I'm on the hunt for any game that has the same vibe as a 1990s era anime.
That isn't DBZ or a mech game.
Its an aesthetic that was needlessly abandoned.
I'm on the hunt for any game that has the same vibe as a 1990s era anime.
That isn't DBZ or a mech game.
Its an aesthetic that was needlessly abandoned.
Other urls found in this thread:
infatuated with sailor saturn..
>find a game made in the 90s based on an anime
Whoa that was hard
>1990s anime aesthetic
What does that even mean? 90s aesthetics and tones were all over the place.
>1990s anime aesthetic in a modern video game
>in a modern video game
>modern video game
Lunar and Grandia were anime as fuck.
So what, you want a cel painted videogame?
Do re-releases count? Also fighting games.
Modern cel-shaded games are made in the image of 2010-era anime. So no. The 1990s and late 1980s had a fairly defined look.
I said cell painted you illiterate fuckbag
Dragon's Crown maybe?
>The 1990s and late 1980s had a fairly defined look.
No they didn't, older anime aesthetics were all over the place.
not as good as plastic love
City Pop is wonderful please don't meme it into the ground
Not especially.
>1990s anime aesthetic
Kichikuou Rance
>they actually used to have noses and a variety of jaw shapes
>1990s anime aesthetic
do you want something chibi like dragon half or something detailed like lodoss, or something stylistically oldschool like utena or something that looks moe like cardcaptor sakura, or something flashy like gaogaigar or something noir like bebop or something edgy like genocyber?
Modern anime is a lot more varied in terms of visuals than the stuff from the 70s-90s.
He's seen too much
>1990s anime aesthetic
>post heavily edited picture with the vaporware shit all over It as
>1990s anime aesthetic
So you want moeblob games?
>00 eyes
Does Kyoani really have that much influence over the artform?
Aren't you one of these faggots who listens to soundcloud rap with these gifs on youtube?
Kyoani's power over the medium is maximum.
I mean were you around for K-on and everything after it? Yes, they did.
K-On is to modern anime as Dragon Ball Z was to the 90s.
It's because they actually have a good style that A-1 Pictures keeps trying to replicate and still fails miserably.
OP obviously wants a game that has the same aesthetics and vibes as those Chillhop, Vaporwave 24/7 livestreams on Youtube.
I like the black and white style.
Who /70s/ here?
Me, haha, I love cartoons 3 times older than me, everything today is such shit things were better before I was alive.
Does such a game even exist? I don't think any game could look good with the Instagram filters.
Maybe Night In The Woods?
Who are you parodying?
Absolutely. I remember watching K-On with Sup Forums as it aired. Everyone was enamored with the art style and heralding it as some great renaissance of moe that hadn't really been done well since Cardcaptor Sakura. Immediately after, pretty much every genre you could think of started mimicking the K-On style, with it being most predominant in slice-of-life. Shitty harem anime is one of those genres that's pretty much always been around since the 80s, and it's a good one to look at for observing the trends in anime. After K-On, the style for eyes, noses, and shading became pretty ubiquitous in harem anime. Similarly, everything looked a lot like DBZ after it got big. Before that, everything was basically just like Ranma 1/2. The overall changes stem mostly from a mix of popularity and reduced cost. It's just straight-up cheaper to use K-On's style with computers than it is to try doing DBZ's or older shows, which take lots of hand-drawing and more tones in shading. K-on demonstrated a simple, clean, and efficient way to produce cute characters.
Would Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love count for you?
Wanting this kind of shit is the most fucking painfully contrived thing I've ever seen. It's 20 fucking 18, nigger. Get used to it.
I'm definitely not an anime fan but I mean I love stuff like Cyber City Oedo, the A.D. Police OVAs, M.D. Geist and Angel Cop but I feel like they should just stay in the 90's instead of getting gang-raped to death by those fucking outrun/synthwave faggots.
That's not a modern chart.
Goemon games.
Not modern but still worth getting into.
>I'm not an anime fan but I like all this anime
Considering a bunch of Anime from the 90s are getting reboots and sequels maybe you'll get some games based on them.
There is literally nothing wrong with Outrun
Anyone can identify these?
>I don't know what fan means
>Modern anime
and yet from that entire list only like four or five of them are made in the last decade. the industry has gone downhill in the last ten years
>the industry has gone downhill in the last ten years
Top right question mark is Dead Leaves. Blue guy AROUND THE WORLD AROUND THE WORLD
Honestly just look at most things made in Japan in the 90s. Like anything on the PC-FX.
Popful Mail comes to mind. Sakura Taisen. There's a big field to pick from.
do you even know what year it is?
galak z to a certain extent.
Arise sucked though.
Take a wild guess how old is that list.
>I'm on the hunt for any game that has the same vibe as a 1990s era anime.
>That isn't DBZ or a mech game.
user, you are asking too much
either way, closest would be Xenoblade1 and 2
since you don't want mechas neglect X
1 and 2 technically also have mechas, but you can't pilot them closest in piloting them would be Mythras stage4 special attack, but that only shots lasers from a Mech
>blue angry man
Inter5tella 5555 (Daft Punk music video)
>black and white confused man on the right
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
both are really good
dead leaves
that daft punk music video?
tatami galaxy
no idea
I played Lunar for 30 hours or so before I took a break but that shit just feels like such a slog
That chart was literally made really early on this decade, it's missing 7/8 years worth of stuff
Why is the shading in modern anime so terrible?
I don't think I can go back to JRPGs, they don't offer much for me anymore.
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
It's actually Tatami Galaxy I think
Dead Leaves
Insterestella 5555
Tatami Galaxy
dunno lol
Left to right
Sailor Moon
Angel's Egg
Crotamrie high school
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Kibble Bibble
Black Lagoon
Dead Leaves
Le Petit Cosette
I dunno but I should
Garden of Sinners
Gakutsuo Count of Monte Cristo
Big O
Interstella 5555
Tatami Galazy
??? Ninja Scroll maybe?
Kimi no Todoke
Giant Robo
Girl who Lept through Time
Professor Layton?
Because of digital.
>Why is the shading in modern anime so terrible?
The trend of awful shading started in the late 90s.
>Think you both are referencing the Ghibli movie
>Look it up
Well shit.
nigga you dumb
I've never claimed otherwise
Xenoblade Chronicles X if you like Kunihiko Tanaka's design that was also used in Xenogears and Xenosaga 1
I am? What's it to you, buddy? U wanna GO!???
Only good Harem Anime was Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki.
Xenoblade X looked awkward because that late 90s artstyle doesn't translate well to modern 3D
>Key the Metal Idol
great taste desu
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel
Persona 1
Castlevania Rondo of Blood
UNO on PS1
I just glanced at that and 3 of those were Dandy which was amazing.
Tenchi Muyo was bottom-of-the-barrel trash compared to other 90s harems. Even Ranma was better.
Which anime series is that from in the pic on the 80s/90s section on the right column 2nd one up from the bottom(pic on the right of Rei)?
pixel shit is making a comeback and the 80's are cool now, so i think its only a matter of time before the 90's get their turn in the spotlight again
Forgot to make clear but I was mention what series that rabbit chick is from?
speaking of which, anyone else find it a little odd that soundcloud trap/lofi almost completely ripped off the vaporwave/future funk aesthetic for seemingly no real reason?
Dragon quest ;^)
60s and 80s are god tier
yeah and guess what, in the intervening 7 years, out of the hundreds of TV anime and movies that have been made basically fucking none of them are worth adding to the chart except the jojo adaptations and I guess a few random ones like Kabaneri, it's really a small handful. what else would you add, Kemono Friends?
Not really "Modern" but Popful Mail is close.
The SIlver Case is 100% late 90s y2k fear aesthetic, and it pulls it off wonderfully.
Will any anime illustrator ever surpass Satoshi Urushihara?
>been around for ages
>still shits out top-tier art even today
the point of the image was to cherrypick every cute moe show from the 90s and also cherrypick every masculine male character from the last ten years, even if it meant using shit shows like the new Berserk adaptation
In other words, it's fucking cancer
You're confusing that with being literally the only semi-watchable one, which is why it's the only one palatable to the average westerner
>literally gets better the further back in time you go
Time passing was a mistake
They left out the true faces of modern anime masculinity
hey buddy. I liked Tenchi Muyo but I also liked Ranma
I recognize some of them.
really? my involvement with anime is spotty at best but I really dig the 80s style
where would I go about finding this retro looking anime stuff?
amen to that
dude's a fucking legend
YAS designs are always good.
Otaku no Video.
First column, third row, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.
The InuYasha manga came out in the mid 90s but the anime didn't start until 2000 so I guess this counts?
Anyways you get to "somewhat" NTR the InuYasha cast in this game