You're BOTH retarded.
Stop pretending the game is shit, its pretty and fun
Stop pretending it's a deep fighter. It has barley any more depth than the Naruto Storm games.
You're BOTH retarded.
Stop pretending the game is shit, its pretty and fun
Stop pretending it's a deep fighter. It has barley any more depth than the Naruto Storm games.
Other urls found in this thread:
no. u
despite its numerous flaws it still destroys MVCI in every category
In every way but game play.
But still I prefer FighterZ
the namek arc really had the best color palette.
I actually enjoy MvC:I the more I watch it.
DBFZ is more exciting to watch at first but once I realize what's really happening it kind of loses its luster.
Yes I always thought I was looking at high level play. But then I played it and I could pull off over half the of it within my first 5 matches
This. Let's enjoy this great party game.
There is no such thing as centrist point of views on the internet, unless you're autistic.
>Hurr Durr, im a centralist!
>Look at me, im so smart!
I bet youre the same type of faggot who watches Sargon.
You’re so EXTREEEME bro xDD kill all normiess!!
I see not only Sup Forums is Dragon Ball (Super) general now even Sup Forums is.
>Failed to initialize network.
What do?
>capcom shills subtly shitting on the game
Its not a centralist oppinion, its people shitting on it, pretending to be centrist, so the average poster can relate.
why is he a colts fan?
>Stop pretending it's a deep fighter. It has barley any more depth than the Naruto Storm games.
If you think you know this before anyone has had the game a prolonged period of time with training mode and more experience than fucking up people who mash super dash online you're a fucking moron. You don't know shit about fighting games.
it's a fucking party game. Time to drop that denial, babies
>b-but M-Mahval!
Ain't defending that dogshit game, get over the fact you are playing a shallow party game instead of a fighter. Jojofags were able to do that with their games
But our guy, Kike Z said it's a party game.
shitpost on Sup Forums
Boy I would wreck you in Any Street Fighter, GG or even any shitty NRS game. Fuck off. FighterZ is fun. But it's babies first fighter.
>babbies first fighter
I thought thats SF5, by looking at how much it got dumbed down from SF4.
>babies first fighter
gotta be a fighting game instead of a party game to fit in that category
Which party game takes more skill? Smash 4 or FighterZ?
I don't know what it is but SFV is a lot harder for me to git gud at than any other fighter idk how.
The last beta made me want to buy this game, this one made me cancel my preorder. Disappointing. It hasn't actually changed at fucking all.
unironically smash
U.S. Cunts wouldn't let me refund
goku wasnt that much taller than frieza
why didn't you preorder at gamestop or amazon?
>seeing a screenshot i posted 3 years ago resurface out of nowhere
I like fighting games. I knew who it was made by. I knew it was gonna be not as complex as Guilty Gear but I wasn't expecting something even easier than the stylish setting on Guilty Gear.
also pic related
Doctor, this new medicine is weird.
hows this?
>It has barley any more depth than the Naruto Storm games.
This is blatently and obviously untrue, it's easilt deeper then them just by virtue of having multiple attack buttons, attack heights/crossups, and characters having actually having different movesets (even if not that different compared to other fighting games).
It may not be as deep as a ton of other competitive fighters, but it sure as shit is deeper then the naruto storm games or any other licensed fighter other then Pokken, which is actually almost completely designed around competitive play and has a huge neutral focus and other mechanics that force adaption and combo creativty moreso then most fighting games.
Is it grape flavored?
MvCi has deep and creative gameplay that shits on DB fighterz. Shit everything else but stop pretending MvCi is unredeemable because the internet decided to hate it.
As a fanservice game? Absolutely. As a Fighting Game? No.
DBFZ is not a game for Fighting game fans, it's a game for DB fans. It's a game that was never intended to be some hardcore FGC thing and that's fine.
>holding a reasonable opinion is a bad thing
soiboiz, ladies and gnetlemen
ok so which characters are the best?
I saw Nappa is used a lot
i don't understand how this logic applies
>attacking my enemies doesnt seem to be doing anything
>guess i'll attack those who are closer to the center, there's no way this will backfire by alienating them from my cause entirely
is this supposed to be peer pressure? Does that still work past your teens?
Buu and Gohan are absolutely nutty, Vegeta is being used a lot for combo extensions.
>deep and creative gameplay
But Monster Hunter comes out on the same day which is also fun and lacking depth. But at least I get to play that game with friends instead of going full autism practicing in a training mode for hours. The choice is pretty obvious desu.
The problem is they made the game look so much like Marvel vs. Capcom it made hardcore fighting game fans want to play it.
So is the beta down?
>New Monster Humter.
>New Mechanics
>New Monsters
>New items
>Lacks depth.
Where the depth in Monster Hunter is, you could not have played from a beta.
>first one to do a long blockstun move into tag mixup wins
>deep and creative gameplay
>the virgin sidetaker
>the Chad centrist
>dbfz is too casual marvel was way be-
coming to Sup Forums for fighting game discussion is like going to /biz/ for legitimate financial advice.