"Guys- we've got a 30 thousand dollar donation"

>"Guys- we've got a 30 thousand dollar donation"
>"Hey long time gdq fan, great runners, great staff, great cause. marbles marbles marbles PS save the animals!"

Other urls found in this thread:


post Erika's feet

n-no she's pure

this and the Bloodborne dude were the best runs tho

Off-topic threads belong on Only preteens and children care about e-celebs, I think you're a little too young to use this website.

Sup Forums calls her a non white while they call THIS a white person

nobodygives a shit, take all non-vidya discussion to where you belong.

It's about AGDQ, which is much related to videogames

>12 year old snob trying to casually instruct anons on the intranep
phew kid, power level leaked

Did anybody watch the blind attempts at Sulyvaan and Gundyr? she pretty good

Also why did that person donate 30k wtf,and another one 10k afterwards with just "tomato" as message

>"long time viewer, first time donation, lost my father yesterday to cancer, let's kick cancer butt, great run, love all, greetings germany

>Die Collector's Edition
fucking fromsoft and their obsession with "haha you're going to die in these hard games"

>Lost my dad to cancer last night
>Let's go to Twitch and watch others have fun

Anglo's are fucked up

Il bet ya 5 bucks she has been BLACKED good

post her fat ass

She is German, so, yes.

Choose 1

Hardmode: No 100% or 110%

alright anons, post em

>Best Runs
Diablo 3, Burnout, Resident Evil 7, The entire awful games block

>Worst Runs
Secret of Evermore, Ultima IV, Infamous, Metroid Prime 3

fuck you ds3 run was mediocre as fuck a good runner playing game fast is not entertaining.
Animorphs, was toppest tier, re7 was pretty good and bloodborne was kinda okay.
There is nothing more boring than a good speedrunner running a game well and nothing fun happening.
I'd rather take a tranny or someone who chokes hard because then at least something interesting happens.
I alt f4'd after 4 minutes of botw and it was a right descision.

If 0 i get Bailey

Why are you faggots so obsessed with black cock and cuck shit

Even worse she's German American for double the degeneracy

"Titenic" was a great awful block run. There's some really cool dudes during the graveyard shift.

It's Germans.

Sure brah like we're falling for that one again you already pulled this back in the 40s

die means the

"Collector's Edition" isn't German tho

nah, she's a kike coalburner. btw, e-celebs are cancer. kys

First time watcher, long time donator xD


Arabian nights was the only good run and I absolutely dislike shitposting Finngols

this isn't about GDQ at all, this is about e-celeb cancer, and even if it WAS a GDQ thread there's already MULTIPLE GDQ threads running right now

Lauren stopped being white when they found out she loves black cock.

My father actually did die from brain cancer a couple years ago. The first thing I did after walking back from the hospital was play vidya games until I was tired enough to almost collapse from exhaustion every night. Anything to take the mind off the sad shit.

>let an actually girl (female) do a speedrun
>suddenly tens of thousands of donations start raining in


Men truly are pathetic

definitely not, she's an asexual virgin, never been kissed before.

Why don't they at least have entertaining hosts or something? I mean, it's close most of the speedruners are spergs or alone who cannot hold a conversation on their best of days, let alone when they're speedrunning. Deathly silence while they're on-screen is a mistake.

It's still womens fault.

it was entertaining, since an actual girl was running it. And she kicked some bosses blindfolded you pleb

only virgins who watch the paul brothers

>Women literally force me to throw money at them!
Beta cucks shouldn't be allowed to have credit cards

>play videogames
>watching others play videogames
there's a big difference m8

look at top right

Entertaining hosts might say something remotely offensive

haha cuckposting is so funny reddit XDD

Edition is, "Collector's" is just a gimmick term which became the standard internationally. Even in Japan you'll find it on various products, despite everything else being in kanji or hiragana

t. soyboy

>tilted tranny

she's ugly as fuck

I'm the soyboy, not the guy spending thousands of dollars on a streamer just to have his username read
The guy who breeds into her probably made her pay, and she probably even thanked him for it

on this run, the couch dude was quite talkative. Also if you haven't yet watched the Bloodborne one, the runner didn't need any side commentary at all lol

money laundering general

>5 thousand dollar donation from anonymous with no comment

>things that will never happen

>things that happened before numerous times

Not really though. Both of them are just forms of escapism.

5k? Really?

i choose a bullet in my head

You can literally check it out yourself


Does anyone here know what her twitch name is?


white girls dont racemix, despite all the memes, cherrypicked photos and cuck porn that you see around here


Then explain why america is 56%

Could you tell me?

They actually do. Mixed race babies are in fashion right now

What happened to them?

I could, but I won’t. Look it up yourself.

fuck off, that's not naegleria.
he's too based for this shit.

There are a very large number of latino immigrants.

The realization that bm/ww shit has been pushed hard was only recently unveiled to them, so now they can't help but see it very often (because it is) and want to see it absolutely everywhere (because they're nuts)
Hell, Stranger things went BM/WW and they're kids. Dustin's bromance was pretty great though

i choose protomagicalfaggot, just so i can punch it to death.

please tell me this isn't true. i know about cosmo, but finding out that all of them are trannies would be too much.

No, you just focus on something to forget your loss, when I lost my father at 14 I spent hours on the internet just browsing shit because I could for a moment forget the fact that I would never see my father again

But 110% is worse than 100%, am I missing something?

What’s her twitch?

25k donation incentive.
Two of the easiest bosses in game.
Fucking gay

Will there be another hyped run like this one?

there was a mudslime mod on her channel or sum sheit that was clearly into her, they also did blindfold playthrough in her house or something but you could see she was not into him and he was a complete soyboy

nah, shes a murimutt
probably one of those jewish germans who fled germany and then returned

Imagine actually unironically believing this crap

There hasn't been a run in years that has topped Bonesaw's jack and daxter in pure entertainment. Prove me wrong you can't

GDQ ended with AdamAK and his crew streaming from the airport after the almost week long bonus stream at agdq 2014.

Everything has been shit since then.

>mfw it's the last day and multiple thousand dollar anonymous donation start rolling in

So how did the BotW run go?
I was reading overestimate (by how much), missed incentive and the donation total is currently reading $2.263 million, is that a record?

>Hating on bromance
Nigga you gay

People probably donate, thinking that the money will go to curing these trannies from their disease

No, you're right.

The guy who ran Star Wars was annoying as fuck

personal experience

roll, 9 is Bailey Jay

Toy story was pretty good

Those 10% are added because she looks female but has a dick that can block out the sun.


So what were some good runs this gdq?
I pretty much missed the entire event

uh.. what?

You're telling me that the center guy that aused to do those metroid runs is a tranny now?

That run is such an overhyped meme, it's pretty entertaining but the runner is really nervous and they repeat the same jokes 50 times

Hang on, the dude with long hair is naegleria?
I don't remember him being like that.

Uh sweetie this is the next step in human evolution, get used to it ok?

The most memorable were the Resident Evil runs and Diablo