This kills the Blade Reddit faggot. BASED CDPR

This kills the Blade Reddit faggot. BASED CDPR.

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>it's more like a Tarantino approach"

Sounds good.
Now let's hope this shit lives up to the hype.

And don't fucking mention reddit here unless you absolutely have to retard.

>we do not want to make a dark and hopeless world

So I guess this means the entire game's atmosphere will be something like The Last Round from VtmB except cyberpunk

Sounds like a dating sim.

I had to look at the article to understand what you were trying to say.

>It's more like a Tarantino approach

Can somebody tell me what this means? Cliffy used the same thing to describe the characters is LawBreakers. Does Tarantino usually mean zany and wacky? Tarantino movies and characters can be pretty depressing and realistic

I think in this case they mean it won't have a somber noir tone like Blade Runner

>we want lots of PUNK
>nah it's not gonna be dark and hopeless
O boy, game designers already have no idea of what they are doing. RIP in piss.

They mean it's going to be tasteless and ironically pulpy.

He probably means they'll be creating a fucked up world and situation where people will have to do shitty things at the cost of others to make ends meet.
Stop being retarded.

>It's more like a Tarantino approach
Feets gonna be on the menu

>Tarantino approach








>>nah it's not gonna be dark and hopeless
Like Deus Ex?

>He probably means they'll be creating a fucked up world and situation where people will have to do shitty things at the cost of others to make ends meet.

How the fuck do you get that hyper specific definition from "Tarantino approach"

Having some really bad "battle angel alita movie trailer" vibes from that description.

>russians can make a good fantasy game as they got lots of history to base it on
>can't make a good cyberpunk game as they don't have good technology or punk culture to base it on
nothing surprising to see here

Because the characters in Tarantino movies usually resort to such shit.

There's more information on the game than just "tarantino appoach".
The trailer looked pretty desperate to me.

>Implying CDPR could make Blade Runner even if they tried
CDPR setting, stories and characters are pretty much manchild fantasy tier.

>muh Tarantino

From the trailer something like the AD Police spin-off from the bubblegum crysis universe comes to mind.

>Being this much of a contrarian faggot
It doesn't mean anything retards.

>not dark and hopeless

In what Tarantino movies do characters do shitty things for ends meet? Maybe the flight attendant smuggling drugs because her pay was shit

Yeah, but he says Tarantino approach after mentioning punk and rock and roll. It even says the two things are connected in the article

neon isn't dark

Think less boo hoohoo everything is shit and more like 1970's new york but with more neon lights and cyborgs.

>not dark and hopeless

It's entirely possible to have both rock n roll and despair in your game you absolute brainlet.

>In what Tarantino movies do characters do shitty things for ends meet
Almost all of them.

Just imagine being this dumb.

Tarantino films are enjoyable on the most basic level even if you ignore all 2deep4u bullshit, and they have satisfying action sequences.

Hopefully that means the setting won't be ironic or overtly agenda-driven, and the gameplay will be good.

Yeah, I guess he's using it to say wacky or out there instead of deep and serious. I still don't think it makes full sense but whatever

Doesn't "ends meet" usually mean you're just making enough to survive? I can't think of any movie other than Jackie Brown where characters are forced to do shitty things for small amounts of money

>it is now reddit to like Blade Runner.

Fuck man what the fuck isnt reddit ?

Why are you fags still posting this vaporware shit?

you can't escape it, browsing Sup Forums is reddit as fuck also and anything I want to bash at the moment is reddit as well

seems like they namedropped Tarantino but never went past Pulp Fiction

He's right though.


>tarantino is reddit
>dark souls is reddit
>kill la kill is reddit
>jojo's is reddit
>blade runner is reddit
>undertale is reddit

now replace "reddit" with "popular." this place is such a contrarian shithole that anything popular MUST be despised.

>Yeah, I guess he's using it to say wacky or out there instead of deep and serious.
Calling it whacky and out there makes it sound like Anthony Burch's Borderlands 2, which is disgustingly far beyond a Tarantino film.

Sup Forums is reddit

What if we could make browsing Sup Forums reddit?

well, undertale is reddit, look at its core fans. Everything else is false.

>well, xy is reddit, look at its core fans. Everything else is false.

No, retard. You just something by what it is, not what the community is. Everything I listed has a horrible fanbase, that's none of those things' fault.

>this is the update we get after all this time

I hope it's a joke

Hi Tarantulino

you should go back then if you like it that much

Django Unchained, maybe?


>Instead of being like Blade Runner it is going to be like Seweeside Skwad

So a bunch of fucking shit.

*you judge

I hate this place so much I can't even type properly anymore.


honestly this sounds like theyre going back to the original concept of cyberpunk as laid out in the 1970s/80s, not what the term has turned into (theres nothing punk about deus ex for example)

go back to what? Kill La Kill, Blade Runner or Tarantino?

But he isn't. read a book.


I don't really think that's the appeal of Tarantino movies. At least for me, it's not really about the despair but the carelessness that human lives are treated in them - people die left and right with not that much consequence or thought put into it (neither the audience or the characters in play care that much). Maybe that's what they are talking about?

Can you recommend some bright and upbeat cyberpunk literature?

>bright and upbeat cyberpunk
you're retarded if that's what you think CDPR meant by their statement.


I remember when I was on a interview some time ago and I remember person that I spoke to really cared about how the world of Cyberpunk would look during the day, without dark and grimy mood. That wasn't really for me. (Also they said there's still a long way for them to go, because they just started over with something. Idk what that was)

I shouldn't have said "instead of deep and serious" but I feel like when people use Tarantino they're using it to imply outrageous things which, to be fair, his movies do have some of that. I just don't think it means much

I mean, if you're talking about bounty hunting that makes pretty good money

That user is talking about what cyberpunk means not what CDPR meant with it.
Cyberpunk is not ''dark and hopeless'' , it's a lot more caotic and nihilistic.

Okay, then, some cyberpunk that has no elements of darkness and hopelessness?


>"We do not want to make a dark and hopeless world"
>Tarantino approach
Please don't make a reddit game

/tg/ here. What the poles mean. Is they're going to focus on what we call "pink Mohawk" over what we call "mirror shades".

Mirror Shades is tacticool dudes in trench coats having epic gunbattles to thumping techno. They're professional, collected, and slick..heavy emphasis is payed to realism and pragmatic crime in mirror shades.

Pink Mohawk on the other hand is batshit stuff, gangers on motorcycles dueling with rocket launchers on the freeway, heavy bass club music, neon hair and piercing. It exchanges versimilitude for rule of cool.

For the vibe it sounds like they're going for, look into Neuromancer, Akira, and Snowcrash.

Good. Blade runner sucks

How can a game based on Cyberpunk not be dark and hopeless?

What if I want to be a batshit ganger on a motorcycle dueling with rocket launchers on a freeway while thumping techno plays instead of heavy bass club music?

>Cyberpunk is not ''dark and hopeless'' , it's a lot more caotic and nihilistic.
We might argue about correct negative adjective to use here but that's just semantics. Point is cyberpunk needs to have depressing setting to be cyberpunk.

There better still be neon cityscapes to explore.

That's fine as long as your not a vapourwave faggot

When do we get postcyberpunk vidya?

How is Snowcrash? I was about to read Anathem but I couldn't decide between the two.

the fuck is vapourwave?

What the heck would post cyberpunk even be? Post humanity?

Reading some of these comments let me realize that 90% of Sup Forumsirgins didnt finish High School or are in High School.

I am in good company


Fake consumerist lifestyle lead to lack of progress in space exploration and being stuck on Earth. Megacorporations started fighting for last remaining resources on Earth.

It was Reddit before Reddit was around to make Reddit all post ironic and cringe. Popcorn flick.

So pre-apocolyptic. Battlefield 2142?


>It was Reddit before Reddit was around to make Reddit all post ironic and cringe. Popcorn flick.
you bring up some very convincing points there

Diamond Age and the GITS anime and shit.

Less dark and edgy, not as many lone wolves.

>Tarantino approach
So we are getting high poly feet models?


that sounds like a scapegoat so no one realizes/cares about how shitty the writing is desu
I like Neuromance though


so basically this?

>Mentions Syndicate as an example, meaning they have played it
>Mentions how it isn't a story about saving the world
>Confirmed create your characters (though we knew)
>More punk in the cyber side of the game
>Dirty rock and roll grime

CD Projekt Red knows me like a fucking books and says the things that I want to hear. They know exactly how to get me ROCK HARD. Give me that fucking game, RIGHT NOW.

Well it's like, blade runner deals with issues of transhumanism,.what it means to be human, free will, etc

This is gonna deal with paying rent

you can't have "chaotic and nihilistic" without being dark and hopeless. nihilism alone can't be light and hopeful to begin with. add chaos in that and whell, you just put that shit to an extreme0

you are quoting at random now? Are you mentally retarded?

Did everyone watch the trailer for Altered Carbon?

It looks like every single cyberpunk cliche and trope rolled into one.

How do we fix this stagnated genre?

>Tarantino approach

Into the fucking trash it goes. I wanted a sad, nostalgic cyberpunk, not a "lol life is so bad" tarantino cyberpunk.
Fucking normies

I guess it can be interesting if the characters are good.