Switch Emulator
First post is, as always, best post
Yeah okay you can stop samefagging now
Don't put me in the screencap
>this salt
Yes user, you wasted hundreds of dollars
is this what sony tards find funny now?
>emulator for PC
Are you retarded?
Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahah now bing bing wahoo can be played on pc.
I can't believe by the end of this year we're going to have more exclusive's then Nintendo.
Here's your (You).
See you in five years when it actually works correctly
Can I haz (You)s for no reason?
sweet. hopefully homebrew on the switch is coming soon, too
OPs don't get (You)s, you newfag idiot.
Here ya go.
you are so buttblasted over sony that you think a thread about an emulator for PC is about sony lmao
Sure buddy, have this 4
Thank you anons. You have made my morning.
Hey user, have an extra (You) from me :)
wew lad
Now i can play Mario and uh Mario
Switch has no fucking games
At least the WiiU had a quite a few near the end and could play everything from NES to WiiU for free
You think the switch emulator is going to be done tomorrow or something retard?
Remember emulation before faggots and shitheads co-opted it for their petty console wars?
Awwwww thank you my dude.
Thank you too my guy for the rare (You)
He has a point. It's literally not funny.
Stop making threads about this and giving the project exposure you fucking retard. Report every thread/post talking about it so it doesn't take off and maybe Nintendo can get them C&D'd before they do any real damage.
>form the creators of Citra
>he literally supports any corperation ever
Laws of the jungle, if you love them, attack them at the knees and heels, try to kill your heroes, so they can become stronger.
Why dont you want to support emulation? Its a really useful thing to be able to do.
Emulators aren't illegal. Downloading a rom of a game is somewhere in the middle ground.
How? I wonder if it being based on that Nvidia chip (same as Android TV thing) makes it any easier.
Does the switch itself run on android?
>Defending being a thief
Fuck off, parasites.
i don't get it
jesus christ
it's not theft dumbass, nobody profits off it.
I know citra is the 3DS emulator, but i have no idea if it is good or not.
Nintendo consoles was always famous for being the easiest to emulate anyway.
>Defending a corporation
Fuck off you self hating troglodyte. Keep being fucked over in every fascet of life and having no control over your own happiness.
So how far into development is it?
Nigga, emulators aren't illegal. The fucking Virtual Console IS an emulator but you just have to pay for the Roms
Take your (you) and stop bothering me little anime girl
I don't get why retarded emulator dwva even publicly announce their unfinished shit in SOCIAL MEDIA of all things. At least keep it under wraps until it's very much usable...
To add onto that, the Sega/Nintendo reboot console devices are ALSO emulators that ALSO use roms.
Meant for
It is theft, retard. You're getting a product for free that other people have to pay for.
Everyone pirate, how about you deal with it you little scum?
the post
Can't wait. Don't know shit about the inner workings of emulators, but with the progress being made to Cemu and seeing how well Breath of the Wild runs, hopefully a Switch emulator won't take too long to be able to run commercial games.
Well, if it warrant a proper announcement, its probably can load and reach the main menu in a few games.
Thank you sir. I'll just go back to my orphanage now.
Not an argument
CEMU was made from a stolen dev kit, remember
Why bother announcing an emulator if you arent gonna show anything of it?
>There's no way to have anything nice unless you steal it!
Is this what it's like to be literal leech on society? I have no issue paying for things I enjoy because I'm not a fucking child or poor. I bet you'd be weeping salt tears if someone mugged you for your wallet in the street, but when you're taking money away from "le big bad corporate boogeyman" you're a hero. Protip mongoloid, those corporations employ people, you hurt their profits, they cut staff.
Didnt Nintendo once just grabbed a ROM from the internet and used it in one of their virtual consoles store, but it turned out the rom was slightly hacked and had credits for someone else inside the files?
Ah, should've asked, when can I play stuff like odyssey or Xenoblade?
Citra is a notoriously shitty emulator that doesn't work with most games and barely runs the ones it does work with. If those devs are working on the Switch emulator, you won't be playing anything until 2028
You are not welcome here, neogaf/resetera.
I don't give a fuck you scum
*pirate ur mom*
If there is ever a way to get something for free with no reppurcussions, do it, otherwise you're like a dog with its tail between its legs, constantly trying to be loved by its master.
There is no reason to not constantly take whatever you can, within reason. Electronic data is certainly within reason, as it has no physical presence, ergo no value beyond what we, as a collective civilization, give it.
Keep sucking corp cock tho.
>rent free
>Just an announcement
The switch will be irrelevant by the time this comes out and becomes stable
Emulation lets you preserve and enjoy games that are not available anymore, so I don't see any problem
Sup Forums
>no one cares about or moralfags piracy
Sup Forums
>no one cares about or moralfags piracy
>no one cares about or moralfags piracy
Sup Forums
This is fake and impossible. We all know it. Look at how long it took until Cemu worked and still it isn't perfect but the best thing. Look at how shitty 3DS (its a fucking handheld) emulation still is. Nearly nothing works. There is no Xbox 360/Classical Xbox emulation and Ps3 is starting to become okay. SO NO we will see a Switch emulator in 5 years maybe.
shame your 9 got 8 by my 7.
>Have had Zelda on PC for a while now. 1080p, 60fps.
>Soon(tm) getting Mario too.
I feel sorry for the idiots who paid hundreds of dollars to play at sub 25fps.
MAYBE to recruit more devs. Don't know why otherwise, except maybe to cash off Patreon.
Ehhh, progress is usually slow and they said very little. I would make an educated guess that it will be more stable in late 2019-2020, but who knows.
about 20 years give or take
Hi, I'm part of the yuzu team :)
There are few games that work properly, but those that do run almost flawlessly. I am able to get 30 FPS constantly in MHXX on a 4790k and a GTX 760.
So far it can run Zelda, Odyssey and XX. We are hoping to have Mario Kart and Mario + Rabbids running too by launch.
So you are saying those shitholes are full of degenerates?
>”Ok, but do you have a working prototype or proof that it functions?”
Probably fake
Can nintendies get even more cucked?
shit senpai nice, let me make this lucky number 2
What are you gonna do about it, faggot?
t. brainlet
>pirating is an easy subject to bait (You)s from
Post picture of your monitor and this thread to proof it fag
Rip ninty.
Pc wins again
Nintendo was always easy to emulate, although I don't trust those devs.
Dolphin and Cemu were functional during the very generation they were emulating.
How about share a download to the build rather than a clearly photoshopped image?
>Enjoying personal freedoms over corporate rule
You're a dog. They've just made a new law that says to sit whenever they say so, otherwise you are accused of stealing.
Now sit.
Nice bait, homo.
nigga post a webm
you sound like a buttblasted chink lmao