Bing bing wahoo you know the drill

Bing bing wahoo you know the drill.

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More like Odysoy.


What the Joseph shills don't want you to see

>played mario odyssey
>enjoyed it immenseiy
>didn’t watch a 2 hour YouTube video of some fat guy giving an opinion and apparently unable to walk in a circle
>consequently didn’t give him any money for being a fat layabout

Holy FUCK it’s great being me!

wtf I love bingbing wahoo *1up* odyssoy now!

Kek this fucking guy. A 2 hour video why a game made for kids is no masterpiece, he even talks about fucking dark souls AGAIN for like 15 mins at the start jesus christ.

>makes a new thread a within a minute of the last one perishing

>kids game cant have no criticism

>first botw
>now THIS




>game released for a hybrid console
>main game good for playing in long bursts on the sofa
>supplemental collecting of moons for when you're on the go

It's almost like it's a game designed for the console its played on!


I thought it was a good analysis, but one thing bothered me. When he says that because he found a moon from a sitting at a bench, he has to sit on every bench in the game.
Same thing with the hidden moons in rocks.
No one is that autistic right?
I didn't sit on every bench and kick every rock, but I got every moon in each area just fine.

My major issue with the game is the varying values of a moon based on their challenge or lack there of that he highlighted really well.

Why are you so insecure that you need some nobody on the internet to agree with you in order to justify your own opinions? Sage for e-celeb cancer.

This fucking guy along with metthewtosis or whatever the fuck his name need to stop shilling their fucking videos.

Also Joseph you are a pathetic grown man making an fucking 2 hour long video over bing bing wahoo - movies aren't even that long yet you go into a deep analysis like it's fucking dark souls. Hope those neetbux bought your wifes son a second Nintendo switch

>2 hour video complaining that 80% of the game is filler
>80% of the video is filler

There's always valid criticism for any piece of media including this stupid video. What it comes down to is if the criticisms outweigh the good points to make it worth the time spent.

In my opinion:-

Mario: yes
This tripe: no

Why are people getting so flustered about critizism on Mario Odyssey?

It's a mediocre game, 6/10 at best. This score doesn't get represented by media outlets and game """journalists""" so it's to be expected that some neckbeard comes along correcting the record.

The best part about Joe's videos isn't the videos themselves, but rather, how much they trigger Nintendo fanboys.

Like, imagine how much butthurt someone needed to have had in order to type that shit up in response to someone's criticism of a game?

Like, the rational thing would have been to just let it go, and ignore it. But no, someone's opinions on something triggered you so hard that you had to one up their autism by typing up an essay in order to attempt to counter-argue their analysis.

Truly the way of the soy.

Ah new here are you? How are you finding it?

>the rational thing would have been to just let it go, and ignore it
>video posted every 5 mins by faggots clearly wanting to shitpost

That door swings both ways.

>guy makes 4 hour video shitting on Last of Us
>Sonybros are like "Eh, whatever"
>guy makes 2 hour video raising valid points over Mario
>[endless autistic screeching from Nintenbros]

Really makes you ponder, huh

>first botw
>now THIS
what, you mean nintendo games that received a 97?

Now if only there was some way you could hide threads by selecting certain words that are recurring in order to not even notice them.
Hmmm.... now that would be something, wouldn't it?

You fucking retard.


>guy makes 4 hour video shitting on Last of Us
>Sonybros are like "Eh, whatever"
>guy makes 2 hour video raising valid points over Mario
>[endless antagonizing and falseflagging from sonybros]

>Like, imagine how much butthurt someone needed to have had in order to type that shit up in response to someone's criticism of a game?
Imagine how butthurt you'd have to be to make a 2 hour video about how you don't like a Mario game

>video criticising game is exempt from criticism

nice one, faggot


Perfectly reasonable if you spent your money expecting a decent game, and all you got was overhyped garbage. Plus, the dude makes money off of his video essays, so that's his job.

The other user did it for free, and cause someone's opinions triggered him. That's literal autism.

>criticism of criticism is autism

No, user. You're juse a bit stupid.


Cry harder faggot.

>Like, imagine how much butthurt someone needed to have had in order to type that shit up in response to someone's criticism of a game
I wasn't very butthurt. I was mostly disappointed and it cost me like fifteen minutes to write up. I've taken longer shits than that.

just the well thought out response I would expect from the average Sup Forumsirgin. Doing the site a great service, user :)

>PS4 exclusives
>Persona 5, Dragon Quest Heroes, Ni-oh
>even fucking uncharted HD collection

you people have no shame

Aren't there rules on this board about spamming e-celebs and youtubers?

These people always try to spam their "controversial" content in order to get clicks.
This board isn't their self-promotion tool.

His video is two hours of something that could be explained in 15 minutes,but those idiots think a ton of video time makes them smarter while they overthink everything about fucking Bing Bing Wahoo
>quality is better than quantity

Shit thread, moving on.

Protip: it's documented fact that this dragon faggot has a discord full of shills on Sup Forums. Ignore these threads
>being such a pretentious fag that you advertise your video titled "IT'S NO MASTERPIECE" like you're dropping this redpill on the unwashed masses

Way to miss his point on moons. You might have to rewatch his video.

Not a masterpiece but still fun and worth the time and money

>guy points out their childrens' platformer has issues and isn't a 10/10 masterpiece
>nintendo fanboys sperg the fuck out

Every time
I enjoyed Odyssey too but his criticisms were mostly just

>rewatching 2 hours of nitpicking
No thanks I'd rather do anything else.



Then maybe don't sperg out over criticism you didn't understand.

>You might have to rewatch his video


reminds me of Brass Eye

"I think people who complain about my album should just throw it away. Then go out and buy another copy and give it another listen"

Nice try.

Not too long ago you filth would unironically post Gamecube ports as Wii U exclusive games, and let's not even delve too much on the current Switch library either. No room to talk.

>not being able to get everything in a single level before moving on is a bad thing, the previous Mario games were never like th-

and they would get called out. Why are you exempt from the same, faggot?

You didn't even explain to me how I misinterpreted Joseph's criticism so I'm just gonna assume you didn't actually have a point to make. Back to the Discord with you shills.


post it

>woa this game is kinda bad when you think about it, also give me money


Why does a game have to be a masterpiece or trash? Odyssey is just a really good game. Honestly I can see if you don't like this type of platformer but to call it bad because it isn't Masterpiece shows you deserve trash like battlefront 2 filled with boring gameplay and microtransactions.

You complain that moons are not the same as stars from earlier games.

He says moons are not the same as stars from previous games, but more like Korok seeds from BoTW. Only This game doesn't have anything else on top of that. It's just collecting shitty moons, and hardly anything else.

That hair on 20


Actually he calls it a game that is mostly filler content. Good for a 5 year olds first mario game, but not more.

>>He says moons are not the same as stars from previous games
Yet he keeps insisting on comparing Moons to Stars anyway because

The way this guy's "arguments" are makes me seriously think he has autism, he seems completely incapable of understanding abstract concepts. Someone post that image of his face with that retarded quote next to it, it's a good example of his autism.

I'm not, so what makes it so questionable to you when it's Nintendo that's getting called out?

>What the hell? People think the game I'm paid to promote isn't a perfect 10/10.
>I know, I'll shit on the older, universally beloved game! That'll show them!
Also you can do that level without the wing cap, pretty easily too

>Nobody posted the webm of this retarded "reviewer" trying to do 2nd grade shit

Prepare to laugh your ass off

>Only This game doesn't have anything else on top of that. It's just collecting shitty moons, and hardly anything else.

He said it was a good game, you autist

You dont need the cap

>What the hell? People think my favorite e-celeb is inconsistent with his autistic opinions?
>I know, I'll ignore the point of this guys post! That'll show him!

Does anyone have that pic where he's showing his chinless wonder face and saying something stupid? It alway makes me giggle.

botw's entire open world was filler

As compared to SM64 or Sunshine where you just collect shitty Stars? Remember the mission where you pushed a watermelon around or where you blasted into a wall, man that was great fun.

Nitpicking certainly is an art isn't it?

Jesus Christ. This guy and that Cuphead reviewer get paid for this shit.

oh my god

What the fuck does those games having stupid shit in them have to do with this game also having stupid shit in them? Other than Nintendo being unable to learn from their mistakes.

What a fucking idiot

>being so triggered that you can't even make an original post
I guess your Nintendo Employee Handbook doesn't cover that situation. A pity.

>mario games

haha, bless you.

This game isn't bad because those other games did the same thing and they aren't bad

Actually yes they are, they're shit, buy Odysey instead

Because Joe thinks 64 is great even when it's not exempt from the occasionally stupid shit that Odyssey has as well you dumb nigger.

>being so triggered you keep responding
I guess your Discord server doesn't cover this situation. A pity.


that's ironic since the game has been out for ages and every point in that video has been brought up a hundred times before.

>You know the drill
Here you go.

the only complains I see people making about this write up are soy and words, but its actually a legitimate response.
I saw the same shit when that dude wrote the 80 page thing about Bloodborne, its like an entire generation of retards cant stand to read something more than a paragraph long.

Uh, that's his job now ?

So why are you people so upset this time?

>joseph shills can't spend five minutes of their time to read but they can listen to him speak for hours

like pottery, it rhymes

Why would anyone expect a game 20 years later being better anyway. Fucking entitled gamers right?

I bet these Nintendo fanboys loved it when he shit on The last of Us, Uncharted, Dark Souls 3, and Fallout 4. I guess they just can't take the heat though when it comes to Nintendo's AAA garbage.

This guy tries to tell us that disappointed is different than butthurt, when those two worlds are litteraly synonyms.

Somebody post the Peter Pettigrew looking motherfucker already.

Not really worthy of a structured response. It boils down to "these bad things about Odyssey are good because it's Odyssey but those old shitty games did the same things and it was bad there but it's good in Odyssey"

so much this

>Like, the rational thing would have been to just let it go, and ignore it.
Oh you little piece of shit. You know full well that you're spamming this shit all over. And the moment the last thread died you or someone like you just made another one.
>yeah we're going to spam this forever, but like, just try to ignore it bro
>it's just a prank!

>reposting your own pastebin
I'm sorry I even gave it a view.

every fucking time you post this, i post this

>Shittalk BotW
>get popular
>Guess I'll have to shittalk Mario too now, even though it's a good game, unlike BotW

>2 hours
No thank you

Nigger, I've had Odyssey threads filtered for half a year now. I don't care about the game, I don't want to see your discussions, but I don't care if you have them. Either learn some self control or just start filtering shit.

Did anybody actually watch a 2 hours fucking games review from a fucking nobody?

>it was bad then

>even though it's a good game

>from a fucking nobody?
quoth the tripfag

Jesus Fucking Christ. If you're so not mad how about you don't write up an entire pastebin that probably took you longer than that but you pretend it's only 15 minutes because you don't want it to seem like you wasted even more time.