What game has the laziest shittiest final boss fight of all time?
What game has the laziest shittiest final boss fight of all time?
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Twilight Princess
Definitely not pic related.
Probably Fable 2 or some shit.
OOT, literally just baseball and roll between his legs
Not that one. Hate the second half of DS1 all you want, but even if it's easy Gwyn is a fitting end boss.
Disregarding QTEs I'd say FFIV's boss fight, or any JRPG where some ancient evil comes out of nowhere.
Demon's souls. That slimy blob is a final boss? Bet many consider the false king as true final boss.
Shadow of Mordor
same as botw
Easy and shitty are not the same thing. And Gywn is only easy if you parry.
OoT at least has good presentation, both fights sucks in BoTW.
>Final boss dies horribly if you can parry.
>Final boss is a curse gimmick with five moves
>Final boss is a bunch of reused DaS1 animations with a minuscule health pool
For a series that prides itself on bosses, they sure do fuck up their bosses a lot.
I actually found Gwyn hard because I only parried, and I kept trying to parry his faster slash attacks.
Borderlands 1
Mass effect 2.
BOTW was really a letdown. Played through the whole game? Here, we'll just chop off half of the final boss's health. Not to mention the classic shoot magic arrows at the glowing spots.
>And Gywn is only easy if you parry.
>boss is only easy if you use a standard game mechanic
This argument is brought up frequently and it doesn't make any sense. It isn't like parry is some sort of optional thing you have to go do some weird side quest to learn. It's like saying Mega Man bosses are only easy if you use their weakness, something the entire game is literally built around doing.
Uncharted 1
But using buster only isn't that contrived. The game allows it 100% and it doesn't feel awkward at all. In a game with builds like Dark Souls you really don't have to parry.
>abuse a mechanic
>wtf why is this boss so easy?
If you fight him without being a pussy and spamming parry, he's a great, challenging final boss. But sure OP it's a lazy, shitty final boss because without parry you wouldn't have beaten him
far cry 3
>using parry is abuse
Still don't understand how anyone could look at that and think: "Yep, that's a great ending and a great boss fight". To be fair the plot in Dying Light is even more stupid than in Dead Island. At least Dead Island knew it's stupid.
You can also stunlock him with Zweihander or Dragon Greatsword.
Every Gradius game ever
>t. couldn't beat gwyn without a safety net
pretty sad desu
Zelda final bosses are almost always disappointing. All style and no substance.
>abusing a mechanic
how about u git gud??
the whole combat system in that game isn't very good, I played through the game avoiding almost all fights but the bosses since you break all your good weapons fighting enemies that have so much health killing 2 or 3 breaks your weapon.
Dying Light took itself way too seriously. Also the dudebro main character is fucking obnoxious.
The game clearly tried to be emotional in certain parts but utterly failed since all of the characters were incredibly "meh" and most of the time they acted as glorified quest givers anyway so you got little to no characterization with them.
>you're cheating and abusing game mechanics if you do anything other than naked SL1 fists only
>hurr hurr hes easy cuz i parried!
kek. bet you upgraded your weapons too kid
Just cause 3.
Mario odyssey, which a great example of lazy all throughout its playtime.
All I hear is a parryfag who cheated himself out of a really good bossfight and had to look up walkthroughs online for the majority of the game. You're trash.
Just finished playing this. Last boss is beyond lazy.
DaS2 final boss was such an easy fight.
I'v never had the time to flip through my inventory to use an item in a DaS boss fight before.
Pic unrelated
The hero mode is worse, the enemies have more health so they break all your weapons and regain health if you stop hitting them for two seconds.
This is the Proper Way™ to do a fight in Dork Smells™: youtube.com
How can you even "cheat" yourself out of a boss fight if you're only using mechanics the game itself provides?
If a boss fight can be cheesed, then it's just shitty design.
Isn't he the only boss you can parry? It's not something you'd do based on previous experiences unless you know beforehand or parry by accident.
It becomes obvious pretty quickly that you can generally parry humanoid enemies that are around your size, so it is something you would at least try out.
>Another "Dark Souls is about the difficulty" fag.
You're gonna miss the short bus if you keep commenting.
Missing the point.
They couldn't make him some sort of tank because he was human and because of that there can't be much of a fight. The only way a final boss in that game would've been good is if it was against some special zombies.
D2 as well.
Nonstop infinite Super spam.
Though the set up was kinda cool. Much better than 3 generic Vex dudes like D1.
>If a boss can be cheesed, its badly designed
Every video game boss is shit then because you can exploit them. Holy shit youre a moron
why would they do that, durability is one of the worst mechanics in any game
Veran fight in Oracle of seasons had depth. Mystery seeds into switch hook into sword to the face. And that was just the first phase.
Unironically this
If you're too much of a brainlet to understand why the final boss of Demon's Souls is a shitty, easy to defeat slug, then you should stop playing vidya.
looks like you didn't fully read his post
if a boss can be "exploited" by using basic fucking game mechanics the way they were intended to be used, yes, its badly designed
We played it in coop with a friend and by the endgame we just wrecked everything around us, at night too. Even if the game would release a horde of volatiles it wouldn't be a challenge. I would prefer not having a final boss at all.
>no "Arkham" or "Asylum"
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor comes to mind. It's been a while but I think the final level is just one fight against some orcs and then you sneak attack the final boss a couple times and that's it. It was pretty dissapointing
So you learn the timing to parrying a boss, so? You learn the timing of his attacks to dodge and attack too. It's all just memorizing actions and timing. Then we can argue about making the process longer and that somehow equals more skill. I can upgrade my armor and weapon, survive hits and hit harder kill him faster. Or i could not upgrade and have to be more careful and spend more time hitting him. It all ends the same the process just differs in time.
tldr: I realized that there's no such thing as difficulty or skill, only time. There's only time and obsession about it and then we die.
Fable 2.
There isn't a boss fight. One of your party members just shoots the final boss while he's in the middle of a monologue.
My dude, are you autistic?
Difficulty describes the time and effort needed to do something.
If something is easy, then you can either do it quickly or it takes no effort (or both).
When it comes down to it, difficulty is only temporary and it's straight up retarded to play the game the same way every time.
All the bosses can be exploited with summons then.
Yeah you're right
Fucking awful
>All the bosses can be exploited with summons then.
No, you can parry almost every single boss (the only one you definitely can't is bed), but Gwyn is the only one you can riposte.
why would the last boss of anything be shitty and easy to defeat?
Why would a boss ever kill itself?
Why would a character keep resurrecting a boss you already defeated?
Why would another boss show up in the middle of a boss fight?
Did you even play Demon's Souls? It did weird shit for its time. On top of subverting your expectations, its final boss also illustrates what kind of a shit, worthless being King Allant turned into after lusting for power the way he did.