Can we have a AGDQ 2018 WebM thread, please?
Can we have a AGDQ 2018 WebM thread, please?
these people go out so little they think their life is like a cartoon/anime.
he probably thought he looked all animated and cool when he did that.
>the chad stroll
why is she in a hurry
Needs to dial 8 fast
Id say any year is ok.
*oh no*
*pls not now*
*need... to.. dilate...*
Post the chair sniff one please
Is that supposed to be Commander Keen cosplay?
Why are so many gamers mentally disturbed?
Nice leg- OH JESUS
thanks for letting me know it wasn't just me
more legit audience hunnies pls (female, vagene, no dilate)
Fuck, the amount of these 'people' has only multiplied in recent years due to the normalization of this type of behavior. What a depressing fucking world, I can't imagine being near these weirdos for more than five seconds.
Living in a basement for years does that to people I guess. It's easier to speedrun if you're mentally disturbed then get a job.
It's a shame too, gives us semi-normies a bad name.
i'm neither of you, but i had the same exact reaction....
i need some bleach in my brain
I've met a couple in person. They were nice, but they're not the ones you're gonna find on the internet. I do agree that the glamorisation of it is bad, though.
>Hey, CJ, tell me why I didn't finish high school.
>'Cause you been dealin' drugs, man. Since the age of ten. Ha, ha, ha.
>Ha, ha, ha. Nope. That ain't it.
>'Cause you put your hands on that teacher for wearin' Ballas colours. Ha, ha, ha.
This was in 2004. Imagine the amount of controversy this game would cause, had it released now.
*seeks attention at every turn and makes event about her (male)*