Name a better tutorial area

Name a better tutorial area.

Protip: You can't.

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Lara Croft's mansion

>2004 graphics
>2017 graphics

artstyle is more important than graphical fidelity

pre searing 20 was a helluva ride. i have mixed feelings on them removing the autism grind though

>tfw you opened the world map for the first time after the searing

not even in top 100 Nintendie switcheater.

>grind levels until level 13 or 14
>hit the fucking wall and need to start death leveling
i don't know why i did it.
fucking months spend grinding it for the most stupid thing

"ps2 graphics" isn't an artstyle

wait you people went to 20 without ever leaving the tut area?

because we could
the real question is, why not?

I guess, but I'm hoping you at least did that after playing the whole game
Just...fuck I loved the shit out of GW but it was not the kind of game I'd ever conceive of why you'd want to be king of noob town.

Too bad BotW's artstyle is worse than that 2004 game as well. Contrast is part of artstyle.
It's not even subjective.

it was a very well known and surprisingly popular thing to do. there were many guides written up on how to do it efficiently.
one of the last few patches that came after Eye of the North was the addition of dailies to pre searing, making the death leveling mostly pointless

Why is BotW's coloration so shit? Whenever I play it the brightness is often blinding.

I guess I just never even cared enough to find out people were doing it

way to ruin the game's atmosphere and expansive atmosphere by dialing up the contrast like an idiot

you do realize that in reality, in nature, the further things are to you the lighter they become, right? Because there is more atmosphere between you and the horizon, so stuff that is further away becomes lighter. This is art class 101 type stuff (the darker something is, the closer it is to the viewer)

best music ever too

i guess the world being covered in a slight mist at all hours is normal where you live

why does it happen after 2 meters though?

truly the best loading screen too

I guess you're too dumb to realize that the atmosphere is a gas and no matter how small the particles are, they increase in opacity across distances

>Zelda BotW is supposed to have realistic graphics

I don't understand this shit. Does it make the game run better to have bleached out colors with no live?

It was fucking godlike. and then the Searing happened

>way to ruin the game's atmosphere

Looks improved to me. Actually the shitty brightness of BotW is yet another thing that makes it feel tech demo-y.

>you do realize that in reality, in nature, the further things are to you the lighter they become, right?

But the entire game even right in front of you has ugly white coloration. I don't see your point.

i suppose the blue shifting starts as soon as the distance is more than the length of your nose from your face where you live


>But the entire game even right in front of you has ugly white coloration. I don't see your point.

you haven't played it?

Because Nintendo doesn't know anything about artstyles. Windwaker was a happy accident, as evident by WWHD's first screenshots.
Nintendo is about 5-7 years behind in terms of what you actually see on screen. The jokes made about bloom and washed out colors is Nintendo's current artstyle.

Not that it matters because if a Nintendo game looks bad, it automatically has a good artstyle to drones like who thinks objects further away are brighter and more washed out, when in reality that only happens when it's foggy (which it isn't in those screenshots. Two of them have almost clear skies and one has direct sunshine, as evident by hard shadows.

I've heard that the reason the PS3/360 period was very brown was because of bandwidth limitation, but I think it's just a lie. I honestly just think Nintendo doesn't know.

>a game where you play an elf boy
>wanting the graphics to be realistic
it's a fantasy game

I have played it extensively. When you're walking around, especially during daytime, there's still an ugly white film over everything.

i suppose you are butthurt that Nintendo corrected the errors of your favorites games like Skyrim and Horizon Zero Dawn in the first attempt at an openworld game

t. 16 - 235 retard

He's shitposting, or being way too attached to BotW. It's best to ignore them either way.


For some reason Nintendo really sucks when it comes to coloration for Zelda post Wind Waker. TP, SS and BotW all look a bit unfinished and lacking in vividness.

Despite being on worse tech, OoT and MM did a better job of having good colors.

Why are Nintendo fans so insufferable to discuss things with?

If you say the graphics looks too simplistic and shit, they'll say it's supposed to feel like a painting. If you complain the "painting" lacks color, they'll say it's supposed to look true-to-life, in regards to brightness on the outdoors.

If you say the Switch is an underpowered console, they'll say it's a handheld, if you complain the handheld is too expensive and too big to carry on a pocket, they'll say it's a home console.

>there are dailies in pre now
part of me is glad, since now LDoA is attainable for me. i'd get to 14 or 15 and then the death leveling grind would get to be too much for me.
but part of me fees like it's been cheapened now too. ah well


let's be honest, death leveling was definitely not a real accomplishment. it was essentially playing an idle game for months with even less to show for it.

>all the poorfags and kids played guild wars and runescape while the rest played actual good games like wow, l2 and daoc

>i spent $15 a month to have a second job, that makes me better than you
lmaoing at your life kid

It's every single Nintendo game since they found out about post processing effects. I think they make a game which looks good, but then don't account for filters and bloom that fuck up everything.
They needed a fan backlash to realize that pic related doesn't look good.

I'd say it started with the Wii. NSMBWii looks way worse than the DS game, MKWii looks worse than Double Dash, TP looks worse than WW (in a lot of areas). It only got worse with Wii U.
Other studios manage to make decent looking games on the Wii, like Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, so it's obviously not the hardware.


Come to think of it, Retro Studios made Tropical Freeze, which also looks better than more Nintendo games. There's also Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which looks way better and more complex than BotW.

>not playing both GW and WoW
It was the best of both worlds.

I hate the NSMB artstyle so much. Its so fucking bad

In fact the artstyle of every Mario title in the past decade has been so fucking boring and too clean. Its always the same, plastic doll-like artstyle.


Wholeheartedly agree. There's nothing appealing about it. It looks worse than a lot of indie games, even from the same time (Braid for example). If anyone thinks there's anything different between 2D Marios and CoD games, in that they're made as an annual cash grab for people with no standards (often children), they're completely wrong.
Galaxy and Odyssey look decent, at least, but these plastic and stale visuals have absolutely no appeal. They're the McDonalds happy meal toys of video game graphics.

That honestly looks as bad and uninspired as Mighty Number 9. The level design is also extremely average, how much did those NSMB games score? They deserve low 6s.

why is this pic so blurry? does the game really look like that?

>fan backlash
Not this century, mate.

don't fucking make me feel this way user. why do I care so much about this game