You wouldn't mind deleting this image?
>but muh Resident Evil 7
also on pc
>but muh Nioh
also on pc
>but muh Nier Asstomata
Also on pc
>different games in different genres have different scores
who would have guessed it
SOny has anal vore tho. Take that butthurt soytoddlers
>the point
>your head
The thing is, even after you asked multiple times every single day for the last ten months I'm 'still' not trans. I probably never will be trans. So would it be too much to ask that you stop asking every day?
t. So(n)ycuck
Dumb phoneposter
Why are Nintentoddlers so pathetic?
generally speaking, switch has two games and ps4 has one
easy win already
the cuckest fanbase of them all
Why Wii U remasters count as Switch games but PS3 remasters don't count as PS4 games?
>ninten drones take pride in the fact the only switch exclusives are for kids
>they then make a thread to talk about how pathetic sonyfags are
Persona 5 is there.
>WiiU games are literally new for nearly everyone on the planet (13 million wiiU units sold)
>PS3 games were played by everyone and their grandma (80+ millions units sold)
I'm not a Sonybro
>but muh BotW
also on PC via CEMU
>but muh Bayonetta 2
also on PC via CEMU
>but muh Mario Kart 8
also on PC via CEMU
>but muh Pokkén Tournament
also on PC via CEMU
>but muh Hyrule Warriors
also on PC via CEMU
this, i dont get it
ps4 remaster:
>bumped up resolution and framerate
>$40, $15-$20 on a sale
switch remaster:
>zero to none performance and grafix boosts
>a littlle bit of added content
>$60, "the fucks a sale?" - Nintendo
Then there's no point in any console. Just wait and emulate everything.
Sup Forums - Wojak Console War Posting
sony nigger soy boy eat shit
You finally discovered the truth. Congrats.
but every game is based on it's own parameters so that the scores can be comparable
remember when people got banned for low effort console wars threads?
yeah me neither
Mods only ban on sight uganda knuckles, barneyfag and ironic weeb chart
porn, Sup Forums and e-celeb shit very often have to wait a hour
who the h*ck is a barney fag? i see him called out all across the Sup Forums
Why is splatoon so low?
> the pçuck mustwait race
>It's ok when Nintendo has multiplats that run better on PC!
Illegally. Opinion discarded