Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?

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mobile graphics and even less depth than 5 which was already criticized for having less depth than 4


fucking districts man

>sold well and has an expansion coming next month

>wonders use up a whole fucking tile

as someone who played egypt and rushed all wonders this made me drop the game so fast

too many hexes

>improved upon absolutely nothing

I got it in the Humble monthly for 10 euro. I have only played 2 hours of it but I am enjoying it so far. I really like the graphics and the soundtrack is the best one yet. The character designs are hit and miss though.

I don't know

Too jewish

shitty leader choices

Its been the same game since the third installment Also shit loads of dlc. People know to wait for goty edition.

yep. this is the one true gripe with it.

This, also too high production costs for pretty much everything.

But it's great

>Umm, who are these strong womyn of color, I want to be Hitler and Drumpf, hehe

Shoo shoo troll

There's fuckall to do once you get the one or two districts that matter. Every tech in Civ 5 unlocked like 4 new game-changers, but even combining techs and culture in Civ 6 you unlock maybe 1 important thing every 50 turns.

but that isn't what op is asking. nobody thinks about gameplay for a major title until after they bought and played it. the fact that they threw in a bunch of shitty non-leaders as leaders is what kept people from even buying it. every other flaw in civ 6 is irrelevant. in fact most of those people won't buy another civ game again. civ is ruined

Too complex for the normies
And its hardly any more complex than 5

Untrue, Beyond Earth failed because the gameplay was bad. Nobody cares about "non-leaders", that's just your projection.

This for me a wonder was 15 turns and 2 Pikemen were 8 turn each at least they took happiness away

>prioritize diversity and female leaders instead of interesting civilizations and/or leaders
>improve 5's religion system but also ruin it via religious combat (though I heard patches made it less shit)
>make the AI even dumber than before
>make a pants on head retarded tech tree where you can skip seemingly important stuff like fucking electricity
>can go through it at record pace in the lategame, rending lategame UUs even more useless
>get Sean Bean and proceed to waste him by including some of the most buttfucking retarded quotes you can come up with
>civilopedia is utterly worthless. How hard is it to write a sentence saying what makes a unique different than the base version?
>have to click a button to manage citizens every time you select a city, hope you didn't like microing them
I have a theory that they assigned anyone with half a brain to the XCOM team.

because it's shit

>nobody thinks about gameplay for a major title until after they bought and played it
people buy it, play it, say it's bad and then other people don't buy it

They've just been pumping out Civ games and expansions too often for anybody to give a shit.
Civ 5 got an expansion in 2012, an expansion in 2013, a standalone spinoff in 2014 which then got its own expansion in 2015.
Then they release Civ 6 in 2016 and their audience is already burned out, especially after the shit that was Beyond Earth.

It didn't improve upon Civ V.

Building wonders and districts on tiles feels like it requires too much forward planning and knowledge of what all the towers do.

The city menu is too cluttered and there's too much going on .

The graphics scream mobile or tablet game and yet when they ported it over to iPad the graphics have been scaled down to be blurry.

Somehow worse AI then Civ V and an awful set of world building options on launch effectively made anyone even remotely interested in Civ go full "I'll wait for 3 DLCs" mode.

>obody thinks about gameplay for a major title until after they bought and played it
Gameplay is the #1 thing everyone thinks about before they buy a game if they're not retarded. Why would you buy a game without thinking if it will have fun gameplay?

It's shit shit shit, shit.

Shit gameplay, SJW shit, didn't remove the one unit per tile/global resources/broken diplomacy retardation.
The better question to ask would have been "why wouldn't it fail ?"

what they did right:
>housing and amenities
>fog of war/map

what they did wrong:
>everything else

>It didn't improve upon Civ V

Dude, what? Elaborate.

>Building wonders and districts on tiles feels like it requires too much forward planning and knowledge of what all the towers do.

Hahaha, you fucking casual. Mountains = Science, Rivers = Gold, Mines = Production.

>90% no name nigger&wymen leaders
>some nations are so OP that it isnt' even funny anymore (mp)
>no deepth

What's with these dev fags and reinventing the wheel in sequels ?
Look at Pokémon, same shit yet people keeping eating it because we love good shit with a solid base, the only thing sequels do is sprinkle some golden dust and experiment a little bit without altering the core gameplay.

What's so wrong with keeping the game exactly as it is, except adding some things here and there ?
Autists obviously would love it, nostalgia fags would love it, people that like good games would love it... Is it the fear of the journalists kikes saying it "feels samey" "more of the same" "no innovation from [game company]" and other pilpul ?

name an area it actually improved over civ 5
I can think of about two things

I know exactly why it failed and I have evidence.

Evidence #1:


This is a Medieval theme from Civ 6. Notice how it's fucking amazing. Evidence #2:


This is an Industrial theme from Civ 6. Notice how it also shows signs of being fucking amazing. Now behold Evidence #3:


This boring, uninspired piece of trash is an Ancient theme. All Ancient themes sound like this and every time you start a game this is what you get. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get hyped for a game with a soundtrack this bad, meaning you quit for the Medieval era.

what are you complaining about, exactly?

>What's so wrong with keeping the game exactly as it is, except adding some things here and there ?
I don't think you understand how franchise sequels work
you need to reinvent it over and over to sell more copies because it's new even if it's worse

>anime avatar
>first point is sjw shit and the rest is nitpicking

Culture trees, workers, districts, religious victories, housing, science nerf, tall nerf, music, barbarians, early warfare, inspiration/eurekas, policies and so on. And I fucking loved Civ 5.

>the first thing he does in a new game isn't setting the music volume to 0


Are districts the ultimate casual filter?

fuck, people really think that spamming workers for the entire game and having to micro it for 12 hours is fun? Inspirations as well. I can't be fucking arsed to care about those out of place eurekas, especially in mid to end game. It gets repetetive really fast. Also the way religion spreads in this game is too have on the micro as well. The whole game is a giant fucking micro circus.

>criticizing anime on a anime board
Back to NeoGAF with you



>Culture trees
card selection is a no-brainer. they're worse than 5 because you don't have to commit to a strategy, you can just keep swapping out for the best ones each time you get a new policy

making the cities multi-tile makes the game worse because the land you settle on no longer matters cause it's just going to be overridden with districts anyway. What was supposed to make the game more varied made it less varied

> religious victories
probably the worst feature in the game, religion ends at medieval era and winning religious victories is just apostle spam, completely braindead and only relies on you getting one of the big faith pantheons like the tundra one

like districts, homogenizes your cities because they're all pop-capped so you dont have big growth cities

barabians make you lose the game because of RNG. that's all they do. how is that a good thing

>early warfare
warfare in general is worse despite better mechanics because it has about half the unit upgrades it needs to have, you're missing whole unit types in certain eras so it has some really wierd power spikes

makes the optimal play style even more limited than it would be without them. You play in a very specific way and build very specific things to win. less strategic and not good


my biggest gripe is the roads
Movement is shit in this game, mostly, and roads barely help. It's nice having them not be a massive money sink until you finish your connection, but I'd like to be able to have them help. If they just double the road's effectiveness in RaF, it'd be better.
Also, units are kinda sparse now. Having no-one between Musketman and Infantry is a real slog

You have no idea what you're missing, even the ambient music is fucking lit


>barabians make you lose the game because of RNG. that's all they do. how is that a good thing

Build a slinger, kill their scouts and GIT FUCKING GUD

actually I did play with the music on for a bit but after playing as russia for an hour thats enough to make anyone turn it off

Liberals took over and hamfisted brown people and women where they didn't belong.

Hills went from worst starting tile to best starting tile.

These images were used to try to sell the game.
These images look like disney characters that got the Bog pill.

not applicable. They're not hard, they just ruin your game if you're in the wrong position, ie. if you have too much open space they're just constantly keep spawning and come pillage your shit and force you to make units. If you roll and open start you might aswell restart

Why does the leader selection always make Sup Forums so angery? You never see who you're playing as, and the rest are just people you kill.

Solid design, better than V in every way, but

> Very poor Civilization choices
> AI is terrible, really fucking terrible.
> Combat is slightly better than V, but it's still a mess
> Close to no patches, all patches being very insignificant or even pejorative
> Meme-tier new civs being added instead of fixing the fucking AI.
> Lackluster map generator

I think that's all.

Jap and England look alright. Rest are retarded.

It's the other way around stupid, open space means you don't have to deal with the AI. Barbarians are a lot easier to handle than a forward-settling Frederik.

Why are you saying that, it's really wrong.
People aren't brown, shit is brown.

The AI is easy as fuck to deal with, they're so weak in Civ 6, open space means you need to deal with endless barbarian hordes
I forward settle everyone in Civ 6 with no issue, you don't need to be afraid like you do in 5 where they'll come after you with a million units

Reminder that they had to fix the Amerilard and Gorean leaders because fans complained about them looking like body positive parodies.

>Playing on Prince

I've only ever played this on deity. When was the last time you played? The AI hasn't been aggressive since like, the release patch

its a Sup Forumsideo game board you disgusting weebshit

But it's not a macro game.

The godawful AI killed it for me. Imagine trying to play a board game with a bunch of babies: they aren't trying to win, they cry all the time and they shit all over the board. That is what Civ VI felt like to me.

No idea, I remember them being agressive as fuck and I haven't played much since updating. I figured they were just letting me live since Australia wants DoWs. They attack each other quite a lot.

>card selection is a no-brainer. they're worse than 5 because you don't have to commit to a strategy
>flexibility and choice is bad because it's too hard for me, I want to only choose between tradition/liberty at the start of the game instead

Is it still 1UPT?

decisions need consequences to matter. if you're just swapping out the best cards every few turns, you're not making a decision you're just doing tedious micro-managment. Which basically sums up alot of the game mechanics like the districts and workers

But they pop up every turn to tell you that your seas are unprotected despite you being a landlocked nation

What else is there to do in a 4X game besides micro-management? That's like complaining about all the tedious jumping in a platformer.

Not that guy but I did a couple of games on Deity/Marathon about two weeks ago when the urge took me. Only met Tomyris and Cleopatra in the early game. Cleopatra went full apeshit and denounced me for no reason about 20 turns later. And then went to war with me a handful of turns later. I literally dindu nuffins. I was even strengthening my army since I know Cleo doesn't like it when you are weak.

you need a balance. civ 6 has less strategic decisions to make and more micro. so much so that you're often just going through the motions instead of doing something important. I don't even finish games anymore because it's too tedious to take them through to victory once I know I've won

previous games were of the same genre and yet it's only VI that gets complaints about being too micro intensive. Maybe too much of something is not good. In V workers were good because you didn't need to tend to them every turn. Why are they reinventing something that worked good?

I honestly think it was the best vanilla civ experience since Civ III, though that isn't saying much.

The cartoony units and map, too cheerful and shieet. Cartoon leaders were ok though.

Cleo will mock the size of your military even if you're literally the strongest dude on the map and have knocked out two other civs

What the fuck where they thinking? Making a fucking mexican woman instead of a korean? Is it some kind of hidden agenda?

The left one unironically looks more like the average Korean woman.

Mostly. It's one unit type per tile.

Post best civ/wonder quotes from any game:

>The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come

I am fond of pigs.

>decisions need consequences to matter
and choice of cards do matter.
>if you're just swapping out the best cards every few turns
and what is "the best cards"?

I am fond of pigs

cause they made it when no one asked for it
without changing anything really

It didn't, at least not yet. Four and Five both launched poorly too and became amazing with 2 expacks. I expect the same for Six.

The tone shift in the game was pretty bad in general. To me the biggest crime in that regard was the fucking terrible choice of tech quotes. Sean Bean's voice over was fine but my god did they completely miss the grandiose/solemn tone they are supposed to have.

>it's too tedious to take them through to victory once I know I've won
This is probably my biggest gripe will all strategy games even outside of Civ. It's especially bad in Total War and Civ games though. There is always this initial difficulty race that you're trying to get across some kind of "hump" and then once you outpace it you're never in any threat of losing unless you purposely throw your armies away or something. This is compounded by the fact that all increasing the difficulty does is give that "hump" a head start.

I want a strategy game that makes me feel challenged for the entire duration of my campaign, not just in the beginning.

It didnt fail because like V it improves over the course of expansions. That being said the way they handled cities is a downgrade. You spend so many tiles on districts that most cities end up being similar, unless you can somehow fit in 1-2 wonders with that gimmicky new system too. Trying to build cities is like a puzzle now.

Betwixt the stirrup and the ground

Mercy I asked; Mercy I found

I am fond of pigs

choice of cards matter, but it's never a difficult or big decision because there's no real negative or long-lasting consequences. The best cards obviously depend on what you're doing

Yes, althought in the late game you can turn three units into one super-unit called an army