This is still the best FPS ever made...

This is still the best FPS ever made. Literally the only two flaws with this masterpiece are that the Xen levels drop the ball compared to the incredible game before them and that the "hd" pistol looks worse than the original slick as fuck pimp glock

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Everything in the HD pack is terrible

Yeah but why do we have to wear these ridiculous ties?

You have shit taste.

Tell me how much you love Gearbox fan-fiction content, Mr Pitchford.


Opposing Force is the only great thing Gearbox has ever made. For "fanfiction" content its pretty fucking good

gearbox helped make opposing force you cucky fuck, the HD pack came with blue shift

I've yet to play a game with movement as smooth as gold src, I can't stand HL2 because of how sluggish it feels. Same reason why I can't get into CSGO.

Half-Life 1 is terrible
2 is actually good

>I've yet to play a game with movement as smooth as gold src
It's literally the Quake 1 engine and Quake 1 feels smoother.

Black Mesa > City 17

Goldeneye and Timesplitters 2 are better.

Doom 2 or Quake

The combat is somewhat awkward at times with weird balancing.

>cinematic shit

>cant even rip and tear

>"let's turn Half-life into an Adam Sandler movie"
Oh yeah, this is great.

You should look up who made Blue Shift

How the fuck are you supposed to clear the first stage in "Interloper" anyway? I always drop the game at that level. I always end up stuck on the rising pillar, unable to jump.

would be better if they let you buffer your jumps. for this reason alone, quake is better.

Anyone here liked black mesa remake?

You can't rip in tear in OG Doom either, ya dummy.

To prevent getting stuck on an elevator during the level load, I usually mash jump.

It's really well made.

>It's really well made.
I really liked late game 3 way battles and the fact that they fleshed out environments and random characters a bit, like using security guard as your bodyguard in the beginning.

explosive barrels

I liked Episode-style large setpiece battles they added, not only the Questionable Ethics one but the ones later in Lambda Complex. I love that kind of stuff.

HL has explosive crates.

Daily reminder that pretty much everything that people say Half-Life "pioneered" was already done before in games like Quake 2, Goldeneye and SiN.

quake 2, goldeneye and SiN werent all incredibly atmospheric and well put together games that had the entire package that half life did. Its a classic for a reason

>linear as living fuck
>confrontation setpieces connected by boring hallways that is just a very small step away from being a goddamn quick time event game and may as well be
>dodgy as fuck controls and gameplay that feels like every floor is slippery as hell
>horribly laughable weapons
>pretentious LOLSTORY pseudogaming shit that was a ripoff of and done better in DOOM (scientific installation, accident, monsters from Another Place come, one guy kills them then goes to the Place they come from to kill their boss)


But they all were. Literally the only thing Half-Life combined in one package was continuous level design together with decent in-engine storytelling. Whoopdy-doo, that's it. SiN and Goldeney already had the in-engine storytelling and Quake 2 had the continuous level design.

That's my message alert sound.

>rip and tear
fuck off reddit

half life had
>seamless levels with thick atmosphere and probably the most interesting/ fleshed out setting of them all
>great gunplay, weapon progression is very good and immerses you instead of taking you out of the game
>puzzles are good and contribute to the stellar pacing of the game

>not the quake 2 lava pain sounds

>This is still the best FPS ever made

But... that's not Unreal.

Unreal is not even the best Unreal game.

>tfw no s/v/en threads

That was disturbing. Did id ever make a game with bad sound design?

>reditors think everything in the world was made by reddit

nope all of their game sounds are iconic

it was considered a joke before redditors adopted it

no YOU have shit taste

who gives a shit about what reddit adopts other than reddit itself?

Used it only for as long as it took me to find an option to turn it the fuck off

Delete the photo of my daughter right now

doom was never about "le rip and tear" reddit retard

my dad always thought that said "bibby bob bub bay bib"

doom is about realy fast and realy chaotic combats

The term adopted by the fanbase to this kind of game is fucking rip and tear.
While HL all you do is shot a realy slow firing pistol into a fucking pussy with legs on the ground

In doom you fucking circle the enemy, making then fight eachother while firing 4 diferent guns

It's that a Tom Hall and John Romero joke reference?

>a comic relief security guard automatically makes the game shit
You're fucking retarded.

I dunno, I've played it for the first time a few months ago and I wasn't really amazed by it. It's good, but nothing amazing.
In my opinion the best FPS ever made is F.E.A.R