Why do people like this "game" so much?

>generic predictable story bloated with muh feels
>walking simultator 70% of the time
>braindead "puzzles"
>3-4 enemy types, worse yet, zombie game where 90% of the encounters are against humans
>only 1 "boss" fight, not even a final boss
>batman vision

Also Joel did nothing wrong.

Does it matter? Just state your opinion on the game and move on. At least you played the fucking thing.

You didn't play it on Grounded because you're a pussy

People like movies, the game looks like a movie. That's it.

Muh flawed but human protagonist wins people over very well for some reason.
Also it came out at the peak of the zombie nerdout phase as a "serious" take on the genre, which neckbeards enjoyed because they wanted to feel like they are purveyors of fine art

>playing games on the most autistic difficulty to make you feel superior


It was okay imo, stealth and gunplay was fine, story was good and characters great. Unfortunately what makes it great is of little relevance to me

If games were based on how "pure gameplay" the content was, we should have never made any game with a narrative, good atmosphere, dialogue or any kind, or even named characters with personality

It's shit.

>Game opens with the moral choice of shooting a guy to put him out of misery or letting him die slow to save ammo. Thus establishing there will be the option of choice in the game
>Never again for the entire game do you ever get any semblance of choice and are forever rail roaded into everything
>When the nigger betrays you and leaves you for dead, you have absolutely no option to kill him

Seemed like it was trying hard to be an HBO series in video game form. Probably why normies loved it so much

>don't like game
>play it anyway

i unironically liked the mp better than the sp

If you claim Joel did nothing wrong you actually liked the game

The relationship between Joel and Ellie is probably one of the most well developed and believable i've seen in any videogame

The combat is really enjoyable on higher difficulties. The way the limited resources affects combat is tense as fuck, when you're desperately trying to get out of a situation with only three bullets and a molotov.

>nu-nu-Sup Forums is defending TLoU now

zombies that's why

in the cutscenes, in the game she is a ghost everytime except in the scripted moments.

yeah I'm gonna need sauce, bruh

>Sup Forums still crying about TLOU

the multiplayer was great, gunplay was good.

Becasue they've been told to like it.
Or didn't try to play it a second time and see how everything breaks apart the moment you try to play it instead of simply watching it.

they weren't trying to set up a choices thing with that scene at all you fruit

There are a few moments where you can decide if you want to engage the enemy and waste ammo, or try to sneak past them.

I genuinely don't understand.
The game is basically an average movie with some shitty gameplay to work as an excuse to sell it as a game.
There is nothing good about nu-ND games. Not to mention the whole SJW propaganda.

quite simple, it's neither average nor a movie
anyone who ever played it would understand, so i highly recommend (you) to

is no one gonna give me sauce?

>The game is basically an average movie with some shitty gameplay to work as an excuse to sell it as a game.
You can say the same about some of the anime games Sup Forums defends.


Im not. I agree with you its trash and wish i didnt buy into the hype and actually buy it.
The same people that think this is the greatest game also think the walking dead is the greatest show when its the most generic garbage with absolutely no creativity aimed at the lowest common denominator

90% of media is average. persona, mario, zelda, nu halo, movies, tv shows, its all fucking average shit memed up to be much better than it is. your favorite fotm anime is average. the game you're currently playing? chances are its average. the only extremes are in the people on forum like this who vehemently defend or attack certain games.

The voice acting, people like it because of that.

>I hate games that make me "feel"

Kys you generic shooter loving faggot

True. Nolan North got to show off his range for a change.

No difference in enjoyment from watching it on youtube verses interaction and the use of a controller. I'd venture to say the interactivity is a detriment to enjoyment actually due to it's distracting nature from from the abundant cinematic elements. I entirely disagree with you and then some.

The game drops ammo depending on what weapons you are using and how much do you have left. It's made that way so you feel like ammo is scarce but in reality the algorithm is always there to save you.

that's sad to hear since the ai does not completely suck which makes stealth moments enjoyable
the game also has multiplayer, its bretty gud

Bit of a moot point when you design your game mostly around visual elements and story. At least for me, the programming goes unnoticed. Rather, it becomes more of an annoyance then an aid to the gameplay or the full presentation. Leading to... (youtube). Go look at the LP view counts.