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wat r u casuL?

I don't care if it's horribly unbalanced, I want everything as it was, even if I never used it myself

Giant dad is part of the first time playthrough of darksouls, ideally first ever invasion. I pity people who never got a giant dad invasion.

You have a giant dad character, don't you?

play the original then

>You have a giant dad character, don't you?
I'm not a fag

Is giant dad actually an op build? how so?

I never did get this meme


Chaos Zweihander does a fuckton of damage, especially since you are twohanding it
You poise through everything and have mad defense
Grasscrest for stamina regen
Fathers mask + havels ring lets you have more equip load for the giants armor and zweihander
FAP ring needs no explanation
Throw fire at people who are constantly blocking or otherwise turtling

For the most part it's a very "R1 to Win" build

>not having a cheeky son character with great or flamb instead of memehander

It's a min-maxed build to shit on baddies. Good players will probably just parry you and kill you. But for people who just spam R1 against you, you spam R1 back and you will poise through their hits while staggering them.

>somehow forget to post image

What's the point with having to black flames?

What's the mother equivalent?

dark pyro can stagger through blocks because str/dex scale.

Amd by the way im.talking about going as level 1 giant dad the whole game and never leveling. Except to 2 hand the sword. Min required level to invade people in undead burg, and give people the.true giant dad experience.

So I went through the whole game at like level 10
On xbox, that means no cheating, you shitters

Alrighty thanks m8, that's being said I did fuck up my spelling and actually meant to ask why having exactly two black flames, not only one.

It's been so long since I played, but wasn't black flame/great combustion incredibly good in DaS1? Came out fast and blew shields up by doing insane stamina damage throwing them into recoil. Not to mention FREE DAMAGE in dark souls 1 since pyro didn't scale with anything, great chaos fireballs all day with max hp.

>doesn't know what it is even
>"I don't get it"


I have done pyramid head lowbie before, but all the shit needed to darkwraith early is tedious. (catacombs is manditory not optional, must cheese sif, fucking ghosts, 4 kings at level 1)

I think it's just for versatility since you can afford the weight, a luxury, if you will, since you would have to temporarily relinquish the item you are wielding in the hand you use the black flame with

I'm am aware of the giant dad meme, I just didn't understand what the build provided. I thought it might've been created by a funny youtuber man or something

>created by a funny youtuber man
also true

>dead-angle roars you into a superbuffed hypermode Ricard's flurry
Nothing personnel kid.

No one is even going to like this.
DS1 hipster fags will keep complaining about how the lighting and "atmosphere" are not the same, willshit on it constantly because of that.
Everyone else will shit on it because it's a shit game.


>poise gets gutted
>Zweihander gets nerfed
>shields get nerfed hard and bosses gain retarded tracking because they want the bloodborne audience
>combos get removed bar 2 R1 hits
>parrying gets nerfed
>"Git gud at rolling for I-frames"

Enjoy your DS3 with DS1 bosses

>going for le meme build when you can just twink as hard as you want
Fucking faggots.

A Giant Dad was a legit optimal build in the early patches of the game before the mask was nerfed and you could use the dark wood grain ring at 50% equip load and still flip. The meme build was developed to mimic the old meta build. New players are familiar with the videos memes but rarely understand the origin of the actual joke.

>shields get nerf
I don't use shields, git gud.

I can only hope it isn't dark souls 1 again.

>Giant's armor fully upgraded with Mask of the Father
>FaP and Havel's rings
>minimum stats to wield the Zweihander and enough to stunlock people
>dump the rest into VIT and END

You poise through everything and stunlock everyone who can't parry or wiff punish. The build isn't really that strong since UGS's in general(bar the Dragon Greatsword) are very easy to play around.

I'd like to see you parry this, faggot.

There is nothing wrong with having multiple playstyles.

One of the few changes DS1 pvp actually needs.

Will they ever release screenshots of the remastered build

>he can't parry gravity
Fucking shitters need to stop playing video games already.

Honestly removing backstabbing entirely would be good thing. Just give slight bonus damage for hitting people in the back.

It stomps retards. Ultras were their worst in DS1 of all souls games against people who knew how to play PVP properly. Even two handing it can be parried and the backstab meta meant you were getting backstabbed if you used it poorly. Basically if you were gud it wasnt a big deal, maybe boring to deal with but youd rarely lose to it. If you sucked it was bullshit.

I hope they don't remove the fire keepers soul trick :^)

no you aren't they will ruin poise ad nerf the mask and you know it

God i hope the unfuck gravelords.
Let it work in NG and not just NG+ and beyond, Christ, let that goddamn covenant live just for one brief beautiful moment.

Sorry I'm a DEXfag for life.

>he thinks they're going to bother changing anything in this shameless cash-grab remaster

>The guy with the feel guy avatar in the comments
Why would you embarrass yourself like this?

They probably won't, and they shouldn't, they should keep it as close to the original as possible.
But personally I'd much prefer it if they did, poise in DS1 is for retarded brainlets who can't even into timing.

Why would you act like a faggot and find it interesting enough to not only upload onto youtube but then link it in a Sup Forums thread? There's zero skill involved in any of this. Who gives a shit?

just adjust some numbers, they will put no effort in fixing hitboxes and stuff
even with the new pc version I feel the old one with the fixmod will still be better

Then daggers would become impossible to use in DS1. I haven't really played enough of DS2 to make an opinion, but without backstabbing and parrying daggers are shit.

I'm all for catching people chugging with a huge punishment. But fuck, have any of the games got it right? I like dark souls 3, but damn can you chug and roll. And fuck that new magic system.

>the "man" who made this dresses as a little anime girl, wears wigs drinks so much he's a borderline alcoholic when he streams and likes other "men" who wear skimpy anime clothing

It's incredible how some can live like that, the utter shame I'd see on my parents faces if I was in his position would put me into depression.

I didn't upload the video but thanks for the (You)
Wojak Sienkiewicz.

So then why do you give a fuck what I wrote

The real reason is for suprise. If you meet someone that knows how to deal with ultras you take it out and try to suprise spam him because youre fucked othervise. Of course countering shields was important too since ultras dont do much to super heavy shields.

living the dream

It isn't. Ironically supporting it or Ironically doing it doesn't make it less pathetic.

Because you're getting overly butthurt over a Dark Souls invasion video?
Why did you upload this?

>enjoyed onlyafros videos
>he posts that stream vid where he's in anime cosplay
>looks like a total weeb fag
>fucking sleeps in a bunk bed
>can't watch his stuff anymore

Specially with DS1 poise. They can work well enough in DS3 even without backstabbing.
But like you said they'd be dead in the water against DS1 poise if you can't backstab or riposte.

I wasn't showing anything off? It was for my friends to see.

Not really OP, but very effective against players who don't want to think and go for a head-on assault. Lots of poise, lots of HP, chaos zweihander just steamrolls though everyting.
It can be pretty easily beat by parrying tho.

I'm just happy that the normal sized greatsword is back and not the retarded giant piece of shit they turned it into DS3

pretty sure you got more casts by attuning the same spell more than once
hence black flame twice
could be wrong.

All the other guy did was upload a video. Why do you care so much? Why do you think he's trying to show off? You had the video public, so you clearly wanted more people to see it, so isn't that showing it off?

dexfags where we at? strength is for losers.

Its because pyromancer gets two att slots and great combustion isnt that good to deal with shields.

you're right. one of the many confusing and disappointing changes ds3 made to the mechanics.

Or maybe I just didn't give a fuck what it was set to, where as you do.
That vid clearly sounds like it's trying to prove a point to some sort of "shitters", even though the guy in question is at the start, at a huge advantage.
Twinking is for faggots.

>oh no I can't spam WOG like a retard whenever I'm in trouble

who are you quoting?

I think you're reading too much into it. Why don't you stop commenting on his video now?

They made it retardedly huge in 2 actually

>tfw you land a dbf r2 in pvp

Why else would you be against mana and ashen flasks if it's not because you can't spam spells like a braindead moron anymore.

OnlyAfro is probably trans m8s

I already did, faggot. I said what I wanted to say. You're the one who doesn't seem to get it.

OnlyAfro was 13 when he made the GiantDad video

Maybe WOG being OP and the mana system are not directly related. Not even infinite casts would've made WOG useful in 3. Being a pure caster sucks enough already.

>drinks so much he's a borderline alcoholic when he streams

how much is that

>he didnt go full retard with Havels Shield and demon greataxe

because despite there being multiple copies of the same spells per playthrough, and being able to equip 2 of the same, it does literally nothing now.

and to be fair the mana and ash flask system contributed to the complete gutting of magic builds because fromsoft doesn't know how to balance their own games.


>pure glass cannon mage
>crystal magics and soul spears
>borderline obsession for making crystal dragon breath the mainstay despite it being shit
>goal was to teach myself to git gud without relying on lockon
>enchanted falchion main
>catalyst(i forget)/parry dagger switched for grass crest off slot offhand
>dragon crest and cloranthony or hornet's ring
>3/4ths antiquated set with havel legs
>rpl 80

Are they really going to increase the number of people that can be connected? If this is going to be like DS3 where there's a four man gank squad waiting when you try to goof around then that's a shame

Who /FAITH/ here?


70% of his twitter account is just alcohol

>parry attack
>nuke with a reposte

t. DS1 Bandit Knife main. I don't even backstab. Gotta love one shotting people with 40 VIT+FaP/50 VIT no FaP because they think they're safe from BK backstabs.

no he wasn't you dumb nigger stop lying

str/fth using sunlight blade and capra sword. i wish my old hdd didn't fry because i had a ton of screenshots of hatemail with stuff like "you use gs and buff. you have no right to point down". it was when i fell in love.

>literally a retarded twinkboi dressed up with skirts and long stockings every single time he's streaming
are you fucking kidding me

>memester turns out to be a faggot
no surprises there

Didn't he said he was 17 on a recent stream?

You're not instantly rewarded for getting behind something and actually have to put some (if only a little) work into it.


he's 24

I never had a build per se, I just leveled stuff to the amount I wanted and then I dicked around with different stuff. One of my favorites was dressing up like some kind of gnome and throwing dung pies at people in Sen's, I wouldn't really damage people but just be annoying

Or actually one time I made a really slim character that wore the painting guardian shirt, the gold-hemmed skirt and the darkwraith mask, with two claws. It was pretty useless but I just wanted to look like a spooky ghost


>Sunlight Blade/Darkmoon Blade Claymore
>50 STR 40 FTH Grant
>Dex FTH build+Dragonslayer Spear
>WotG, emit Force, and Sunlight Spear free aim snipes

It may not have had a MLGS equivalent, but FTH was far better in 1 than in 3.

>Implying his parents aren't proud of him for making more money than 90% of Venezuela

damn, he still looks like a teen, I guess thats the power of trapfaggotry