Is The Saboteur worth it?

Is The Saboteur worth it?

I loved it

yes, definitely. best gta clone out there imo

I played it when I was maybe 11.
My valuable opinion is that it was "kinda ok"

All about the concept sounds good until you play it. Stay away from that unfinished shitfest

>not Sleeping Dogs

no, it sucks ass, stealth and action gameplay suck, you can hide on a roof and just snipe fags down below and they are unable you get to you

mediocre gameplay saved by a great atmosphere

worth a playthrough

That's Saints Row 2 by far wtf
Sleeping Dogs sucks bad.

underage b&

I hope there will be more posts, I'd like to discuss the game.
I really liked the colour thing in the game, at start it's black and white, and the more you play, it gains colour, pretty cool.
And the music was okay, some tracks didn't fit very well, but a fine list otherwise (Nina Simone's Feeling Good is the best version).

It’s bare bones, not just in terms of content but the games itself bare bones. It could’ve been good

Nice art style, terrible everything else.

I wont miss the studio that made it.

>I don't have simple arithmetic skills

it's good
>great atmosphere, especially in the black & white nazi districts
>lots of stuff to blow up - think of like a proto version of Just Cause 2
>main character is a whiskey sipping mick
>very accurate depiction of Paris, from what I could tell by looking at it from Google Maps
it's the WW2 Assassin's Creed we never got

>le kill da evil NAZIS


nice false flagging nigger

hello resetera

i must say, driving around in those old cars listening to old music was one of the comfiest feels i've had in a game

It's free on GOG

Gameplay can feel a little wonky but nothing beats cruising around in the Gestapo cruiser in Nazi occupied areas to turn it into a black and white noire with every iron eagle and swastika blaring bright red and resistance a bright blue. Just put on the radio for the good jazz tracks and you're in heaven.
Alternatively you can use one of the super classy cars.

It has titties
So yeah
It's great

Its bretty good. Reminded me of Commando comics

It's a fresh setting for an open-world, the gameplay is derivative and the story is passable, but the characters are pretty cool.
no it isn't.

I like it.
A GTA/Assassin's Creed where you kill as many nazis as you want.
If you can look past the lack of polish the game needed by the end but couldn't get because EA rushed the studio in order to just shut them down afterwards, it's many many hours of fun.

It's fantastic, the swan song of pandemic, greatest game I've played like it

And if you're into killing nazis, it's actually really good because you see negative things about how they fucked up france, not like wolfenstein 2 where they literally made america some technocracy that's awesome with progress, and you do it because someone tells you to

thank you for your rivetingly convincing performance of "man with garbage opinion"

Leftist drivel

I got a better one:
"I don't think Saints Row 2 is the best GTA-like game ever"

best thing you can do is kill a nazi officer and take his uniform, then go to a nazi base, blow shit up, then finger a poor random soldier as scapegoat and watch his fellow soldiers shoot him on the spot

the best gta clone ever would have a pc port that isn't one of the shittiest in vidya history

GOAT game

The quality of a port does not influence the quality of a game itself.
Even leaving this aside, saints row 2 has absolutely 0 problems with "gentlemen of the row" installed. Guess you're just a shitter.

>that character model

>game looks progressively worse as you free places from under nacho occupation
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>the quality of a port does not influence the quality of a game itself
it does if you actually had to play it in that dire state
>b-but mods fix it
I guess bethesda games aren't lazy bug-ridden messes because they expect their audience to finish the job for them too then

yes. it's a gta / asscreed without the social commentray Sup Forumsitics and or sjw reeeing shit.

>despite the fact that you hide out in a whorehouse 'cabaret' with naked bitches wearing just their panties and dancing and singing for the germans et al.

plus the game has great charm and appeal. social stealthing into and out of objectives before your planted explosives obliterate everything, then using THAT distraction to lay YET MORE

it's a nice self challenge to see how far you can get before the alarms go off.

>1 mod to fix general performance vs 100s to fix visual bugs, stupid decisions and balancing issues
You tell me which one is worse.

they're both inexcusable because a game's audience shouldn't be the ones responsible for making it playable

who cares about pc niggers?
An intellectual ubermensch judges a game on its best version.
If the scraps you got are broken then tough shit poorfag.

if the pc version isn't the best version then its best version is a restrictive compromise and not worth the attention

Ok sure fuck off faggot this thread is about videogames not talking about your retarded ports (thought only after the console release was milked) and all the technical shit troubles that coem with it lmao
Go whine about it on /r/pcmasterrace