How did The Witcher grow so much with W3?

How did The Witcher grow so much with W3?

I remember when The Witcher was considered more of a clunky novelty before The Witcher 2 released. Even the second game was mostly held up by Sup Forums to put down DA II. Now all of a sudden critics are sucking on CDPR's cock which didn't even have the sort cachet as Nintendo or Rockstar then. Now, it's got a fucking TV show, threads all over Sup Forums, and fan films out the ass.

What made its popularity blow up?

marketing. same as literally everything else that gets popular

The less challenging and more casual the game is the more popular it is

I haven't seen a single ad for PUBG. Counter-Strike started as a mod with a budget of $0.

>game franchise goes from clunky combat to fluid-yet-woefully-simple combat
could have been worse


>How did The Witcher grow so much with W3?

Because the game is legitimately good and well-written.

It managed to come at the right time thanks to Game of Thrones starting a dark fantasy boom in media.

Also it was actually a good game despite what the fags on this board tell you.

brainlet game for brainlets

Honestly word of mouth is probably a big factor.

TW3 can appeal to basically anyone and it's clear even to the average casual that the world is fucking massive and the graphics are good. It's appealing to both sides of the spectrum so most people will eventually have a go at it.

Marketing = word of mouth/twitch/shitposting.

Blame Redditfags. The Witcher is a shitty ripoff of Elric of Melnibone.

>marketing is just ads

For once they're not wrong. Witcher 3 is objectively superior game to a lot of the incomplete, DLC-riddled, single-player Cash Shoop, greedy piles of garbage 2017 saw put out.

Games have such shitty writting that when a game with actual good writting comes out it easily becomes the absolute best videogame ever made.
It is so much better than any other videogame in existence but of course weebs and contrarians will never realise that

Go home, Razorfist

>when a game with actual good writting comes out it easily becomes the absolute best videogame ever made
Why didn't Witcher 1 sell more than Witcher 3 then?

>TV show
It already had a TV show as well user, why are you surprised?

Nobody cares about writing in games fuck off /lit/

>I give you 100 bucks to write 20 nonsensical bait articles over the span of 4 years
>Ill do it for 5€ and some peanuts

>Clunky combat
>shitty menus
>useless alchemy
>trying to be edgy by forcing sex onto everything
>moral decisions that aren't hard unless you subscribe to a retarded "both sides are the same" attitude
Why do people like this game again?

It's just an overall decent game with tons of content in a time where shitty rip-offs with content locked behind pay walls are the standard.
People forgot that decent AAA games used to be a thing so they thought they witnessed the second coming of Christ when they played W3.

If you ate a BigMac after almost starving to death you'd think it's the most delicious thing ever too.>food analogy

>literally every single human being is a result of sex
>literally the normalest thing in the universe
>kissless handholdless virgin calls sex edgy
why are amerilards such puritans?

Every human being is a creation of god, not sex.
Dog bless.

>by forcing sex onto everything

Your tears are delicious, soyboy.

>clunky combat
fuck you

>I haven't seen a single ad for PUBG.

Then you must never watch TV or don't live in the USA.

I do night security at a Chase office location and the other people I work with like to watch those stupid night comedy shows where they bitch about how awful Trump is, and damn near every commercial break for the last month there's a commercial for PUBG.

I'm halfway torn between posting
>"because it, despite Sup Forums's fucking shitty taste, was a genuinely good game"
>"because it's not even a mediocre game and won just because everything else was shittier"

Felt like a video game and less like a college lecture or Sunday morning bible belt fire and brimstone sermon.
>IE. Ubisoft/EA/Sony

there is no subtext, or an ulterior motive behind the subjects presented, everything is there in service of the story being told. No presidential look-a-likes, no hints at policy in popular [current year] politics. That shit is getting hard to avoid in western games and I appreciate literally anyone who makes something that doesn't fall into that category.

You are right on both counts anyway.

Because W3 has good writting on top of competent and fancy everything else even if it excels at nothing
The witcher 1 on the other hand plays and looks like a pile of steaming ratshit


>from rhythm influenced RPG combat to bam ham's creed

That's like a side-down-grade.

>wicher 3 literally a reddit tier game
>get called soyboy

They actually put more than the absolute bare minimum of effort into TW3, which is something you just don't do in AAA gaming.


A huge budget + marketing

because CONSOLES.

Can't believe no one's said it yet.


>a lot of the incomplete, DLC-riddled, single-player Cash Shoop, greedy piles of garbage 2017 saw put out.

Why are there so many of these?

I think voicing every dialogue is double edged sword for such big game. I want to talk with more people and able to ask locations at least like in Morrowind.

The conversations you could have with mose NPCs were incredibly shallow.

I know it's immersive to be able to talk to anyone, but let's not pretend it was better than it was.


>[monotone sarcastic comment 1]
>[monotone sarcastic comment 2]
>[monotone sarcastic comment 3]
It's the true pinnacle of narrative craftsmanship.

boobs and marketing

It's very simple open world

I never played the first, but the second was kind of a mixed bag. I liked how you researched monsters to prepare your hunt, but the combat was cookie cutter and I didn't care for story, especially when locks me in a small area.

It's quite simple. It's the game of thrones of open world role playing games.

>*Whistle for magic horse*
>*autorun on road to quest marker*
>Toucan scan vision activates
>"Mhhm... Giant slash marks all over the victim... A drowner™ gotta be...
>"Come on, roach"
>*Follow nose*
>Guys in drowners™ costumes appears
>"shit, you stink"
>*set guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guy in half*
>"Mmhh... Bandits™ pretending to be drowners™, better tell the village head about it"
>"come on, roach"
>*Autorun back to the village*
>"Just some bastard posng as drowners ™, here's proofs*show flipper*
>"drowning in danger" complete
>10 crowns received

forgot about 10 xp

It was a great game and had fucking outstanding price to time value for 2015. It literally was the one game that most stood out from amongst the others.

Honestly its largely because the game sees decent sales pretty frequently
I dont even like the witcher series but it was like 60% off and I figured I might as well see what the hype was about
I ended up following the same trend as the other two witcher games of playing it for 4 hours and then uninstalling

All you have to do is make a game a watered down, busy work filled open world piece of shit and people eat it up like hot cakes

This is why Skyrim was so successful, busy work makes casuals feel like they are doing something meaningful

>What made its popularity blow up?
marketing to normalfags

>Ride your magic horse that appears when you call it from anywhere on a magic road while holding one button to an icon on your map showing where the sidequest is
>have a witty, nonchalant repartee with some some peasant fuck who is actually quite cordial while discussing something but will probably call you a white cunt or something later
>follow another bread crumb trail made by magic toucan sam powers to a dead dog or cart
>touch dead dog or cart
>"Mmhm. This dog/cart was torn up by claws. Must be a Fiend™"
>follow your nose to the Fiend™
>"RAWRRG ACTUALLY IT WAS NOT A FIEND™ AT ALL, IT WAS ME....A SKALADOSHA™ (a rare type of tree vampire!)"
>Alalalal alalalalala *put up shield which will go down in one hit and has to be reapplied or shoot wind which does nothing or shoot fire which sort of stings* alalalalala *dodge* alalalala *light attack, light attack, HEAVY attack wow so much variety!* what now you filth? Shit you stink ALALALALALA
>collect Skaladosha™ head
>ride magic horse back to quest giver
>"Fuck you cunty fuck cunt shitter fuck....shit. Here's 20 kurwas (one loaf of bread costs 35 kurwas)"

Yeah lorewise majority fear/hate witchers, but still little more dialogues would be good. The taverns are completely useless in W3 for example.

Kinda like BG2 at the time - it's not horrible at any single aspect and is well above average in most. Don't listen WORST COMBAT EVER crowd because they generally have no idea what they're talking about or are utterly dishonest about it.

>everyone releases shit nowadays
>witcher is close to older rpg games while also having a good graphics and other shit making it a good game overall
gee boss i dunno maybe because everything else is garbage and even then witcher would be above averge game but compared to other things its just too good

>he wasn't here when shitter 3 released
>he didn't saw 5+ threads at the same time
>he didn't realise the absurd amount ofm arketing and shilling CDP threw at the game to make it sell

>witcher is close to older rpg

it's not bad but it's pretty mediocre

when I tell people IRL that I don't like the Witcher, they look at me like I took a piss on their kid's face

One aspect Slavs absolutely blew the fuck out of every other RPG developers was the side content. When you manage to make a simple "go here and kill X" into a memorable quest because you weave in a story you've done a good job.

>13900 lazare
Oh, captcha.

Its basically the modern equivalent of Skyrim

>what is gothic
maybe youll also tell me combat is worse than in baldurs gate or something
hating witcher on Sup Forums is a meme bait and saying only normies like the game is a lie

it's the game equivalent of game of thrones. reminder that most normies still think the show is a masterpiece, even the current seasons.


It wasn't the best game in the world, but it was good enough, had acceptable visuals, some fun quests, plenty of stuff to kill, and free DLC.

The fact that a lot of other games around that time were disappointing made it stand out and it was something different.

>most of those who hate witcher 3 are weebs
really makes you think

>One aspect Slavs absolutely blew the fuck out of every other RPG developers was the side content
>still behind an aryan RPG that was released over a decade ago

Modern equivalent of any popular RPG? In my times everyone liked BG/Morrowind/Gothic.

Gothic had full VA all the way back, what, 15 years ago? Only thing that can really change is the volume and quality. One interesting comparison would be Secret World and Old Republic which both did "fully VA MMORPG" but sheer quality in the former overshadowed the latter. Very much like in Witcher 3, NPCs in Secret World felt like real fleshed out people.

Gothic is a much smaller scale game, though. You cannot compare all games 1:1. Witcher 3 does rely way way too much on Witcher vision.

>missions are just follow the red markings and Geralt's mumbling
>decision making, on the other hand, tests how much you were paying attention to things

Bloody Baron quest resolution in particular can depend on whether you were paying attention when he was talking about his wife's favorite flowers, for example.

>I want to talk with more people and able to ask locations at least like in Morrowind.

I think big difference is Geralt KNOWS a lot of that shit because it's his world. He's not a self-insert avatar for the player that needs to be fed basic information. Some players absolutely hate this approach, though.

They're engaging in different ways. One is through player freedom and the game adapting well to their choices. The other is engaging through interesting plot and characters and breasts.

They catered it to batman audience

hello cdpr shills

>What made its popularity blow up?

Basically, continual improvement. But arguably more than that being in the right place at the right time. I think people tend to overlook how much CDPR has grown as a developer in just over a decade going from literal nobody that did localization to Polish into this RPG titan.

well ghotics map was small and witcher is much bigger
they couldve done something like ghotic but who would play for 1000 hours and look for shit in every quest on this big map not talking about development time being in 10s of years

I always found small time NPCs the most likeable in Witcher 3 for some reason.

witcher 3 is PC bloodborne and last good game.

>bitch throws a fit when you kill some faggots that started some shit

Pic not related obviously

>The witcher 1 on the other hand plays and looks like a pile of steaming ratshit
false, W1 is the best game in the series and only children with ADHD think otherwise

Yeah it has much better graphics and gameplay than the witcher 3 of fucking course


Why do Dork Souls players lambast Witcher 3's combat while their game is basically learning to work around the absolutely atrocious hitboxes, the immensely slow animation with artificial input lag and one of the worst collision detection in the industry?

Is there any point in using anything but witcher swords? I remember you can find axes or something.

I never understood why people act as if action adventure combat hasn't always been spamming one button.


No. There never was in the entire trilogy. W3 also has sets you really want to get so there's that.

Gothic, DD, Jade Empire.

Because it is good and new/original.

Just check franchises that came out last gen, the first game was a beta test, second game received proper funding, added some new cool stuff but removed some cool ones for no reason and the third game was a total mess. (mostly EA)
Some other franchises tried to play safe and didnt sold well on the 2nd and 3rd game because was simply same shit from the first.

But witcher just knew what they where doing, they did what they wanted to do and it worked well.

W4 will be better with new MC instead of Geralt.

99% of the people in Sup Forums will grab for any cynical excuse their miserable brain can think of rather than "Maybe it was actually liked and/or good"

I think i've grown to old for Sup Forums. I love dunking on shit like every other Sup Forumsirgin but this FORCED negativity about everything is just getting so pathetic and old.

I'll never understand why Griffin armor looks so bad. There was never a contest - you choose between Bear and Wolf.

I haven't played jade empire so I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or mocking me.

Based virginfuckface got more pussy than the entirety of Sup Forums with their lifespans combined

>Jade Empire

Google how Gothic combat looks like if you don't remember.

wolf is the only one that really fits the whole "witchers wear armored jackets" theme first two games had.