Yandere Simulator terminates partnership with tinyBuild after less than half a year

>shill anime idea on Sup Forums
>make patreon
>get $5k
>spend 3 years doing nothing
>try get company to make game
>company quits


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Else If
Else If
Else If
Else If

the guy's a joke. this has been obvious to me for years, and i don't follow him at all.

The game dev is a /r9k/ autist, it blows my mind to see his pathetic videos get millions of views, really gives my low hope for the white youth

is YanSim a new Bob's Game?

>The game dev is a /r9k/ autist
No, even /r9k/ would call him a fag and tell him to fuck off. Even 8ch got sick of his shit after welcoming him in because they were desperate for some kind of celebrity endorsement of any kind

he'll keep making money off his meme game for another 4 years.

Looks like katawa shoujo will remain the only game Sup Forums has ever released.
Why can't Sup Forumsirgins just suck it up and do something right for once?

Game gets too popular and everyone starts screeching about reddit until devs give up on it

This game is going to go to real shit without TinyBuild. They were the ones that fixed his shit code, and everything else that was buggy or fucked about the game.

>Not even his real channel

>starts working with a company to improve his game's code
>company improves his game's code
Somehow, it's not that surprising.

oh wait nvm, I'm retard

Is he talking to himself in this video and in the comments?

his actual code: pastebin.com/raw/hsqba0Pn

don't you love ascii art in your code

>///// DAILY SCHEDULE /////

What a joke lol
>Let's add random shit to the game first and leave features for later!

just fucking end your life, eva

don't forget

>shitpost every now and then on Sup Forums to create the illusion anyone cares about this piece of shit game

get a real job loser vaperion or whatever the fuck you call yourself

>cosplaying as a stock asset from the unity store

it's an expose channel using the same name to try get fans to click on their video

This is the guy who literally generates drama to keep his game on the map.

This guy is slow as hell. Its been at least five years since he began yandere sim. And this is where he has gotten.
>Same boring school.
>Still uses MMD models
>Have of development time goes into making "easter eggs"
>Spends weeks making a development decision.
>Everything he does is done as inefficently as possible, weather it be coding, level design, or game mechanic design.

I have virtually no knowledge about scripting and only know how to reverse engineer scripts and use algebra, yet I as in experienced as I am I still am a better developer than Yandere.Sim.

Also fuck him for pollutning every yandere asmr video with his shitty game.

There's a stupid amount of money to be made exploiting the ironic weeb/meme game twitch bait market.

His game is a novelty idea, like Goat Simulator, that has been banned from Twitch. So half his buyers cant even use it. On top of that he just keeps the drama rolling to get people's eyes because he cannot do that with the actual game itself.


>tfw 21 year old /r9k/ autist
>Not getting a girlfriend ever and will probably buy a sex doll
>Dad is American white guy, so I may as well be a white person
>He never raised me or showed me anything and just drank all of the time and sent me to public school in Texas which is underfunded
>Mixed-raced, 72% European, 15% Negroid, and 11% Ameri-indian
>Turned into an atheist when I was 13 because my father never bothered to really teach me religion and only kept saying stupid shit like "God is good!"
>He would spy on his own daughter and only served to wake me up to what people really are, and he shook me from my faith in a deity

I feel a deep hatred for my dad despite my love for him. He had a "Fuck it" attitude toward raising his children.

I'm what I am because I've been allowed to run from all of the issues I've ever encountered.

I can't shake the feeling that the average American white person is the same thing as my dad. They have kids to use them to fill in the time, and when their kids aren't acclimated to a fucked-up world, they shrug their shoulders and blame their kids.

fuck evaxephon. he's had 4 years to make his game.

going to make an open source yandere sim on github, the community can build the game that the community deserves.

Eva's gotten trolled out of Sup Forums so many times it's hardly worth calling him part of this site at all

Fuck off, Eva.

don't forget
>every time he plays a new game he gets "inspired" and spends months copying some gameplay gimmick from it

even if this game ever does come out, it will never be good. it still plays like some random unity game.

Damn, I hate real life.
Kids shouldn't be escaping that hard at such a young age.

This is the worst part honestly.

>Our game
Hahahaa no
This fucker made his dumb fetishes into a game about anime and tried to pass it off on us as an “ironic meme XDDDD”
Hope he gets fucked.

Its one thing to mimic a good mechanic, such as the hitman thing which works for what he wants to do. But this guy takes it too far and just our right plagiarizes it.

>Looks like katawa shoujo will remain the only game Sup Forums has ever released.
Risk of Rain was made by people from Sup Forums dumb cock.

Valhalla and Risk of Rain you retard

I heard about RoR, but Hall-A? Are those venezuelans really /ourguys/?

>visual shitels
this site sucks

this game is very sexist and problematic but on top of that it brings down a bad light on school shooters

boycott this shit


Yes. They post in the amateur game dev thread over at /vg/ and sometimes here on Sup Forums.


Have you ever been this mad at a video game Sup Forums?

>a Sup Forumsirgin is making almost 70,000$/year making a videogame
>Sup Forums is mad

Fuck you losers

>be weird unstable autist virgin
>make violent weeb game
>suddenly gain edgy fangirls who send you nudes
I need to download some cheap unity assets and get in on this.

Kill yourself for being an edgy non-white, faggot.


This dude is and always has been a notorious fag.

Any idea how are they doing? Still stuck in that shithole?

kys evaxephon

So basically he wants to milk patreon cash from girls and little boys as long as possible. gotcha.

>a boolean variable for each possible state
How embarassing

That's racist.
Still true though.

Love how in the video he says "Tiny Build will help with the code and building the game, and I'll remain the creative designer." He is LITERALLY the idea guy, and wants to remain that.

I don't think anyone is going to help him after TinyBuild left. No company just wants to make a game for someone, without putting their own spin on it. Which obviously he is scared of.
Seeing how slow and incompetent Eva himself is, this game is going to be shit or never finished. Sad because I like the concept of playing a yandere.

Notch is a fucking billionaire but he's still "our guy". Eva is just a sperg.

Nice blog, bro now how about you share some of that disappointment with your fellow Sup Forums lads...in form of spy pics of your sister.


These guys were ok, but they pale in comparison to that dude that shot-up the supermarket and topped himself for his shitty cartoons.

He was incredible. An absolute and total faggety homo that had no business brandishing a gun.

Absolutely asinine and only half self-aware.

I've never seen a more retarded post. No girl funds him, obviously, and no boy under the age of 25 funds him. He's supported by wizards you dumb retard

>Sup Forums
Haha, No. It was a game released by people who MET on Sup Forums, anonymous cannot claim their labour as his own.

From the video it sounds like even if a company is going to make it for him, they're not going to be able to change his shitty code.

Half the Yandersim fanbase are 14 year old girls

>the only game Sup Forums has ever released

Does minecraft technically count?

>he's still "our guy"
There was a long time where he wasn't. When he started making the game he literally came here for input, but once it started to blow up he abandoned Sup Forums and went to reddit instead. He didn't become "our guy" again until he started BTFOing SJWs on twitter, because Sup Forums cares so much more about that than they do video games that they're willing to forget all that.

Yes, Notch apparently still posts here and always has. He just stopped shilling here after he got a bit of traction.

Stupid blog posting faggot, go back to your containment board

>tfw the shooting range episode where you think he's joking about being such a terrible shot but then he has terrible accuracy in the supermarket and you realize he just really sucks at shooting

If you believe that it's literally best if you kill yourself because youre going to struggle through life


I know shooting is MUCH harder than video games make it seem, but how do you miss THAT many close range targets?

Valhalla was a 4chen game
But the sjws got to the devs and they think they are gods now like all other indie people

There are plenty of 14 year old girls who literally idolize spergy school shooters.

I'm not going to repeat myself. You're very uninformed about simple things in life

a face only a mother could love....

I just kept thinking. If the targets stood perfectly still, he wouldn't hit them and cops would arrive.

>ironic meme XDDDD”
Sincerity is now reddit, haven't you heard?

>doesn't even narrate this video, uses text because he knows his 12 year old audience doesn't have the attention span to read through this
What a fuckhead. seriously.

Have you seen the commentors/comments on his videos? or the video where he met soem fans? His fanbase is literally LMAO RANDOM XD girls and boys.

I hope you're kidding. The entire thing has been nothing but a Patreon welfare scam from DAY 1

He's unable to hold a real job, never interacts with people, and can't code. So what better way to achieve financial security than to spend years promoting a project he has no means of producing for handout money? The notion of him having no skills, yet constantly expanding the scope of the game by the day with each game he plays instead of 'working' should be proof enough that this was just a cash grab.

Fuck off Eva

I have a 15 year old girl cousin who talks to me about yandere sim, and her group of internet friends roleplaying yandere sim as their OCs
and stuff incessantly since last year

I thought the girl teen audience was a meme

it's not from him, it's a fake video from a fake channel.

>kills two people
>tries to kill self
>missed point blank and kill a granny
>shot again
>finally ded

I thought girls dont play video games, why would they play this kind of game out of all the games out there

>But the sjws got to the devs

So.... fake news or what? While we're talking about him anyone got that video of him sperging out because he sucks at cuphead?

Nah you fags are retarded. No well adjusted girls will have ever heard about the game, let alone like it. If you actually know any girls that like it they were molested and are incest tragedies

Even if the video is from some literal who knock off channel, Tinybuild will probably get fed up and leave him in the lurch eventually at the rate he goes. He's been working on the first boss for what? A year now? At the rate he goes it'll take him 7 years to finish all the bosses, and the game (should it ever release which it won't) would be reaching Duke Nukem Forever levels and people will finally wise up to his scheme but it will be too late


The problem is he's NOT content being just an idea guy. He demands they don't change his code too much so he can still work on it himself.

And that's a big problem, since he's apparently pretty shit at coding. I wouldn't know, I don't code at all.

I'd kill to have the chance to just be an ideas guy on a project like that. Be like, a creative director, or something. I love making up stories. Too bad I'll never get anywhere with it.

Nobody said they were normal well adusted girls

It's a fake youtube channel.... What the fuck is going on???

Still has not work unlike u lol

>No well adjusted girls
No one said they were you retarded faggot. Your confident tone can't hide how stupid you are no matter how hard you try.

Looks good to me. Whats the issue?

>And that's a big problem, since he's apparently pretty shit at coding. I wouldn't know, I don't code at all.
He's in a special place beyond shit.

>it's an expose channel using the same name to try get fans to click on their video
like i said it's an expose channel using the same name to try get fans to click on their video

It's an internet detective using a channel of the same name to trick Yandere Sim fans into learning what a useless shithead Eva is.

he should just give up on the game and just stick to streaming. hell, he would probably make more money.