>nintendo blew their load last year
>switchfags are getting literally nothing in 2018
Nintendo blew their load last year
They get dark souls.
>They get a 7 year old game
It's portable
Alright I'll be over here enjoying my "nothing" that is DKCTF, Bayonetta 1+2+3, Fire Emblem RPG, Kirby, Yoshi, Pokémon and Metroid Prime 4
Meh. I have a PC, PS4, and a switch so if nothing good comes out of E3 for the switch I’ll be fine.
>Switch does the same thing as a portable gaming laptop
>implying a portable gaming laptop is as portable as a handheld
Getting TWEWY 1.5
>Laptops could literally play performance-demanding games as long as 12-15 years ago
Console fans literally think they're discovering something new with portable gaming
Sure gameboy did it first, and? It's all computers in the end bros
I fucking hate how all you fags are claiming that the switch is "portable" if that shit cannot fit in your pockets its not fucking portable. Not everyone is a 500 pound fat ass with pockets the size of giant hardcover book.
>rehashes and ports
Not even the DS is portable then. Putting that shit into your pants pocket will just damage it if you sit down
>buy gaming laptop
>dude i7 gaming!!! 2000€ with a 750ti
>overpriced shit
>yoo duude colored keyboards
>size of a motherfucking elephant
>need a shitty fan, huge power cable
Fuck off user, I got one and it's also not bad but laptops are a shitty meme
Cargo pants are utility.
Also who the fuck doesn't carry some kind of bag around with them when they go places?
Who's this semen demon?
Why the fuck do ass pockets even exist?
>Anons say Sup Forums is Nintendogaf
>Since the Switch dropped, people have been shitposting it non-stop for almost a year
There's still E3 tho
>Nintendo blew their loads last year
>They are getting ports of good Wii U games that no one bought because it was on Wii U
>Portable version of well loved game
>Nintendo Direct soon to add more cherries on top
source? google is giving me nothing
Darling in the Franxx, it aired literally an hour ago
Yeah, I’ll next year after it gets a revision.
Man this show just came out dude.
>it's simply impossible to own multiple consoles
isn't that the new gainax show? It looks nothing like Kill la kill or panty and stocking. Didn't knew they had any other kind of artsyle
They'll say they don't mind getting ports from the Wii U since they didn't play the games anyway, but even that library is close to running dry. What is it even missing at this point of any real relevance? Smash and Tokyo Mirage Sessions?
Still more than 1 game released during the first 3 years of its existence so it beats the PS4 already.
That obviously makes you a good goy if you even remotely want to enjoy games rather than being a neanderthal that lives on one console/pc.
yeah it's trigger but it's a collab with A-1 picture
>2 hours battery life
Hey, dezaki!
sorry were all not neckbeards.
>i get all my information from Sup Forums
>switchfags are getting literally nothing in 2018
Should I add more?
6 hours.
Well PSG isn't trigger and it's a collab show, so.
Prime 4 is not 2018 i'm tired of metroid fags being so delusional. At most it'll be spring 2019 if not the big summer title while pokemon is the winter title.
>metroid fags
You mean Primefags?
You'll be waiting a long time for most of those games, user. You should consider becoming an idort.
>you have to be a neckbeard to appreciate being able to carry important things on your person
i aint owned one in a long time, the battery life must still be shit or something
I was under the impression that most of the fanbase united after the Other M fiasco.
Getting inferior ports of old ass games, yeah great fucking lineup faggot.
2+ hours with heavy duty games like BotW.
4+ hours with low duty games like Voez or Blaster Master Zero.
And you can easily double that with a battery extension.
I take my Switch with me on business trips. Fits in my laptop bag just fine, and I'd much rather do that than have a second laptop for gaming as that would cost way more.
Or 2019. The next first party aaa Nintendo game is literally years away
>ever for one second implying that the place that sent a thank you card because they liked nintendo's advertising isn't Nintendogaf
Nah, we hate the Prime fanbase they keep shitting up 2D Metroid threads by stating that Samus Returns flopped using VGChartz numbers, even though Nintendo is saying the exact opposite of what the Primefags are saying.
>comparing switch with laptop.
I game on both. You are retarded.
so is my laptop
You've got ten seconds to list me even one good game coming to the Switch this year. However, I will not consider it good under the following circumstances:
>it cannot be a port. If the Ps4 has no games despite having thousands of ports, they do not count
>portability cannot be touted as a selling point. again the vita tried this, and I wasn't buying its lies.
>it cannot be a popular game. Normies have objectively bad taste
>it can't have a high metacritic
>it can't be a multiplat
>it can't be a shooter
>it can't run at 30 FPS
>it can't have any DLC of any kind
>it can't be story heavy
>it can't be casual
As you can see, I have some high standards. I don't bend over for corporate interest.
wow enjoy the games that wii U owners not only got earlier but get for free because their console is actually hacked
we are getting this in a few weeks (probably)
>the Switch will flop right out the gate!
>sure the Switch is selling but it's not selling super fast, who cares if it's Q1? They'll never make it until Mario releases!
>Fine, the Switch might be one of the fastest selling consoles of all time but it still hasn't beat the PS4! They blew their load they're done for sure now!
Loving Every Laugh
>>switchfags are getting literally nothing in 2018
did you miss the direct a day or two ago
Literally no one that likes the Prime games hates the 2D games. Stop falseflagging and kill yourself.
dark souls can run on a fucking i3 dinosaur you nigger you arent fooling anyone
now what?
>I have some high standards
>it can't be story heavy
Not even my phone fits into my pocket nigga
I've literally lost credit cards because they've fallen out of my shallow as fuck pockets.
You're supposed to carry these things in a bag.
what anime is this
ga gave me nothing
Did you?
I played one of those, and bought the other. The one I played was pretty fun, even if there was such a minimal story and characters.
Remember when Sup Forums said it was "dead on arrival" during the presentation? Good times.
>Moving goalposts
As always
>I want my video games to be movies
>not owning just a switch, the only console with good games
The Switch could be the greatest selling console of all time but Sup Forums would still say it's a flop because there were more computers that have had Windows 7 installed at some point than Switches sold.
Almost certainly a new Fire Emblem
Shin Megami Tensei V
Bayonetta 3
You own a 3ds?
>30 FPS cinematic experiences and shovelware
>"good games"
chronicles contains all 3 games and is coming to the switch
Does the Switch even have any "cinematic experience" games?
Knowing how big Pokemon is, Nintendo has pretty much ate everyone's wallet at this point.
The Bayonetta games but there's a good balance between gameplay and cutscenes.
If he happens to be ACfag he'll make some retarded reasoning as to why Mario and Zelda are cinematic nongames.
I'm getting more twewy. As far as I am concerned, the Switch is the best system next to the DS now
You must have missed the thread yesterday with Canadian Doug “ACfag” Harris and colleagues shitting up a Metroid thread until bump limit.
The 3DS is the cheapest system this gen and has 4 Pokemon games and still failed to beat the PS4 ;)
Did someone actually dox him?
Can we please rangeban Canadians from Sup Forums?
>retarded reasoning as to why Mario and Zelda are cinematic nongames.
They are like compete opposite of "cinematic experience" games and I don't even really play those games. I don't understand how you could even come up with that.
>look mummy i posted it again
Explain to me Zelda, Xenoblade, and Bayonetta if you're such a smart guy. They all count as cinematic experiences.
>b-but they have good gameplay
No they don't. They're all liiked by game journalists, so they can't be good by default.
It's where pretty girls put their phones/wallets. Presumably to be quirky, but I dunno.
>Switch might be one of the fastest selling consoles of all time
*In the US
Meanwhile PS4 sold 20 million in 2017 ;)
they have cutscenes and aren't 60fps
Yup someone found him out in the thread and we finally learned the truth he’s a Leaf and he always defends Uncharted, The Last of Us, and Horizon Zero Dawn.
And in Japan. And Mexico. And Spain. And France.
Only if we range ban you first, but really when did it become a meme to hate Canada?
Please read the post from ACfag
Don't engage though. He's a retard who literally thinks PUBG is a cinematic experience despite being 100% gameplay and having no story.
Don't know about you, but games either run like shit for me on battery or kill my battery too fast to even be worth it. Unless I'm playing some mobile tier shit, anyway. But then I'd just use my phone instead. Your argument isn't valid.