Souls games are shit

Souls games are shit

Soul games are hype.

>be such shit at video games you have to go to Sup Forums to cry

>soulspleb instantly goes "g-git gud!!" when someone insults his beloved franchise
every time

Anti-frogpost tank is here.

souls cucks are cringeworthy fedoras with pencil dicks

>being shit at videogames

here's your bump

who are you quoting

bump for crying soulskids

Who were you quoting a minute ago.

I bet they didnt change shit for the "remaster".

you have be shit at games or brainlet with story to not like souls games.

I agree. Once you know what you're doing, the games are just dull.

Why would they need to?

All console games are shit. There are no exceptions.

They dont, but their advertising it having "improved" "graphics" so it must mean SOMETHING.


>Sup Forums
>not /s4s/


dumb anti frogposter

Ok. Go back to playing your visual novels and crying after masturbating to traps.


>butthurt souls cuck trying to get the thread deleted by posting tits




If I could filter out 3 things entirely from the internet, the souls series would be one of them.