Quitting Video Games

Should I quit video games? A while back I saw a video from pic-related where he talks about how adults shouldn't be playing video games and it's mostly for kids, teens, and maybe college students. Once you are an adult you should stop. I'm starting to think he is right. I'm 28 years old and a loser. None of the successful people I know still play video games.

Another reason is that I have had zero luck with online dating and I tried to find out why. I saw this statistic from Zoosk.
>mentioning video games in your dating profile will get you 58% fewer messages

I'd really like to get married and have a child someday. Most everyone I know already has a wife and kids. My mother even cried over Thanksgiving break about being scared that she wouldn't have any grandchildren. I do have a few nice things going for me. I have a decent job. I don't live with my parents. I'm debt free. I'm starting to think I really need to drop this hobby though. I get tired of going into work on Monday and hearing everyone talk about the activities they did with their kids. They'll ask me what I did over the weekend and all I can say is "play video games". They'll be polite and fake interest with responses like "Oh? What's that game about?" and I can see the look of disappointment in their eyes as I'm trying to explain what a witcher is. I feel so pathetic.

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People said the same shit about watching movies and reading books.

You're still be a fucking loser who doesn't play video games.


I don't think McInnes should be giving advice about being mature.

why the fuck would you put video games in a dating profile

well, do you like to take advice from people who put dildoes up their ass on camera?
if the answer is yes, maybe you should stop playing games

I ain’t reading a word beyond the first line because I don’t give a shit and nor should anybody else. If you want to quit quit. It’s a hobby you mongaloid. Nobody cares and the fact that you spewed this essay is more than enough for me to tell you to fuck off as well

better kys before you made some kids
don't want retards like you to procreate

>be adult
>let some eceleb faggot define how an adult should carry themselves

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society

You can't find a date because you're a pathetic defeatist sack of shit. If blaming your electronic toys makes you feel better, go ahead. Games or no games, you'll always have that pitiful stench about you.

There is a section on hobbies. My only hobbies are computer programming, video games, and cryptocurrency. I occasionally do target shooting, but not often enough to really call it a hobby.

>taking advice form a closet gay

I know plenty of people who play video games and are super successful. Don't blame inanimate objects for your failures in life. It's all on you, if a little girl in Afghanistan can get acid thrown in her face for going to school, and keeps going, you can get your shit together.

>Taking anything that fucker says seriously

Good lord you sound pathetic OP.

You aren't going to get a girlfriend by spending your days on Sup Forums, listeneding to assholes on YouTube, or playing video games, honestly.

>wasting hours upon hours on upon hours on social media, watching TV, watching Netflix, watching stupid videos on Youtube
>100% fine well adjusted adult
>wasting hours upon hours playing video games
>literal manchild who needs to grow up already

Really makes me think.

Oh, look, it's one of these threads

>mentioning video games in your dating profile will get you 58% fewer messages
If a girl doesn't like vidya then she isn't worth your time imo
Why would you spend time with someone who hates something that you love?

>Stop playing games for a couple years
>Get married and have kids
>Use kids as an excuse to play games
gg ez

why would you listen to anyone that shoves things up his ass during a podcast?

OP, I don't like sjws either, but the anti-videogame thing is just straight up retarded and that guy is very obviously controlled opposition.

That said, if you want to stop playing videogames then go ahead. Just stop being a drama queen about it. Acting like whether you play videogames or not somehow "affects your life" is fucking melodramatic faggotry.



>the ultimate numale
Please tell me he's also from sweden.

>mentioning video games in your dating profile will get you 58% fewer messages
Why would you do that in the first place

Guy calls himself an anarchist and debates which popular punk rock band from the 80s was better all while working for neocon journalism sites. You absolutely should not take him as the bastion of adulthood and masculinity.




>I'd really like to get married and have a child someday

Idk m8, I'm 29yo. I make 60k/year, my gf makes 35k/year (parttime) . My son is 3 and my daughter 2. We are currently considering taking a third child.

I still play vidya at least 10 hours a week in my free time, so I wouldn't worry about vidya ruining your life. Ofc it's not something I'd include in an online dating profile or something I'd mention on a date, that would be retarded.

You need to think thoroughly what it is that is making your dating life unsuccessful. And if the answer is vidya, then give vidya up and see of your life betters. I can confidently say that it's you, not video games though. But if stopping vidya will instigate the change, then by all means go for it.

why the fuck would you mention video games in a fucking dating profile.
Playing video games is fine, making it a part of your public persona and identity is fucking irritating to everyone and lame as shit.
Enjoy your hobbies. Who the fuck cares what a wannabe hipster in suspenders and thick rimmed glasses thinks anyway? Why would you want to be one of Gavin's proudboys?

>Mfw he explicitly jams the whole butt plug up his ass all the way to the hilt
Gavin McFaggot is a degenerate queer.

maybe you're looking for nerdy girls? The obvious problem is that once you see a nerdy girl the market for her becomes reversed, now ALL the losers on tinder are trying to match her while she's still looking for someone who looks nice and doesn't seem like he's going to kill her someday, and saying you like videogames will not help you here

Gavin Mc'Manlet's entire schtick is black and white 50s nostalgia, which is rich coming from a guy who literally shoves buttplugs up his ass on stream.

At 28 you do need to pick a path for yourself. Unless you meet through vidya, it is definitely not something you should open with to girls, but it isn't a deal killer if you are honest and unashamed about it.
You say you're a loser, so to dig deeper into that. College degree? Job? Own apartment? Virgin? What do you do besides vidya? Etc.

t. guy who used to think vidya was ruining his life and I needed to stop entirely, not realizing my knee jerk reaction was a symptom of the larger problem.


If you're quitting vidya because some guy told you then who are you doing it for? Just see if you can inject some balance into your life. Pick up another hobby, start going to the gym, ask your workmates/friends if they want to have lunch, shit like that.
Don't mention video games as a starter. Hide your power level until people get to know you better.

why would you listen to a retard that shoves things into his asshole on vision
go back to Sup Forums you disgusting retarded faggot

Isn't that the guy who thinks you should be self-inserting when you play video games? No wonder he sounds like a faggot.

>Should I quit video games?
Literally up to you
Does it make you happy y/n?

If you stop playing video games you will have nothing to distract you from the hopeless existence that is life in 2017 and will probably kill yourself. So its best to keep playing them. Oh hey look. I leveled up. Gotta run now OP

>go back to Sup Forums

that's racist, its like saying that a Mexican living in America should go back to Mexico

>society is dying because soyboys are having fun with their soytendo switch

>They'll ask me what I did over the weekend and all I can say is "play video games".
>why the fuck would you put video games in a dating profile
>There is a section on hobbies.
jesus dude, sounds like you have no idea how to lead or hold a conversation with people.
work on your social skills. vidya is not the worst of your problems, and it's not preventing you suddenly becoming a social butterfly. you just have no idea how to talk to people.

Surely it has nothing to do with indoctrination, and propaganda being fed to both genders from a young age.

Literally everyone at my work plays games. And we are all in very different points in our lives. Playing or not playing vidya has nothing to do with your current life. You are a loser not because you play games but because well, you are just a loser.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

>My mother even cried over Thanksgiving break about being scared that she wouldn't have any grandchildren.
Your mum's a selfish cunt, and you're a stupid cunt.

nigga they should

Gavin McInnes is Zyklon Ben-approved.


>Get off the TV, it's a waste of time!
>Stop listening to that music, it'll rot your brain!
>Get your head out of those useless books and be productive!
>Unga bunga put down stick, use rock like real caveman
What really matters is how much free time you spend on vidya, if you spend almost all your free time doing any one activity you're a one dimensioned loser who will never interest anyone.

The idea of putting some horseshit on your dating profile to attract certain kinda female sounds like the stupidest thing I've sound all day

ship all the blacks back to africa first, that'll improve quality of life in America by untold margins. Think of all the shit cities we can rebuild and remake.

Switch/vidya is just the symptom, problem is so few men these days have ambition to make careers, better themselves, and own property (i.e. what will make them viable as mates)

Vidya, heavy metal, anime, super hero shit, etc all strongly correlate with pathetic betas, but there absolutely exceptions to that.

So you don't know shit about the subject at hand, and are just talking out of your ass.

Goddamn you are pathetic.

You have two fucking kids with that little income? My gf and I are both 2 weeks into our entry level positions in our field, and we're making $55k each, which is still on the really low side. I'm 22, and I barely find the time for games, let alone 10 hours a week.

You might not feel it, but video games have ruined your life.

>>Get off the TV, it's a waste of time!

nigga that's true though

Don't listen when anyone says "Adults shouldn't."
They're just bitter and trying to make themselves feel better by making others feel like shit for enjoying things. If you're an adult, do whatever the fuck you want so long as it isn't affecting anyone else in a negative way.

blacks are nowhere near as harmful as immigration

>Taking advice on how to be an adult from a literal manchild

>problem is so few men these days have ambition to make careers, better themselves, and own property

>Vidya, heavy metal, anime, super hero shit, etc all strongly correlate with pathetic betas, but there absolutely exceptions to that.
you self-loathing virgins are pathetic


The most stereotypically athletic black dudes i play basketball with are quiet until you start talking about video games.
Had some good convos with them. Granted these dudes mainly play 2k and CoD but, who cares, common interests and all that.

>Get your head out of those useless books and be productive!
I don't think anyone has actually ever said this

>You might not feel it, but video games have ruined your life.

He also pissed in a bowl of cereal and ate it. Should you start doing that too?

Go far enough back in time or far enough into rural areas and it's definitely been said.

>Vidya, heavy metal, anime, super hero shit, etc all strongly correlate with pathetic betas, but there absolutely exceptions to that.
I agree with everything except the vidya and capeshit parts
Video games and super heros are normie af nowadays

His family income at 28 is lower than mine, with no kids, at 22. Rather than using his free time to learn a skill that would make him more money and allow him to support a THIRD FUCKING CHILD, he spends 10 hours per week slaving over games like a manchild.

yes please quit video games OP i'm tired of you alt-right faggots bitching about how everything is degenerate, how you don't have a tradwife, don't have white children and all the other bullshit that has nothing to do with video games

ahh to be this fucking naive.
Fucking 22 and just starting entry level and think you have no time. Nigga are you serious?
Fucking make time. I make substantially more than what you make and have plenty of time to dick around with video games. Its a fucking hobby. If you don't have time for hobbies, your job must really fucking suck my dude.

>work full time
>still play vidya 4-6 hours a day, even more on weekends
I couldn't be happier. You sound very bitter about your life situation.

Videogames are actually a hobby more fit for successful individuals, since they require time and money.
The fact that things such as jobeless NEET who can spend all day playing even exists is a direct result of shit parenting and a limp-wristed society. In a world where NEET were pushed to work and get a life of their own, vydia would be exclusively for children and the rich, and with the market's current penchant for more adult games, the rich would have preference.

>spending free time on a hobby is bad
Why do you think it's called a hobby?

>workout for a hour
>read a book for a bit
>watch a show
>still many many hours left in my day off

I have no idea why have such a issue with playing games.


One sided article that puts entire problem on men (modern women have more than their share of problems as well) but indicative of a trend. Theres a reason birthrates are plumeting with the (upper) middle class, particularly whites and asians. Hell, Japan is borderline self genocided at this point.

>both genders

I barely have the time because I try and be productive in other ways. I only work 40 hours a week. Nights are spent working out, eating, working on small projects, and maybe finding an hour for vidya. Weekends are spent volunteering and participating with local political groups.

I would say that you need to prioritize your time better, which involves being stricter with your schedule and being honest with yourself about what You want and what you will make room for to achieve it. I enjoy vidya as escapism and i have a wife and children, work hard, pay my bills, if you quit videogames that doesnt make you become an instant captain of life, however following a schedule and sticking to it, that is maturing.

>no time for vidya
>time enough to Shitpost on Sup Forums
Does not compute.

>still parroting this Japan meme

Japan has higher birthrates than Western Europe, just because a nation isn't breeding like rates like 3rd world shitholes doens't mean they're "dying"

>A while back I saw a video from pic-related where he talks about how adults shouldn't be playing video games and it's mostly for kids, teens, and maybe college students. Once you are an adult you should stop
You playing vidya doesn't harm anyone. If you like to play vidya then just play vidya. If you don't, then don't play. Don't stop doing something harmless you enjoy just because some alt-right hipster tells you to

t: haven't played vidya in two years because the industry was ruined by kikes and hipsters

Most normies are pathetic betas nowadays

With the exception of sometimes bro metal and normie games like COD, chad thundercock isn't into any of the stuff I posted

>but indicative of a trend.
how so? it's just one click bait article

ok thats nice baron, now fuck off

Unironically my favourite quote. You're all right.

So you just spend your free time doing other things than playing vidya. Or are you saying only your way of spending free time is the correct one?

Shoot more then you faggit, and while you're at it, learn how to deerstalk and shoot trap/skeet. Shooting is probably the most useful hobby/skill the modern male can get into simply because it can put food in the fridge. Guns being fun as fuck is a massive bonus. Archery is also good, as is other general innawoods stuff.

>1.5 births per woman and declining
>2.1 is replacement

Western europe is getting fucked too, though Japan has the dignity to not self suicide by importing a bunch of incompatible diversities




>taking life advice from a faggot in wide frame glasses and suspenders


Work isn't the only productive thing I do with my life, you fucking manchild. I only work 40 hours a week.

have you really never seen trope of farm kid who likes to read instead of do farm chores?

yea, thats what im saying...

90% of all "gamers" are either COD/FIFA/Madden Chads or Mobile Normies
Losers like us Sup Forumsirgins are in the minority

>24 hours a day
>8 hours of sleep
>9 hours of work including travel
>1 hour for chores after work
>you are left with 6 hours to do fucking anything
6, fucking 6 hours per day to do whatever you want. Time is literally not a problem unless you actually have problems.

what's exactly wrong with the guy in the bottom right? he's not making 'the face' nor is he acting in any way retarded.

So why you do it and complain that you don't have time to play?

Money does not equate to happiness or progress.


Plenty of other evidence. It's a longer discussion, but largely because boomers fucked millenials out of careers which arrests development. It's not just because this generation is broken, though that doesn't give them a free pass to just neet out and be a loser forever.

I think you should have a semblance of self-reliance and quit asking people online to validate your life decisions, you dunce.

>you should spend all of your time amassing money
What the fuck

apathy is not a virtue tho