how do you respond without sounding mad?
>report player
>abusive chat
by killing yourself
Why would that make you mad?
Silently report them to the overly sensitive staff and laugh your ass off when you get the notification that your report resulted in action against somebody for bantz.
>how do you respond
Not responding is the best action, because no matter what you say, you will come out as mad.
I write "gg ez" before they do even if I'm in the losing team.
>Thank you for the stomp, seeing you play teached me a lot about the game also please bang my gf
if you've been beaten then there's nothing you can say without sounding mad besides maybe asking for a rematch, take it like a bitch
>asking for a rematch
no user that's the most butthurt thing to do
>I would have won if I was using my main
Can I stop you there? Look, I know this is just a game but...
Come on man.
We're all here to get away from the daily grind and enjoy our hobby. We might be having a good day or a bad day, but in here we're all looking for the same thing. I know life can get you down sometimes and you might want to lash out and relieve some stress, but all you're doing is passing that negativity on to the next person. It's virulent and insidious, it's a never ending chain of hurt people, unless you have the courage and the empathy to say "No more!". The difference between a kind sentiment at the end of a gaming session and a vicious and uncalled for insult can mean a world of difference to other players. Maybe they're new, maybe they're playing badly because things aren't going well for them.
Please, just try to make this game a little better for everyone playing you absolute fucking faggot. Have a great day.
I didn't answer though.
>mfw I send "ez pz" before the game even ends when it becomes clear I'll win
>either they accept and you beat them to prove it wasn't gg ez, or they pussy out and you now have the upper hand
it's best way to turn the tables, unless they beat you of course then you're double fucked
>EZ like ur mom LUL
>y-you too
Why would I want to sound not mad?
Say 'Fuck off and die' and go find your next game.
>Not responding is the best action
I take no response or leaving the lobby asap a sign of mad. if someone talk shit to you in real life and you said nothing at all then you are a more of bitch than if you were to say anything.
>This isn't even my final form...
I don't respond. I just report.
>or leaving the lobby asap
Why would I stay around talking in a lobby when I could be playing another match with someone?
>respond in another language
>(response A) *says nothing*
>response B) says something racist
>report and get him banned
Just say GG back to them.
>responding to idiots online.
>even reading chat
>not going full ham and sounding even more mad than you actually are
Where's the fun?
>if someone talk shit to you in real life and you said nothing at all then you are a more of bitch than if you were to say anything.
In my experience remaining silent and collected and just not reacting actually flusters the hell out of shit-talkers IRL. Sure, they'll start out all "Aw, look at the little bitch! He doesn't even have a comeback!" But if you're able to remain straight-faced and actually not react at all they'll just keep going and sound more and more desperate for you to react until they just give up.
Samesies LOL
>doxx them
>send SWAT on them
>they get shot
>buy them a tombstone with GG EZ inscribed on it
nigger faggot I hope your family get murdered and your sister get raped by niggers, kill yourself fucking retard, God, If I knew where you live I'd beat the shit out of you and your entire family. I'll rape your mom and kill her in front of you, subhuman filth, piece of shit, faggot, nigger, faggot, nigger, faggot, nigger, kill yourself.
>reading and participating in chat
I don't type or really care about in-game chat. The only times where I care about is when someone furiously accuses me of cheating which is hilarious.
>You're pretty good at this game! Have you even had your first kiss yet?
Works every time
>All these soyboys
Not my Sup Forums
We had leaver, bg
I don't. I will report him after game.
>solo queuing in competitive overwatch
I deserve it to be honest.
>being in the post-game lobby long enough for them to type it
>all these buzzwords
Not my Sup Forums
the key is to only respond when you aren't mad. not all losses should make you mad.
You sound so mad lol
What the FUCK did you just say to me, you little bitch?
>say easy game, get good before the game ends
>start slowly losing the lead
>leave the game before the enemy can say anything
>Couldn't beat me in a real game.
Fpbp. This is always my default response to any shithead in an online and it has never failed to completely shut them down
>how do you respond without sounding mad?
it's not rocket science
>Luna will never give you paizuri in 20 fps
i wanna die man
>only acting tough when it's obvious that you have the advantage
>not saying gg easy right after the game starts
user, you're just a generic pussy.
thanks man you too
if you lose you deserve to be ggez'd
gg :)
I can't. When i get on a team that gets their shit pushed in that badly I don't respond 90% of the time, if I do it's "wp, fuck off"
I play Battlerite and chat in this game is disabled by default, which i found very convenient and comfy.
>comparing real life confrontations to online bantz
Go outside more.
at least im not a virgin lmao
>enemies are dominating and say GG EZ
>they start fucking around and we are bringing it back
Had some shitter in ranked Rocket League 3s who was playing by himself, with a team of randos, and generally being a douche. All it took was "No wonder you don't have any friends" to shut him the fuck down.
this. had a dota game where one of my teammates said it was his first lion - hero's name - game in teamchat then i went and said it's my first crystal maiden game but accidentally in allchat, a faggot on the enemy team said "and not playing good i see" or some shit like that, instead of responding i went and reported the fucker. one game later and i got a notification telling me they "dealt" with him :^)
>Geniunely good game
>Some shitter writes ez
>Don't even mind because the rest of his team were good sports and I had fun
if ggez is said on my side before the game ends, i throw the game.
>Play ranked bronze in Overwatch
>Enemy goes gg ez
Makes me laugh everytime. Congrats of beating some of the worse players in the community.
wow that was so hard
>thanks, you too
>add as friend
>start playing together and become actual friends
I say LOLRANDUM shit, it usually works to piss them off since people stopped doing it years ago and they don't have a defense against it other than straight insults or quitting.
ur mom is ez
>The enemy think they are winning and taunt me in the chat.
>I turn the tables
>Hit them with a ?
Thats how you break their will.
GG ez just like drugs is for soycore virgins.
you have to say something autistic like "I like putting bananas in my ass" then they'll be stunned and say "wtf". You'll win every time
What I love about csgo is that you can shit talk relentlessly if you want with any racial slurs you desire and you won't get banned
>Rocket League about 3 or 4 months ago
>Losing 0-6 with a minute to go
> Opponent has been shittalking the whole match
>Spamming ggez, uninstall, kys etc.
>In this final minute, I make a huge comeback and with 1 second left I score my 6th goal
>Overtime lasts maybe 20 seconds till I score and win
>Say in chat "Yeah, gg, ez."
>He messages me on PSN with this
"Hey man, I wanna apologize. I had a real shitty day at work, and that lead to me being an asshole in our game. I'm really sorry."
>Reply back to him with "You aren't sorry. You're upset that you lost and now have to make up some sob story to make me feel bad for you. Piss off, and don't message me again."
>He simply responds back with ":/"
Some fucking people. There's one thing on this planet I can't stand, liars.