>story is set in feudal Japan and features its traditional culture and people
>everyone in the game looks like White people
Why is this allowed?
>story is set in feudal Japan and features its traditional culture and people
>everyone in the game looks like White people
Why is this allowed?
did you post the wrong screenshot?
benizuki is best girl
Pic unrelated???
Looks white to me
>Looks white to me
t. amerimutt
Oh, it's this thread again.
To the Japanese/Asians those characters are not seen as "white".
I dunno, she looks videogamish to me.
Japanese people looked a lot more like white people before they were ruined by Chinese DNA and cross-breeding.
Because you recognize fair, pale skin and round eyes as only white/caucasaoid features.
>To the Japanese
No you fucking retard, to anybody with eyes the girl in OP looks asian. She's not some anime character. You might be able to find one or two fins who remotely look like that, but she very clearly is Asian. She looks like a plastic surgery Korean pop star.
fucking china man
>Looks white to me
Almost every culture fetishizes pale skin because it was a sign of wealth in that it showed you don't need to go outside and work manual labour.
East Asian cultures are no exception here. She's got Asiatic facial features, and a slight yellowish tint to her face, the paleness makes her appear wealthy/high status rather than white in the context of a Japanese game for Japanese audiences.
You are the retard because you clearly did not understand my post. Wow.
Not actually true. Japanese Indigenous populations (eg pre influx of modern East Asian Haplotypes) tend to be darker and hairier.
Japanese are chinese, what the fuck are you talking about, the original natives even look nothing like the modern ones, and those werent even white
That's how nips wished they look for some reason.
user why did you post a whit girl?
No you fucking dipshit. You can't just say I didn't understand your post. I clearly addressed your post.
Is some anime character that you can apply your stupid "hurr I solved the problem!" argument too.
Is a fucking Asian person. Not all fictional characters automatically look XXX race. Some carry racial features, like the fucking OP.
mfw I cant play it because I've already plat it and dont really have a thing to play while waiting for monhan
is this the power of the le 56%?
Toukiden 1 and 2 had some really nice girls, thanks for reminding me
Hakase best girl
stop quoting me
If you say so user
Its a perspective thing. When white people watch DBZ saiyans look white to them. When asians watch DBZ saiyans look asian to them
>tfw trophies ruined games for me
>can easily easily replay old games
>don't feel like replaying games that i already platinumed
Comfy swimming and living peacefully, with a slice of TERROR
I've never seen an Asian say a Saiyan looked Asian too them after super Saiyan.
So is she White?
>thread is an absolute load of shit
>op still makes it
Why is THIS allowed?
What a surprise, another yellow fever retard with 0 knowledge of the subject. Jomon are more fucking swarthy than middle easterners and I'm pretty sure you Sup Forums yellow fever betas don't classify Arabs as white, let alone people as dark as the Jomon.
Have you spoken with a Japanese person from Japan? An Asian-American is going to have a different perspective having grown up in a country where they are only a couple % of the population.
>I’m offended in behalf of asians even though they themselves brought this character to life according to their beauty standard, because it’s not historically correct and disrespects their culture, which I pretend to know about, but in reality I barely understand!
How is this allowed
>tfw benizuki,hakase and hatsuho will never fight over your dick
You look like a retarded to everyone
Benizuki is secret best girl of 2017. I want to run my dick through her luxurious hair.
It's basically like the white people that got offended by that Coco movie while it was like the 2nd highest grossing movie or something, and that wasn't even made by Mexicans.
You know why.
Why wouldn't it be allowed? For Americans it's hard to grasp, but white people don't want everyone else to pretend they're white.
user don't be rude
Post Beni, curvy giantess.
me on the left
she looks asian to me man
that's not even a japanese kanji you dumb motherfucker
So they should be more yellow or what?
Does anyone actually play this game? I never see any mention of it.
I wish they looked like her
>character is supposed to be White
>looks like a plastic Asian
Why is this allowed?
The art in Toukiden 2 was some A+ stuff.
i think most of the people that do keep quiet about it to avoid shitposting from monhun fans
looks white or at least happa
I did, it's okay. If you're looking for a nice MH clone to kill some time it's pretty good at that, though it focuses more on aerial combat than the MH series. You can build relationships with the other characters and get stuff from them. And Benizuki is best girl.
Overall a C+ game, not great but certainly not bad at all.
They use extreme whitening make up. Whiteness is a beauty ideal there because historically it meant not being a farmer working in the sun all day.
that's a halfie for sure, OP image just looks like a native Japanese with lots of makeup
Same with the first game
Isn't it the same artist as Fire Emblem
So is it just a hunting demons grind or is there like a storyline?
I really liked Toukiden Kiwami and 2, they're easier than the MH games and overall a bit faster, but they also have actual interesting stories and characters and great OSTs.
You can get them for pretty cheap now, they're not amazing, but fun to play everyday for an hour or two and i like the different abilites you can mix
Actually northern spanish basque, so not even 56%ing. It pisses me off people taking offense for things not even meant for them. Let asians get pissed about it if they want, it’s not YOUR problem bud
Kind of, there is a big story line to go through. I only finished the story and never went online, but it didn't feel too grindy.
Same reason why
>Game is a modern milshooter
>Main protagonist is white even though American infantry is primarily black
How is the writing/story compared to the first one?
I really hated how every character's story is basicly "they got really upset about something then go to solo a boss, now you have to rescue them".
>12% of the population is 90% of the infantry
Can I get some sources on that other than your ass.
You're a fucking retard
i didn't get to play the second one much so i can't really help you
White mentally, Asian verbally. You don't tell people these things you just observe them and vote based on them.
Most of something is 50% upwards. You just 56%ted that 90% out of your ass.
There's definitely more of "they got really upset about something and go try to solo a boss"
>You can build relationships with the other characters
There's actually waifushit in this game? Like actual mechanics like persona and shit? Fuck I might actually get this game then. I just thought its a cheap monhun ripoff and nothing else.
Regardless I'd still like a source to back up that claim.
They have pure breed Japs who are white or pale.
Japs are literally the whitest asians even excluding half breeds
It's strange, looks more Asian than who is probably a real full-blooded Asian person.
No freckles, so she is Japanese.
You just have no idea what Asian's look like because you only see them in Korean pop videos, it's okay.
Japanese priority in games (Most of time, when aimed to japaneses.)
Being beautiful/cute/cool > Being accurate.
>>>skin cancer
Yeah, you can even go take baths with them
The stories are pretty interesting too and the games have some amazing OSTs
You can also have husbandos
White women are too masculine to look like anime. Not cute enough desu.
Tons of makeup trends in Japan started as trying to achieve the same look as European women, so it's not completely out of place to think that. You're still wrong though.
Who dis? Name of series
pale skin has always been an important look in asia as it represents status. This was FAR before any caucasian people made contact with them.
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Well then, guess I am getting this to pass my time till MHW. Also benizuki is voiced by Nia's VA. I found my waifu too.
Why do people love typing like illiterate nignogs.
BAKA tbqh famm
Aight thx, gonna be hard to play with 1 hand.
STFU Whiteboi
>tfw fetish for Asian women with long black hair
>can never move to Japan because I'm not qualified enough to get hired by an international company, nor am I rich enough to ignore the standard immigration rules
Guess I'll just continue learning nip and keep dreaming.
>story is set in modern USA and features its culture and people
>nazis rule and commie niggers are the good guys
it's just a videogame, user.
where do you live? You could always search online for an asian qt.
That's what I did and now I'm happily married.
Northern England. Nothing but slags here.
True white or not test. Nipples. If your nipples are pink, congrats, you're white.
I can attest to this. Whenever I visit Japan I go crazy from yellow fever. It's 10/10s like this everywhere.
Is Toukiden 2 any good? Thinking about getting it.
that thing most definitely does not look white
anime characters don't look white or japanese, they don't look like any actual people on earth. they're just familiar enough that everyone recognizes them for being people