack of story, it was blow putting random stuff in the game giving the impression that it has a deeper meaning when it turns out he's just pretentious af

Biggest strenght of Witness are puzzles tied into 3d world, you can't have that on iOS
I'm still mad and sad that there are so few 3d puzzle games, witness/talos/antichamber are so great

The Witness was brilliant in one aspect, and that was learning people how to do puzzles and teach the rules of the puzzles without giving a single instruction. That was its biggest strength and it did that very well.

The enviroments also look nice and will probably age well.

It's just too bad that there wasn't a whole lot more to the game. Not to mention that the slow movement speed made the game really drag on. For example, the enviromental puzzles on the boat were clever, but they weren't fun to solve, especially when you had to wait five minutes to try to input the solution to a puzzle you already know the answer to just because your perspective was a little off. (Not to mention the enviromental puzzle where you had to sit on your as for around for half an hour watching a movie to slowly solve it. God forbid you made a mistake on that one.)

The biggest problem feels like the game only "reward" was solving the puzzles. You never really get anything else out of the game. So if you don't constantly feel good about every puzzle that you solve it start, again, dragging on.

The voice clips you find also don't really add much of a story to the game except for maybe ten or so that vaguely hint at a backstory. If you don't enjoy listening to those, well, have fun with the ones that take ten minutes or so.

Might wanna check out Obduction, Parallax and maybe The Magic Circle.
There's also Kairo but that one might be a bit too "indie"-ish for some people.


>Two years later
holy shit kill me now

I'm sure this is one of those games where people are told to enjoy it and they agreed

Must Play:
>Stephen's Sausage Roll (top down, not FPS, but still 3D)

Really fun if you like exploring levels:
>Tri of Friendship and Madness

The only good Myst rip off I've played is Quern - Undying Thoughts
Portal Stories: Mel is a good portal 2 mod

Legend of Grimrock 2 is more an RPG, but it has good secrets and puzzles.
