Which do you pick, Sup Forums?

Which do you pick, Sup Forums?

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All enemies/bosses are weak against at least one element.

Would matter somewhat how high you could manipulate your crit rate, as well as what else could further manipulate your your total crit bonus.
However though I I feel being able to shift all your damage to any element at will would serve you better overall.

Elemental damage is fucking gay

>add all elements to attack
>+??? damage

nevermind I'm fucking dumb

Boss is immune to physical damage and all elements.
>do this

what's the % for crit

Elemental damage is usually 1.5x damage. Crits are usually 2x damage, but random.

>All enemies/bosses are weak against at least one element.
Even a simple Ox isn't weak to anything (granted its not strong to anything either). There's a gamble to be had.

green cuz what if elemental resists

also split damage

>Enemy is immune to elements
suddenly, purple is useless.

I'd much rather have the robust and ensured 50% damage increase.


If is accurate, then

100 damage -> 150 -> 300 -> 450(?) damage on crit.

100 -> 200 -> 300 on elementally weak.

So that means that you have 1 of 3 scenarios;
1. Green advantage (50%) against crit/elemental immune (150 vs 100)
2. Green advantage (50%) against no immunities (450 vs 300 @100% crit)
3. Purple advantage (60%) against low (10%) crit chance (180 vs 300)

So you would need a 50% crit chance to match the elemental damage consistently, assuming that the boss is neither Elementally or Critically immune. Critical immunitiy is however a much more rare effect than elemental immunity, so that's where the real decision comes in.

Elements come with status effects and debuffs. Those alone makes purple more useful than green.

crit scales with dmg obviously, and green ring gives bonus to dmg. + it gives bonus to ALL dmg, including spells apparently

If the game has Flat resistances Green, If its percentage based Purple will do more damage on average

nvm I remembered the ring gicing a 50%crit chance

Another thing to consider, purple changes your damages to the element. You can still crit, you're still attacking.

forgot Not sure how much that fucks up his math.

But doesn't that also mean my Salamander sword will still deal elemental damage to earth bitches, AND I can rock the green ring? Why would I need to switch elements if I already brought the right equipment? Seems like a ring for the lazy imo.

Generally elemented weapons forgo some RAW to make up for their elemental amount. This ring not only gives you more damage, but let's fixate your element to suit your needs at any given moment. Thus you can equip a weapon that focuses on that hot RAW for that sweet sweet 1:1 conversion.
But of course if you're using salamnader and the like for costuming bullshit then do as you must, user.

As has reminded me, if split resistances are a thing, then purple is immediately inferior. Thinking Soulslikes and such for reference.

>all damage
that includes elemental damage right? So basically you are just gaining 50% damage and an element. Fuck purple.

Don't elements have status effects or some shit? Like burn or slow?

You can gain elements from other places anyway, if nothing else just use some spell enchant for it.

Elemental for the effect.
I just fucking love games with colorful graphics.

Does double dipping work with "all damage"?

>Not taking the elemental ring
>Not converting all of your physical damage into elemental damage
>Not gaining literally double damage from the ring
>Not adding random elemental damage to your attacks for the extra damage on top of the already doubled damage
Shiggy fucking diggy.

I can't think of a single game where each boss is weak to at least one element.

Thanks doc