Is it irrelevant yet?
Is it irrelevant yet?
As long as macrohard keeps throwing money at it, it'll never be irrevelant. Which is a shame as they are legitimately holding back the industry.
>Best online
>Best performing multiplats
>Best controller
You should be shitting on Sony more than anything.
It was irrelevant since it launched.
The solution isn't better hardware, it's compelling software, and Microsoft tripped over themselves too much at the start to convince the industry to swing their direction anymore.
xbonex or xbone in general?
i got an xbone last week for 80 and i'm happy with it at that price
it's definitely the worst console of the three, but mcc and bc are nice enough
Outsold PS4 in December. Nobody is falling for the “no exclusives cause everything is on PC” meme that Sony fans without PCs continue to parrot
Literally what?
how is it a meme if it's true?
Everyone I know who used to own a 360 plays on PC now.
Beware who you're bullying. After being BTFO by PS4bros and PCbros, WiiUtards used to pick on XBOners, thinking that XBOners are weaker than them.
Not only XBOne outlives WiiU (which died like a bitch in a ditch 3 years after release), XBOne also curbstomps WiiU into unrecognizable bloody and gory pastes in terms of sale.
only ps4 and switch are relevant, I even forgot the xbone still exists
No, it still serves a purpose as a useful butt monkey and quarantine hub for retards.
>holds back PC by simply existing
>worse multiplelayer than PC, negligibly better than Sony, not free like Nintendo and PC
>holds back widespread adoption of gyro controls by not having them
>second worst controller after joycons (which are at least justified)
>no future other than being shit PC (Ninty went portable, Sony went VR)
>best platforming multiplats
Read that again and be embarassed
Because nobody plays modern games on PCs, autismo. Even the chinks who play PUBG all have potatoes, according to steam, that don’t even meet the recommended specs.
>"""""""""PC GAMING""""""""""""
>0.45% on 4K
the absolute state of pc gaming
The problem is there are really few reasons to buy a xbonex. A mid rig can withstand their titles, crossplay covers the early desertification pc servers generally experience, and the controller, well, it's sold separately.
Buying one is reasonable if you don't have a proper pc. The rest is only brand loyalty.
>not a Brand Loyality to Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/10
>Buying one is reasonable if you don't have a proper pc
>cryptofags hogging up GPUs
>smartphones hogging up RAM
>all procs from Pentium II and up are succeptible to Meltdown
PC gayming will be dead for at least a whole generation.
Yep, it is not.
You only buy win10 """exclusives""" from Microsoft directly (and I still need to find one appealing enough to buy).
No third parties.
Sometimes not even first ones.
>Backwards compat three generations
Prepare for loot boxes.
pretty much
xcucks only count american sales number and ignore everything. that's the only thing they can brag about anymore
>japan's getting nuked
>yurop's getting muslim'd
Murica is the only place that matters.
>hand over the games and nobody gets hurt
Are Xboxfags really this desperate?
This is fake.
The actual ration of Dec NPD is NS 1: Xbone 0.91: PS4 0.72.(ie: if NS sold 1 million, Xbone=910k, PS4=720k)
This is just some dumbass from N4G trying to make PS4 looking not that bad.
>quoting that post from gears forum with pcbro asking for crossplay which happened
>xboxfags are desperate
I think the real question that needs to be asked is, are console coming to an end?
Pretty desperate to bring up GOW which I've seen mentioned about 2 times here before because literally no one cares about it