Why doesn't he have any good skills worth killing him for?
The real question is why would you kill him off
Also he's the only way to easily get Atk Ploy (only on 2 others, both 5* exclusive with one as a limited) and Mirror Strike (only on Sonya).
Because I already have enough units to get me through AA while still waiting on characters I actually like.
>not liking Oliver
Don't reply to me ever again.
>not liking oliver
I fucking hate nu-fe faggots and their complete incapacity to appreciate any older characters
Who are you talking to
>by the time Oliver is out the FEW maps will be over
Did you do your free roll yet?
Why is his skillset so underwhelming?
I got a -SPD Tharja, funny how my +def/-res is still my best one.
I got a merge for my wife
Robin, although I don't really mind more Bonfire fodder, lets me save up my Adult Tiki stock.
Not rolling anything else on it though.
got a 5* hinoka on the free roll. It's a fine roll but i didn't need her.
Could you beat Hinoka in an arm wrestle?
Probably not but I'd be more interested in her retainers desu, Azama would probably crush my hand before I even pushed back.
Lucky cunt, he's good fodder
Because he is a test of your devotion to beauty. If you are willing to invest in him then you will be granted true beauty in return. If you fodder him then you will be cursed with pity breaker Peris and healers.
My 5th Rody. I'd be happier if he was at least a 5 star. I wouldn't have to spend feathers to fodder him that way.
Surely we'll get The Devoted in the next RD TT, right?
Oliver is probably my favorite secret recruitable character in FE.
Why is regular Ike so shit?
4* +Def/-Atk Robin.
Bonfire/Spur Def fodder I guess.
Azama has literally the lowest attack stat in Heroes so I doubt it
Azama actually is ridiculously strong physically, his magical abilities are dogshit. Unfortunately he's stuck in a magic class in FEH.
So yes, he'd probably break the arm while he's at it.
Low durability on a DC infantry unit with shit tier Res and also a red sword user.
If you played his game you'd know that Azama is actually as strong as Ryouma but can't cast magical attacks to save his life.
How retarded is a DC Berkut's Nephenee?
gacha isn't vidya
fuck off to a gambling 8ch board
This guy is too good, these are his own buffs
Berkuts Lance honestly makes any DC build viable
I got +Res/-def ryoma. Is he still good?
He's always a glass cannon, so leaving his Atk/Spd untouched makes him usable enough. That, and a bit more Res makes use of more of his built-in Distant Counter.
Obviously not the best, but he may as well be as good as a Neutral Ryoma.
I guess it works with his prf.
I really want a firesweep dagger now though.
I can see it happening since we have firesweeps for other weapons. It'll be later rather than sooner though.
It helps him make use of his distant counter, i think its pretty good
Ok i got 3 micaiahs. Should i merge them or use the two i dont use for DD fodder. I still have an extra celica and rhajat i can use for DD fodder.
Is +spd or +atk better for Ryoma?
+SPD all the way more doubles for Ryoma and he also gets doubled a lot less.
>Wo Dao+
>Sturdy blow
That's not too bad.
It was the free roll so I really don't care, I already have airzura ready for the TT anyways
Find a flaw.
>not equipped with Fury Mystletainn
Been working on some teams with units I haven't been using much. Lukas is pretty damn good I've found.
What projects are you working on, anons? I finished this Chrom to go alongside Micaiah.
Also his seal isn't even maxed out.
Which 4* inheritable skills should I put in the remaining slots?
>killing perfection
Do we know what seals we're getting from the upcoming TT yet?
We will tomorrow.
Finally finished working on this gentleman for my armor team. Just had to get a close counter and upgrade the bow, finally satisfied with a good armor team now
I thought about promoting him as soon as I get him but I’m having second thoughts now. Don’t really need a blue mage tank right now and he needs another 20k to get a better tome, if he had a special weapon like “Oliver’s tome”, maybe I would’ve bothered with him.
Have you ever went against an archer meme team in the Arena before Sup Forums? I don't think big Tiki would have done as well against this team with the same build and positioning in this situation.
Not free, but didn't cost too many orbs. If only she wasn't +HP -ATK though.
He cant be that bad...is he?
Here's free(you)s and fuck off with your shitty webms
>Have you ever went against an archer meme team in the Arena before Sup Forums?
Pic related.
>got arya
What do?
I remember the days when Tako, Hector and Ryoma ruled the arena. Thank goodness for SI, I don't know where we'd be without it.
I still think something like this would've been better for Zelgius.
(And I still can't really fathom why we needed "Black Luna", was Eclipse not good enough?)
jesus. I'd still kill it dead instantly with Tinyhands but it's fuckign scary still.
Either Phantom Speed or Speed +3 as her seal, or eat the -Spd and realize that she's still faster than the majority of units even at -Spd.
just filter them you fucking autist
He's better than pretty much every sword except the other DC having people. His only real problem is how quickly heavy blade got powercrept.
Fodder off her Swift Sparrow to someone and invest in Arden.
Now all I see is shitty ass lyn's and healers teams
I don't have CC, but mine does have the bow. Is his default ok for it until I can get a Takumi?
>and realize that she's still faster than the majority of units even at -Spd.
Then why isn't -Spd her best bane?
I realized the same thing with Innes when I got a -Res one. Granted he really needs to rely on Fort Res and the Owl effect of his bow, but even then he's still one of the best magic tank archers.
Because why be faster than a majority of units when you can be faster than all of them?
What's the build on your Innes?
You can tell this was made by someone who's never played FE4
>4-Star Reinhardt
+Atk -Res. I'm still deciding what I want to do with him but I know I plan on keeping him.
I made that with Heroes in mind, but in one FE4 run of mine my Arden actually ended up getting a fuckton of good levels and I ended up using him in the endgame.
Granted this was at the cost of my Finn getting shafted. I almost wasn't able to save Leif, he was that bad.
My current project.
Iote Seal really rounded the setup.
Basically a "bruiser" build dropping a Legion bomb on cluttered enemies.
His monstrous bow is pretty good, depending on what kind of build you want to go for him. Brave bow for offensive, guard bow for defensive. It works either way, but guard bow is definitely more useful than monstrous and has provided much better results. He shines with close counter with the build I have now, and it was very worth sacrificing takumi for it
No, you can tell they didn't play FE4 because they seem to think Arya can wield Balmung
What IV's/Axe enchant is that? I've been looking for a build to make my Camilla good. When SI first came out i just put deathblow and drag back on her, which worked well enough for a while, but i've been meaning to actually try to make her work.
I mean I already have him with the Guard Bow, just poured a liquid Setsuna cocktail for him. The only thing I'm missing is the A skill, which he currently has as his default (Bracing Blow I believe, one of his current signature skills). I do have a C Tharja but she's very good IV and I'd rather not use her up.
I mean what skills do you have on him?
Remember that you're literally retarded if you're playing with "characters you like" instead of being smart and rolling for actually good units.
The Axe is +MT because i didnt have much luck in my IVs. She's currently +def-atk...
As for why, i was just tired of meme teams. Also Gunnthra made me think a debuff meta was coming.
Just his default skills right now. I haven't decided what other skills to invest into him yet.
I'd suggest something like a distant/close defense alternative instead then. Save your Tharja, even if she has awful IV's like mine she's an amazing unit. Or you can keep bracing blow until you get a close counter fodder like I did. Its when he has it that he truly shines as an armor unit
Since when do those two exclude the other one? FEH is no F/GO, but with enough fiddling, you can still make pretty much every unit work.
Ah i've got a +Atk -Def camilla that i don't know what to do with. Only build i ever see recommended for her is Distant Counter Emerald Axe, but fuck DC. I've been playing since launch and never seen a Hector.
What if it's both
>I still think something like this would've been better
Reminded me of that twitter post telling the artist to cover up Nowi.
Same for me. It was eithet Legion's or a Hammer+, and i wanted to get creative.
The thumbnail made him look like a Dullahan for a second there.
Alright then, probably just keeping Bracing Blow, gives him a DD2 on attack anyway for now.
Forge for the Bow? He's completely neutral.
t. cucks who didn't roll Airzura
Sorry your luck sucks
Don't ask me for the link. I'm fucking garbage at navigating twitter. Only time I go there is when a link is posted by someone else.
Micaiah vs Linde
Is it worth trying to pull Micaiah if I have a 56atk/38spd Linde? Maybe I'll try to pull for her tome.
Months ago someone posted some link/screencap of a redditor who tweeted to the artist that Nowi should be more covered up and posted their own edit of her with a black shirt.
I'd say +def or res, so it would give him either 36/32 or 33/35 defenses. Its up to you really, it'd work either way, think what his role will be in your armor team