That feel whens tarted showing signs of visual snow in my 20s.
Literally can't enjoy video games or stare at a monitor for too long anymore.
That feel whens tarted showing signs of visual snow in my 20s.
Literally can't enjoy video games or stare at a monitor for too long anymore.
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I've had this shit my whole life. Stop being a bitch.
probably a yuropoor
Wait, people can see a clear image with their eyes like that in the right?
Guess I'll never know a clear image
I have floaters
I have a fuckton of floaters that actually impact my vision. does this shit go away after awhile or am I fucked for life?
Floaters, white spots and afterimages aren't visual snow. Everyone has floaters and afterimages, the white points are your own white blood cells casting a shadow.
Everyone has floaters, you just need to concentrate to see them
I get this shit when I look at a sunny clear, always thought it was normal.
Stop rubbing your eyes with your hands. You're literally putting dust in your eyes.
you learn to ignore them, seriously
I have a fuck ton and it bothered me when I first saw them and I honestly haven't even thought about it until I saw this dumb thread thats not videogames
look at how dumb this nigger is
a while*
I have a few floaters, they are only noticeable in bright sunlight.
You just have to learn to ignore them, also moisturizing eyedrops help
Does anyone else get this thing where they, every once in a while, see faint black blob thing constantly heading towards the center of your vision? Like going backwards in a tunnel sort of effect.
Same. 25.
Floaters are normal, snow is not.
Is also normal.
t. dad is optometrist
If you get it after being aoutside for a while, then that's your eyes trying to see ultraviolet light.
If you have loads of floaters, not just one or two at a time but like 6-7+, you might have some retinal damage. IF you see white flashes when you rub your eyes you might want to go to an optometrist.
My floaters actually went away almost completely a few years ago
I have 1 floater in my right eye since few months ago and it annoys the everloving shit out of me.
Is there any way to simply break it apart with laser treatment? It's just one fucking floater and it's annoying as shit.
I have visual snow as well, but it's only really noticeable when looking at something which is featureless or a solid color, like at a wall or at the sky.
I have extremely shit eyesight but no snow, just floaters
When I first got them in significant numbers at age 28 I thought I will never enjoy texture of objects again but the brain is getting good at cutting them out or at least rotating them out of the field of view automatically
everyone has floaters, they're bacteria that swim in your eyeballs
Same for me. I went from hardly ever any in my teens to consistently having them all of the time in my mid 20s.
abos apparently have superhuman vision.
Retard of the day award goes to you.
Floaters are just masses of undissolved vitreous gel which is what keeps your eye oiled. Sometimes that shit doesn't dissolve completely and what you get is a floater. Undissolved parts can end up sticking together which is what causes the bigger visible floaters.
Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about.
Visual snow doesn't bother me nearly as much as after images.
If I look at an image for less than a second and then look at another side of my monitor I see a negative of that image.
It's fucking annoying since I have a huge monitor and constantly look left and right
Well explain how he’s wrong you fucker
That sucks. I've done LSD and other psychedelics well over a hundred times and I don't think I have any visual snow at all. Guess I'm just lucky.
Yeah, they have up to 4 times greater vision than non-Aboriginal humans. They can see super small shit from much larger distances.
Visual snow isn't floaters, it's this light grainy filter covering your entire field of view.
idk I've always heard they're your microbiome
Educate yourself
and shortsighted people are fucked when it comes to floaters because short-sightedness is caused by your eyeball being elongated too much - this causes the vitreous gel to break off and you will have much more floaters
the eye, while nifty and shit, is a crap "design" nonetheless
reminds me of nier automata. I have astigmatism, so everything is just blurrier when I take my glasses off
Doing acid just 3 times over the course of 2 years significantly worsened my vision. Never done it since.
psychadelics burn out your vision?
are you a uchiha?
Does anyone else have this shit where it seems like their vision has the bloom turned up to max? It started around a year ago, went to the optometrist and he basically said "I've got no clue what could be causing that."
It makes looking at my computer screen irritating, especially as the light bleeds over the screen bezel.
I always turn bloom off in every single game I play, it's the most cancerous effect known to mankind.
Same with DoF, Motion Blur and Chromatic Eyecancer.
No, don't know what could be causing that
I've seen "floaters" ever since kindergarten but never told anyone about it as I thought that "seeing things" is bad and then I got used to it.
should I get laser surgery or na
I have had visual snow all of my life, I believe doing psychs a bunch of times made it worse. Now it's way easier to superimpose my imagination on visual snow especially when I've been exposing myself to digital light.
As retarded as it sounds bars (benzos) help me out with overcoming it, as well as fixing my sleep problems, anxiety and parasomnia attacks. So I just stick to bars, weed, and alcohol from now on and I usually don't experience it.
>go to emergency eye clinic this morning due to a month long eye infection
>as I'm getting seen to I hear the doc tell some poor fucker next door he has eye cancer
>nurse does all the tests but still unsure what's causing it
>she tells me to hold on while she gets her superior
>mfw the big boss man doctor who just told the other dude he had eye cancer walks in the room
>even he doesn't know what the fuck is wrong with it
>puts me on antibiotics and eye drops for 4 weeks and says if it gets worse to come back
If I end up with fucking eye cancer I'm gonna be mad as fuck, but god damn when I seen that nigga walk into my room it felt like all the fucking blood drained out of my body.
Turn down your bloom settings in the irl menu.
Laser can cause build up of scar tissue so it's not ideal in any manner for multiple times since it can blind you, but I think one or two goes should be fine enough. However, your vision will continue to change over time so it's not permanent.
so I should stick to glasses, right?
Anyone elses eyes hurt when you look at the sun in vidya?
wtf is this haircut?
I've had it since I was 15
After several doctors told me they can't do anything about it I decided to just ignore it
Maybe your tears or whatever are getting thicker or something, maybe an allergy. I guess if you've been to an optometrist he'll have ruled out early cataracts.
it's from the "JUST DO IT" meme
I get these in the dark, like if I open my eyes after going to bed in the dark room. Is that normal?
I don't get them if it's bright enough.
I've had these since I was 12.
I was really sure I was about to go blind for a couple of years
Nowadays I don't care anymore. You kind of adapt by not staring at the sky too long and I'm sure a whole lot of other things to not notice them.
They are annoying while skiing though.
what you're seing is the spot in the center of your retina where humans can't actually see (because the nerve that transmits the data back to the brain is there). usually it's filtered out by your brain but in certain situations you 'see it' (or rather, you notice the absence of anything actually being there).
there are some cool tests where you can show this, e.g. by looking at letters in a way where parts of it fall into the black spot of both of your eyes so your brain has to fill in the information purely from guessing its surroundings, instead of filling the content of one eye from what the other eye can see.
Sounds spooky
Glasses work fine and contacts are fine if you get some nice ones you're comfortable with. Don't try getting discount cheap shit lenses, especially if not prescribed specifically for you because they can royally fuck your eyes up. I myself tend to prefer one particular brand, which I currently can't remember the name of since I almost always wear glasses, since the others make my eyes itchy and red if I wear over a couple days even if they're a monthly.
The tear layer over your eyes flows continuously from the lacrimal gland to the tear ducts and blinking sweeps dust, skin cells so unless you are literally filling your eye sockets with dirt it won't cause changes to your vision. Visual snow is from changes in the fluid within the eye and in the retina itself
t. Bachelor's in optometry
Floaters are not shit that's on the surface of your eyes. They are inside of your eyeballs and are the result of microscopic shit in the vitreous clumping together over time and you see them when they cast shadows on your retina.
I've had visual snow for years. You get used to it.
laser surgery has permanent damaging effects on the eyes in basically all cases. you will have visual artifacts for the rest of your life in certain parts of your eye. for people who do it its a trade-off for not having to wear glasses at all anymore, especially if you used to have terrible eyesight.
I've had them all my life because astigmatism. Lenses are always custom made. I'm too clumsy for contacts and eyeball touching is cringe
I'm so sorry user, that's how it started for me and after I started having high blood pressure I started seeing them during the day too.
Close your eyes. Can you still see them?
If you can then that's it, you also have visual snow and might start seeing more once you get older.
You will just have to learn to ignore it.
Does anyone else have this shit where they have chromatic abberation?
>a couple times now I've been up late at night and notice that I'm having trouble reading, as in I can't physically see the following word in the sentence
>over the course of an hour it progresses to the point where my right eye is completely blind
>start getting a killer headache
>go to sleep
>wake up in the morning, everything is fine
Sounds like my bro. I can get contacts in and out fine but he can't. We both have astigmatism but mine is worse by a fair bit. But if that's the case with you then I'd say just stick to glasses.
I hope you feel very dumb and consider what you post more carefully in the future.
I feel ya buddy. My eyes get worse and worse as time progresses. it seems that I get more visual phenomena as I age. It started ever since grade 6. sometimes I need brightness at it's lowest setting in order to do stuff like read because I keep seeing afterimages
Get a new monitor
user I hope you had that checked out or at least asked a doctor.
Only when I'm wearing glasses, I see chromatic abe around every border
Nope, I haven't been to a doctor since high school, eight years ago.
Not him but I've had migraines all the time as a kid. I have never heard of nor had one causing shit like that.
I'm afraid of getting alzheimer's or paranoid schizophrenia.
It won't go away just like that, user.
If I stare at a bright wall I start seeing it everywhere too.
If they're bad enough that they are actually affecting your vision you might consider getting a proper eye check (not just a vision test). Are you overweight? Flashes and bad floaters can sometimes be a sign of diabetes, although floaters on their own aren't really abnormal.
I have high blood pressure but it's under check. I'm not sure if I see them with my eyes closed, I do see some faint shapes occasionally.
Thanks for the warning though. I really need to start getting my life fixed.
I get afterimages when getting high
How can you know it's a clear image if you can't see clearly ?
Schizophrenia is badass
That's probably a migraine aura. Those things are annoying as fuck. You got lucky that it occurred during bed time
>Is that normal?
I also only have visual snow in darkness.
On an unrelated note, is it actually called visual snow?
Isn't the correct term is noise.
Losing vision in one or both eyes, even if temporarily, is considered extremely serious. Go get that shit checked, man.
Yeah, I've had it for as long as I can remember and freaked out about it around the same time as you. When my grandma got treated for retinal detachment I looked more into what I had. I was pretty sure it was retinitis pigmentosa. Got checked out, 20/20 vision, pretty great peripheral vision, no detectable cone damage.
I've read about people getting better when they change their diet. If it bothers you that much, try cutting out bad fats and carbs in favor of veggies, stop drinking and smoking, etc. I did that pretty much my whole senior year in high school and my condition improved. It's kind of worse now but hey, beer is life.
>be american
>be forced to drink water from led pipes since he's a kid
>develops visual impairment diseases
lmao can't make this shit up
I too have a fuckton but I never notice them unless someone starts talking about them. Your brain is pretty good at enhancing the image you see, try reading up on the shit it does. Filtering out some random floaters is easy for it.
they'll probably have something way better in 20 or 30 years.
i only get that when i'm in the dark
Visual snow from birth "sufferer" here, everyone interested should check this out
apparently a cluster of neurons gets fucked up, it has nothing to do with eyes
My visual snow came with anxiety, strong depersonalization, sensitivity to bright lights and depression.
I literally don't feel like a real human being.
It's like I'm inside my head controlling my body like a robot.
Ever since I was a kid, I would just straight up go blind for a few seconds every other year or so. Although I think it might have been more often as a kid since I remember not being too surprised by it happening back in second grade.