Open beta has begun and servers are getting hammered.
Devs are aware of the issues and working on it.
V-Jump leak tomorrow?
Open beta has begun and servers are getting hammered.
Devs are aware of the issues and working on it.
V-Jump leak tomorrow?
Other urls found in this thread:
Saiyans for DLC and I'll buy it. Females and I'll DROP the game.
>duhhh it's a stress test you idiots! Buy the game if you want to actually play it!
I went on reddit to find fixes for this server shit and thoses were half of the responses
>not knowing what a stress test is
is that a self portrait, user?
Thank-you for taking part in our stress test. Please buy and enjoy our game!
All I want is training mode
>ever going to reddit
last time i checked betas were made to give feedback on how the game actually fucking played you jap shill
Are you surprised? They're nothing but shills on reddit. Every single time I look up how to disable or fix something tech-related and I get linked to reddit, it's a thread of nothing but "why would you want to disable that feature it's great" and "works on my machine, sounds like a 'you' problem :)"
Post your queue times! Sitting at 1h 10min here.
Hi user, I can confirm that training mode will be available in the full game. We are currently hosting an open stress test at the moment. Please purchase the game to enjoy training mode!
you'll get it user in the form of dlc
last man XFactor is giving me Marvel 3 flashbacks.
>advertised as a public beta to actually play the game
>announce that Beerus, Nappa, and Gohan are playable
Nowhere did Namco say this was a mere stress test. Kill yourself.
>was not expecting Krillin to be the most interesting tutorial character
>was not expecting Gohan to be the least interesting
no idea wtf to do with Gohan
what am i looking at here?
GODhan is top-tier pleb
A bottom pained FGC rep.
He has a little stuff but honestly don't see why he is in the game
Is the beta live now for PS4?
I get the "Failed to initialise [network]" error when I try to connect. Is that just cause there are so many people trying to connect?
Go to bed Paul, you're tired.
2 hours
Thank God Krillin is fun because I was going to main him.
It’s not DOA you stupid faggot. Why should it even be a top seller? You’re on a board where there’s major support but you have to remember that most people could give a single fuck about a retarded dead Japanese cartoon about faggots discussing fighting
It’ll outsell its budget and be just fine
i cant wait to see larger tournaments with this game. whens the first event to host this game happening?
The level of skill required in DBFZ. Mash out those combos, kids
i got the same shit so i'm just playing something else while monitoring the thread
Nah it's just regular jap fighting game beta/games having shitty networking as usual
It's annoying me too that it's taking so long to fix but they have said on twitter this is stress testing.
>he gets hit by auto-combos
Found the shitter
>dead japanese cartoon
>Nah it's just regular bandai namco games having shitty networking as usual
dont worry bro, one day youll get out of rookie rank and start playing without autocombos
Tien really should have tried to grow more arms after he got BTFO by Based Nappa
>complaining about auto combos
If somebody actually uses those, then that means you know exactly what they'll do every time, which means if you're actually a good player you'll be able to easily block and punish it.
Winter Brawl i think
February 23-25
Could be wrong.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and post gay pedo shit there you cunt
1-2-3-launch 1-2-3-special 1-2-3-assist 1-2-3-super
Wow! It's so much harder than autocombos haha. I likey this fighting game I likey! It make me feel like a big boy haha!
>he thinks fighting games are about combos
Mad that CHADhan is top-tier?
>I need deep combos to enjoy a game
Yeah I love how popular street fighter v is.
Whats the current tier list look like?
So will we be able to disable auto combos for local play? This is the question my friends were asking last night, and if we do disable auto combos, isit like marvelss?
fuckk man i was hyped for this game until i pushed x three times
Looks like someone left their autistic child on Sup Forums
>capcbro literally seething
I thought Capcbros entertained me in the MvCi disaster, but this is even better
why is everyone always playing the game of ''who's the biggest elitist''
what can you win doing this
Nobody knows, you can hold back though and they won't come out
kys degenerate incel
My name's James. Nice try.
Holding back cancels autocombos if I'm remembering correctly.
>Every character has the same basic combos
>Neutral is just taking turns trying to score a single hit that will lead into a 25h+ flowchart combo and this is the strategy for every character
It's so exciting! It's so versatile!
>bitch like crazy about auto combos
>someone points out it's not like manual combos are impossible
>oh yeah fighting games ARENT EVEN ABOUT COMBOS SON
>being this new to fighting games
Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over how much fun I'm having!
>what can you win doing this
>how much fun I'm having!
Yeah sure is fun trying to connect every 5 mins
being this mad of capkuk. Keep dem tears coming
>the damage control replies
looks like you got under their skin lmfao
Should I be trying for player or ranked matches?
Has there been a fighting game with autocombos that allowed you to disable them in wake of all the fucktarded babies that cry about them?
The ones that stand out in my head are KOFXIV and P4A and those turned out fucking fine.
>>Neutral is just taking turns trying to score a single hit that will lead into a 25h+ flowchart combo and this is the strategy for every character
Yeah it's no wonder you're not enjoying this game you fucking mongoloid retard.
Learn how to play before you bitch about it you stupid faggot.
>not mining youcoins
already $12 richer today only
>cuck mad that he wasn't able to play a single match
I preordered so I already enjoyed a lot of the beta, keep crying though
How is getting hit by an auto combo any different than getting hit by a normal combo?
>jokes on you i was only pretending to be retarded.jpg
>I preordered
Oh okay. You are this kind of user LOL
>How is getting hit by an auto combo any different than getting hit by a normal combo?
You take less damage
>preordering games
>in the year 2010+8 of our lord
who ever said that? he pointed out that the game is simple and dumbed down and the rest of you immediately jump to project and call names with zero refutation.
>It's ok when Sup Forums shitposts about all major videogame releases of the past years
I'm guessing mom didn't give you enough in your allowance to get it straight away. It's ok you can save up.
Yes, I'm constantly buying shit so If I know I will enjoy something I will pay it beforehand so I don't have to wait when it comes out because I blew all of my money on Hookers, alcohol or all kinds of useless shit
Don't forget the Season Pass for the complete experience!
auto combos are just not fun for me, thats all, I dont feel like im in control and when I start getting hit by them I feel like im watching a cut scene.
Do you like footdives?
By the state of this beta, spending on hookers is a better option
Pretty sick combos here, he even gets 70+% damage on one without any assists.
Why are you mad at autocombos? Just get good.
>when I start getting hit by them I feel like im watching a cut scene
It's going to feel like an even longer cutscene once people figure out real combos and do those instead of autocomboing you.
Maybe on your shitty board
Still unsure how much depth the game will have on release, but I'll still get it since I like DB and it looks cool. All I can hope for now is that it will sell enough to warrant a sequel that will have more depth.
You aren't going to be in control when you are getting combod either way?
there will be plenty of depth, especially with the more unique characters like ginyu and hit. memorizing long combos does not equal depth.
I got in a lobby, how the hell do I fight someone else? Casual or ranked don't matchmake me to anyone
>Finally ready to fight people
>no matches open up
1-2-3-launch 1-2-3-special 1-2-3-assist 1-2-3-super
nice try kid
>R2 - R1
I don't get the hype fampai
>try early in the morning
>Can't connect
>ok fine
>try 5(!!!) hours later so now
>Cant connect
Ok Now this is just a fucking joke
What are you even trying to say