What vidya has the best swordplay?

What vidya has the best swordplay?

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Inb4 soulsfags

Everybody that says otherwise should git gud and stop being a casual, simple.
>whaaaaaaaaaa it has unrealistec moves whaaaaaaaa
deal with it nigger. medieval times were brutal.


I lot of people here still believe in the 'plate armor is heavy and cumbersome' meme
In reality, most fights lasted a few seconds and one French historian from centuries ago likened a battle to watching a professional sports match of our day way before they had those


Captcha ate my webm

wtf meme is this he'd fucking cut his hands off if that sword were real larping has gone to shit


This is for a shekel video, that dude did nothing but 5a overhead slashes every time. Not impressed.

Chivalry doesn't have shit combat because you can run in it, buddy.

Exanima has interesting physics based combat. Shame it's held back by stubborn devs who refuse to fix the fucking camera so your controls don't get reversed in the middle of a fight, or get rid of permadeath.


Also: Overgrowth has very little content, but it's combat is fun, fast, and very lethal.


Bushido Blade 2. No other game has come close aside from For Honor until it became gimmicky skill bullshit.

Dark Souls

For Honor has the best melee animations imo

why is one of those retards holding a sword like that lol
if it was a katana he'd lose his fingers right away

I forgot that game even came out. Talk about flying under the radar

>being this new

go back to r/The_Sword


>Sup Forums will reply to bait this weak

>only parrying overhead swings
>only parrying swings directly to the head
I mean, I get that it's practice and probably just demonstrating parrying while half-swording. But you could've at least tried parrying some blows which were some threat to anybody.

>light attack, quen, jump away
>rinse and repeat until you finish the game
best swordplay

Kind of related. Any fps with (good) melee components? preferably where shooting is main action but melee is still flashed out.



>literally a sheet made of steel
>somehow magically cuts your fingers off when held, even when not necessarily completely sharp or if user is wearing proper gloves

That's probably because their arms and shoulders are unprotected and that's the easiest target if you want to immobilize or disarm your opponent.
The guy's wearing full plate torso and a helmet, so that's probably where I would be attacking as well.
A sweeping cut to his ankle while keeping distance would probably work too.

No way these were real sword techniques. It's just too retarded.

It's a damn shame we don't know how Pajeets actually used their swords because the West never actually fought them

There's only one off hand account in a British journal of a Pajeet running up to some Redcoats and fucking their day up with scimitars cause they weren't used to fighting a nigga that close. They described the Pajeet style he used as involving a great many spins

In case of the guy not wearing armor, that shit he does makes perfect sense.

Well, that seems a bit more realistic to what I'd expect to see. I find the idea of thrusting with the pommel to be a bit strange. Sure, such blades weren't "typically" sharpened, but that's not something you could say about all swords. And you'd need to handle it a bit differently than a staff in order to do that correctly. Also, thrusting the heavy end of your weapon out doesn't seem like the best idea.

On the other hand, the guy in armor had a lot less to worry about than the unarmored person. Why swing out with the cross guard in an attempt to hit them? They're unarmored; a thrust or a slash would be more effective. If we're assuming the other guy would normally be armored then it would make more sense, though.

Why is that retarded?


There's a reason Hollywood makes fights drawn out and flashy as possible

Real combat is quick and brutal and looks jittery as fuck as an observer

So retarded it just might be true

Unironically skyward sword. I personally never had any problems with the motion controls.

All pommels are basically lil hammers
Even with an arc, you can still rattle a nigga in armor with a pommel thrust


What is this, a HEMA thread?

Oh, sure. Striking with the pommel (or cross guard) makes sense with those swords. Most of those cross guards even had a square "face" so that they'd hit with the impact of a warhammer. But the thrusting strikes me as strange. It's basically throwing the center of mass of your weapon out in front of you, and then needing to pull it back. Perhaps I'm just not familiar with how swords are weighted, but that seems awkward. It would be like trying to thrust with a mace or a hammer. Sure, it'd work if it hits, but it'd be hard to recover from.

I mean, if you're attempting to thrust with a sword, I'd expect them to be thrusting with the pointy bit.

Although I could see them intentionally thrusting with the pommel for safety reasons, in something like a spar. Accidentally shoving a sword tip into a helmeted visor would be very bad.

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If this is real medieval combat then I'll continue to accept non-realistic sword combat. Looks like something out of a comedy sketch.

I agree with you. Trying to thrust someone in the face with a blunt hammer like object is kind of un-efficient, when you a perfectly fine sharp tip on the other end.

Dark messiah of might and magic

voice acting is top notch though

The guy in the armor doesn't seem to have much of a clue what he should be doing, imo.

what the fuck did he do that for

did he get his ass kicked after?

wtf why did he do that

It's based on actual historical arms instruction manuals, yes.

How would he do all that without fingers in a real fight?

>why dud he parry the attack and then strike the neck twice

Because that's how you win fights, anons.

Because he won the duel and when you win you got to finish them off, you wouldn't last one second in a 1v1 sword fight soyboys

You're just fucking retarded honestly.

HEMA matches/competitions are intense. There are scoring referees/judges on the sidelines, but if they don't call a break fast the bouts can go on until either of the players shows dominance.

as someone whos been into sword fighting since pre 2000 its hilarious to see how it went from katanas and spiny anime/lightsaber moves in the early "LARP" days before larp was really a word but people beat on each other with duct tape weapons and stuff to then a total backlash against those people so now we have HEMA and all this insane emphasis on "realism" which somehow has equated to do it as un-intuitively as possible, grab the damn blade and hit people with the handle of course! its like yes this is in one of the few remaining manuscript from europe but it doesn't mean this is how you fight with a sword regularly its clearly a very circumstantial and unlikely technique my god at least the anime spiny kids would try to look as flashy as possible lose and then slowly learn to be less flashy while still trying to be fast learning what works and eventually learning to add a back in a bit of flair and unpredictability which looks "flashy"...kind of like every kind of sport ever, kid plays basketball tries to do crazy dribbling techniques fails but keeps at it learns to do what works and adds a bit of that flair back in and it actually works later on once they are skilled.

this "realism" aka do it as stupidly as possible has ruined people actually getting good with swords, seriously bring back the spiny anime shit and learn to get skilled instead of intentionally holding back doing anything impressive cause that wouldnt be real, but holding the blade and literally just doing staff techniques instead of sword is totally the right way to use a sword every culture in the world just forgot how to use a sword until this one picture in a european manuscript was rediscovered. fucking hell man.

homo erotic martial arts?

you are correct

if he was going for effectiveness he would't be using a sword in the first place,this just comes off as try hard " i can totally make this work guys stop making fun of swords"


He actually lost because he was disarmed. Guy in the background sighs when he continues the fight too. A fight stops when one person isnt holding their weapon, youre not trying to kill eachother for fuck sake.

chivalry has shit netcode and reverses introduce beyblading

look up mordhau, op

Hear hear. Me and my friends have originally a "battle larp" and kendo background as well.
It's funny how much more intuitive and conducive (?) it's to learn this shit doing it years on end by yourselves without manuscripts or shit.

>lost because of disarmament
Fuck that. He got the clear thrust in before his sword even slipped.

>halfswording and waiting to recieve and deflect the opponents attack
wait till the opponent isn't a sparing partner that is aiming at your blade and straight up cuts off or breaks your fingers on purpose.

Swords are shit tier anyway

>no elegance
>acting like a spastic monkey

is this the power of western fencing?


>bring back spiny anime hair shit
>kid says he's going to beat me with his impressive sword skills
>puts down his sword and starts gibbering in a language he doesn't understand
>picks it back up and makes a wild swing
>easily deflect it and smack him in the face
>"No way I was invisible and there were five other guys there you couldn't do that!"

I mean, perhaps HEMA is overly restrictive and stupid as well, but wildly swinging foam noodles like baseball bats isn't going to teach you much either.

Showing dominance by stabing a dude that already stopped fighting not once but twice for no reason
Hope he got dq'd for being retarded

I wish I looked that classy, bro.

The only thing you're going to learn by swinging foam swords at fat NEETs is how to swing foam swords at fat NEETs.

This game is complete dogshit

wait, is it common in HEMA fights to have a FINISH HIM segment?

>wildly swinging foam noodles like baseball bats isn't going to teach you much either.
Not unless you're doing that shit for years.

Beating aforementioned anime kids with foam sticks is fun af too.

git gud

>gets killed by teammate

Theres the thing, he got the hit but the fight wouldve kept going after that hit, you have to stick the stab if you get it, as in, you haveto be able to keep that stab in place for a moment or it doesnt count, otherwise glancing hits would count, the moment he let go of the weapon is when it was actually over. You could just throw your weapon to get a hit and reset if this wasnt the case, if the weapon leaves your hand the fight is reset or you forfeit. Youre thinking of an actual fight where the other guy would be fucking dead and this wouldnt matter, but this is HEMA.

No that is just what actual fights look like

>I am lightning, the rain transformed.

this is real fencing, well as real you can get in modern times


low quality bait.


thank you. its fine to add in a bit of knowledge from everything but seriously i watch the HEMA people just hate on anything non-european or anything non-historical and literally shoot themselves in the foot holding back from trying anything intuitive or just learning what works for that individual, if its too fast or flashy its stupid to them, if it ends up looking like a movie its dumb and would never work even if they are getting hit by it everytime, if you clash swords at all its unrealistic etc... its worse than the anime kids i swear cause instead of trying too hard to do things that wont work and learning what does over time, they refuse to try anything that might work if it falls into a category they deem "unrealistic" aka anything non european or anything that might look cool in a movie type situation etc... except using the handle and holding the blade stuff, which is ok as a surprise attack or extreme circumstance like two heavily armored individuals needing to break armor, but it is in no way the "norm" of how to fight with a sword come on this started happening in 2012 you think people just forgot sword fighting should look like this? i cant deal with these people anymore, give me back the kid who claims hes 1/19th japanese over these out of shape bearded guys who refuse to make this a sport cause too much movement and skill means you're doing it wrong clearly.

because real fencing has particle effects yes

This video is even more autistic than watching 2 skinny fat retards larping with their toy swords
Fucking grats to the maker

i will bet 50 dollars bet you raise your sword above your head and have your sheath on your back

best post on Sup Forums right now

that genuinely looks awesome. I wish more games had detailed realistic armor

And which peoples has had the most elegant warriors, user?

Doesn't HEMA want to distance itself as far away as possible from LARPers?

Fiction < Non-Fiction


This game

game is dead and it deserves to be
i hope the devs die

>using murder stroke in a sparring match
Clements, not even once.
I also like how the other guy uses half-swording and murder stroke for no reason

thats what im saying, but LARP kids at least tried everything they saw be it from a kendo class, an anime, a movie, something they saw HEMA do etc... and they all develop styles and what works for them etc... HEMA people limit themselves constantly to the point where they aren't getting good they are just doing the motions of what they've deemed super realistic.

both are problematic but the LARP anime kids at least if they stuck with it got their asses handed to them by someone who learned how to really fight and then they would slwoly learn what not to do whats fantasy what doesnt work, and add in what does and not shy away from something just cause its "flashy" if they could get it to work.

HEMA won't grow at all beyond exclusively whats in a very few european manuscripts and refuses to beleive anything else could work so in practice they actually arent being "realistic" at all its hilarious how in trying to get away from the "anime kids" the historical people who are popular now cause no one wants be that anime katana kid are so much worse off than early 2000 larpers who put the time an effort in and actually ya know broke a sweat fighting all day with weapons instead of ordering a thousand dollar obscure european zwhealnderzwher from austria and slowly hitting each other with the pommel while holding the blade. this is the state of sword fighting today, its a total backlash to the anime kids, and its ironically so much worse for it is what im saying.


You don't know shit about what actually goes in in HEMA circles.

the same people that wreck you in chiv are the same people that wreck you in mordhau.

if you think the reverse overheads are what giving these guys the edge think again.

watch GIRU GIRU he is a high ranked chiv player and he absolutely mopped the floor with guys in mordahu beta.

why ? WHY YOU ASK ? because the darkness of chiv molded him, he was forged in the darkness of it unlike you plebs.
>m-muh reverse overheads

>HEMA won't grow at all beyond exclusively whats in a very few european manuscripts
It doesn't need to, you mong. They're not doing it just because muh realism. Their interest in MA is, primary, historical. Why do you think it's called HISTORICAL EUROPEAN MARTIAL ARTS?
>slowly hitting
There is nothing slow about halfswording or murder stroke