It doesn't hold up

It doesn't hold up

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well duh, what kinda racing games make you hold up?

MK DS And MK Wii are the best Mario Karts.

snowboard kids > mario64

Thankfully CTR does though

Crash Team Racing was always objectively superior.


Later Crash racing games were trash though. Later Mario Kart games got much better.

Not Wii, garbage balance and items

CTR has trash track design though.

My chilly nig

Mario Kart DS is the closest we ever got to a perfect MK game.

Crash Team Racing and Diddy Kong Racing are both better kart racers

This, DS is fucking amazing and even efter 100%ing the game you still find new ways of going faster without items.

you picked up the wrong game OP

>have to grind hundreds of hours to unlock things


MKDS has no grinding requirements. Playing through each course once at every difficulty hardly qualifies

Underated, but FPBP

Why Crashfags has always to bring how Crash Team Racing is better than Mario Kart when CTR is a copy of Diddy Kong Racing?

wtf are you talking about?? diddy kong racing is fucking trash lol

CTR is literally a DKC rip off. They even stole DKC stages to beta test

what on earth are you talking about

that's like saying star wars is a star trek rip off...

Not gonna lie, I vastly prefer MK64 over MKDS.

the handling was way too sharp in every game before MKDS, Double Dash was close but not quite there yet
actually drifting round corners was useless because you'd turn 90 degrees in a sixth of a second and just spin the hell out


I like how the blue shell isn't a prevalent feature in every race

This is why my favourite mario kart is always 'what ever is the most recent', they just keep improving.

MKWii, CTR and MKDS are the best racing games.

After playing Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe that the most true statement currently on Sup Forums.
It doesnt hold up in any therms 8 blasts it out of the water

Where did all the kart racers go? All we have left is Mario Kart. That Sonic one came out a few years ago though. It was kinda alright iirc

mario kart 64 was top cringe

Gr8 b8

Crash CTR does

I always see this thrown around, but how exactly is CTR a DKR ripoff? DKR has three types of vehicles compared to just the kart, which makes level design different on a conceptual level.

Super > DS > 8 > 64 > Circuit > Wii > DD > 7

>Crash Crash Team Racing

That may be true but playing it as a 6 year old kid, I just found all the background stuff mind blowing, I would even try and drive off course because they'd let you like in the train level or the one where you can drive to peach's castle.

Just bought MK8D yesterday. Can someone explain to me why does the game feel so strange? Like I'm going on a rail and shit.

I can't even try to do shorcuts since if I get near a border the game automatically redirections my cart so I go through there. Not only that, but sometimes when there are two diverging paths if I go to close to the wall the game sometimes make me go through the farthest path, making me lose speed and time.


Perhaps my memory has failed me, but did any other Mario Karts have as little recovery time as 8? You can get railroaded by so many items in that game, it's so bullshit.

You may have drive assist on, yes that's a thing now.

Everyone make way for the true racing game

It's the steer assist, you can turn it off

That should be enough spoonfeeding

they added a whole bunch of auto-driver mechanics that are enabled by default. you can change them from the pause menu i think

wrong pic


They have similar set-ups in terms of single-player: hub worlds you drive around with several kinds of challenges.

This, drifting in DS feels fucking amazing and it's often better than turning, high drift allows you to make sharper turns and if you are good enough you can even get mini boosts, if your kart has low drift it will most likely have high turn so you can still make sharp turns and use the low drift to mini boost at the right times.

That's pretty broad then to claim that Crash copied Diddy Kong Racing, especially since those aspects have been a staple of platformers (of which Crash is) going back years.

In a perfect world the blue shell would hit every player ahead of you one by one, otherwise the flying method where you can still dodge with tricks.

Ohhh a nut.

I don't like how starting in double dash, it's what kart you pick that maatters, not the character.

This would be fine if each character had their own unqiue pool of karts, so like each character has varientt playstles/traits, but instead multiple characters get access to the same karts or even in more recent games, everybody gets access to everything. It entirely defeats the point of having seperate characters to begin with.

I also don't like how visually dissimilar they are from each other. Having them look different is fine, but there should be some sort of visual uniformity, like how in strikers, despite each character's soccer outfit being entirely different, there was shared design traits.


Anyone being able to use any kart was fun as an unlockable but I agree that it shouldn't be that way from the beginning.
I think kart customization was also a mistake.

Absolutely. You essentially pick an optimal set of items and never deviate, making the point of customisation moot.