Did it bomb?
Did it bomb?
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no, but it didn’t meet Sega’s expectations of it being received as Generations 2
then again, they knew what they were doing, otherwise they wouldn’t give the level design to a B-team and charge 40 bucks for the game instead of 60
I hope so. Fuck Sega for this irredeemable piece of trash. I hope they go bankrupt.
Yeah nah, Sega knew exactly what was going on. It was mostly Sonic Team's fault this time around, with Forces' development being an absolute and total clusterfuck that rivals Sonic '06's. The gist of what happened is:
>Forces started out as an Avatar only game
>Sega told them that was retarded and to just make Generations 2 instead with Boom Sonic for shilling purposes
>Rise of Lyric bombed, and Sega promptly told them to remove Boom Sonic
>the Avatar is hastily put back in while leaving behind many obvious traces of Boom Sonic in the process
>the engine itself is based on Lost World's because it wasn't really intended to be Generations 2 from the start so they had to make due with what they had and the results were VERY hit or miss, especially with Classic Sonic who somehow manages to be even worse than Generations' verison
>story had to be re-written several times due to the above changes during development and it shows really badly
>Sega basically knew the game would flop so they lowered the price point and, in an embarrassingly desperate move, struck a deal with Hooters in Japan to shill for the game
>Iizuka also tied Forces into Mania for cross promotional purposes
>it's already being bundled with Mania at some places to get rid of as many copies as they can
tl;dr it's a dumpster fire of a game that Sonic Team shit out to meet deadlines and quotas and Sega would much rather have the game swept under the rug and forgotten about as soon as possible
It deserved to but who knows if it did.
Sonic is fucking dead, and that's coming from me.
Woops, I actually left out the best part about the development:
>roughly three years of the game's development was spent on the graphics engine
>around one year was spent actually developing the game on and off
>leaving behind many obvious traces of Boom Sonic
I just want Sega to contract Taxman to make a sequel to Mania. Sega please just do this.
Sonic was never good anyway.
The Avatar characters rope thing is exactly like the rope thing from Boom.
there’s a reason they’ve asked Taxman to port Sonic CD, 1 and 2 before mkaing Mania, they’re preparing him to keep milking Classic Sonic from now on since they are clearly incapable to do it themselves
who da fuck are you
You gain some clothing that looks like Boom Sonic's clothing. I think it was gloves with tape on them.
And I'll be totally fine with that.
I bought it last week as part of a sale Game Stop was having where you could get two games eligible for it and pay 5€ for the least-expensive one of the two. On the Switch, the only games that were part of the promotion were a couple third-party launch period ones, retail indie games and really low-profile games. And Sonic Forces.
So is there someone like Taxman willing to try to take on the adventure style 3D gameplay? All it really needs is some fine tuning in the physics and level design and it would be perfect
In the game, don't you find it strange that two out of the three people you play as are just another version of Sonic?
Also check out this official 25th anniversary image, made before Sonic Forces was announced.
nah, ever since that first trailer in the BZZZZZZZZ Sonic festival I expected it to be Generations 2, then word started coming out about the avatar so I never expected Boom to be involved.
Specially since Rise of Lyric was already being shat on at the time.
They had already removed him by the time the BZZZZZ event happened, but I'm sure he was planned initially.
3D gameplay is much more difficult to make than 2D. In 2D, you can make sprites in photoshop and you only have to worry about 2D physics and level design. That's why the 3D games tend to be more restrictive in their levels and less stylised.
It would be interesting to see the console stats but mania shit all over forces on steam
I bought it twice, on PC and Shitch
Yes but some good did come out of Forces. Honestly sega add some fuckin pvp I've never enjoyed a sonic game more than this and its fuckin mobile.
Isn't that just Sonic Dash but against other people like a race?
adventure is awful janky shit
there is utpoia, paradise and this youtube.com
Yes but for some reason I found racing agaisnt other players to be really fun. I had alot of clutch wins and the mario kart mystery box style weapons add to the challenge
no shit Sherlock
I really liked Spark the Electric Jester and hope Falk the Electric Jester is gonna be just as good.
The engine is pretty good, but the actual gameplay suffers from open ended level design, a distinct lack of good air control, poor camera, and the weird acceleration rate
Same as above for the most part
Actually looks kind of good. My major concerns are
>2D sections
>Levels are both too wide and too linear
>Camera looks terrible
>Combat focus
>Assets look mediocre
This is the one with the most potential though, I think.
my friend who works into videogame retailo tried to convince me to buy this piece of shit because "its like the old sonic adventure games dude its amazing!" fuck you i mean i know you have to lie to sell stuff but thats just nasty
>he engine is pretty good
it's unity you idiot same as fark
>open ended level design
it's a proof of concept demo
> lack of good air control, poor camera, and the weird acceleration rate
adventure fags are cancer
>it's unity you idiot same as fark
Fine let me rephrase then: The physics look pretty good. You have to set those on your own when you're making a unity game unless you use some default setup which is honestly kind of disgusting.
>it's a proof of concept demo
That's great, but it's been out for a while now, why isn't there a demo of what an actual level would be like instead of green hill playground?
>adventure fags are cancer
Not an argument. Refute the points or eat a chode, niggercunt