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It still is you fucking faggot
prove it
you prove it is a bad game first
Have the fixed the stupid no auto balance in casual yet?
Overwatch is superior in every way.
it'll only be bad if they start removing movement mechanics.
i dont agree with you
Bad Bait, try again
Not bait.
Literally bait
post you are power level
its a good game, but in the eyes of the average casual consumer, it looks outdated and old and wont even give it a chance.
its still afloat because its a lightweight free to play game plus a well established frequent player base.
i'd have a lot more if i never took any breaks.
I took a break from tf2 for a year. Who knows where I would be if I didn't take that break.
[citation needed]
i stopped playing at the end of 2012 and then picked it back up at around 2014.
I started playing in June of last year and i have over 900 hours..
I recently sold all my tf2 items on the steam market because I finally started to get bored of it. For some reason after selling all my stuff I started to find the game enjoyable again. Anyone know why?
I'd play it again if the ui went back to pre MyM and the game was more optimized
Would be nice if they allowed custom skins and sprites again as well..
You are weak.
>Calling others weak when you ain't too shabby yourself
>if the ui went back to pre MyM
Fuck you, the new Jungle Inferno UI is way better than the old ass one.
Fucking pleb
How much is 2819 tuntia in american hours?
anons, please, there's no use arguing over who has the biggest tiny e-penis. Only a god can surpass this
take a wild guess, it's over 2000 and under 3000
How can you kill a god?
we must go higher
Y-you just idled for many of those hours!
I'm not feeling it. It doesn't look or feel right to me. It feels like Val was is trying too hard to be all fresh.
Is comp even fixed yet?
move over fartsniffer
>Is comp even fixed yet?
Not yet. Jill (community manager) said to Geel (trading site owner) that they weren't satisfied with the competitive changes they had so far, and held them back to prevent a repeat of Meet Your Match
Just wait for TF3
whoops forgot my game icon
I don't know, this game just doesn't seem fun anymore. Somethings just wrong with it.
top kek i have over 7k hours in dota, fucking bunch of fags
>ywn join another FW server, build an invincible box to hide in with the flag and ruin everyone's fun with your metagaming
Why did all the fun shit have to die for matchmaking?
what would anons even like to see in Team Fortress 3 to warrant the release of an entire new game?
what features would you add to TF3 apart from new graphics?
post hours
>bragging about wasting your time in skinner box mobashit
Then play it
not him, but
optimization is fucking garbage
and also balancing issues
who in their right mind would think that listening to what reddit wants in terms of balancing is a good idea
even you guys SHOW A SIGN of having gamesense
reddit on the other hand is fucking hopeless
>top kek
>7k hours
Yep, it adds up. All you're missing is a smug pepe or wojak image with a maga hat
Give me some examples of reddit balancing getting into the game. I'm genuinely interested.
You drunk or something though?
>tfw you said you would kill yourself if you passed 4k hours
you picked the wrong thread faggot. no matter how much valve fucks up tf2, it will always be better than your overtrash
How much of that time is on Amby Spy, Beggar's/RJ Solly, or SJ Demo?
It's almost over, bro
I don't want to answer that
I can almost taste it
can't tell since i've reset my stats a few times-
I'm more ashamed about my hours on VSH. It probably makes up at least 1-2k of my hours.
Pre-nerf caber was the best shit ever, fuck them for nerfing it
All about those pipes,bro
>pyro update hits
>go back to tf2
>it's a stale, crappy feeling piece of shit in comparison to Overwatch now
Movement is super slow and feels awful, people who say TF2 is faster than OW arefull of shit. The maps are a joke, they're either boring comp maps or they're a bunch of shitty hallways and goofy platforms with bad pack placement
The only time tf2 is ever faster than OW movement wise is demo or soldier rollouts and those don't apply for 99% of the game
How did you know I love the Beggar?
Don't confess to the other crimes, though. Nor do I primarily garden with it.
I've also done one reset.
Have 1.5k more in my smurf account
That shit game has a bigger retarded prize pool than all online games combined, i dont give a shit
no, i'm not drunk
as for the reddit examples:
rescue ranger
it genuinely feels like a fucking free to play cuck thought this change would be a good idea
spy is fucking dead along with the dead ringer
pyro... not even gonna say anything
game is still fun with friends though
but, so is every other game desu
>Haven't finished contracts yet
>Only ones left are the annoying as fuck control point ones and a few bullshit ones like 5 flaregun kills in a row with no assists
>Movement is super slow and feels awful
Of all the things to complaint about you choose this first? lurk more
>community servers with regular map rotation are all dead except those Hungarian ones
Main reason I don't play. Casual matchmaking is filled with garbage players.
this is true. With Overwatch's success, tf2 and csgo are both redundant now and becoming irrelevant fast.
Impossible. The community is way too delusional
>maps are a joke
How are you enjoying those choke points?
>I wish TF2 was more popular
>retarded skins
>boxes, keys, more boxes
>competitive mode is unplayable
>servers full of mememasters and ponyfags
>people who say TF2 is faster than OW arefull of shit.
Why is every "offence" character in OW almost just as slow as defense characters with hardly any movement options?
>The maps are a joke, they're either boring comp maps or they're a bunch of shitty hallways and goofy platforms with bad pack placement
That's literally Overwatch though.
they shouldn't have nerfed it so hard, but it definitely deserved a nerf
Go away obvious shitposter
The only way Overwatch could constitute being "better" is that "The graphics are prettier" (it's better because the lighting is pretty even though it looks weird on cartoon people) and that is massively overshadowed by everything else to anyone that isn't a complete and utter pedestrian to video-games.
Anyone that's ever played an online-game can observe why Overwatch is one of the most egregious canned, broken and stupid crapfests to ever grace mainstream gaming.
I mean considering Reddit isn't a secret site or anything I'd assumed you'd have had some threads or something to back those up, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, rambling user.
Id rather have OP weapons than a boring balanced game. Besides tf2 in 2007 was not balanced as pyro was useless back then and soldier had way too many rockets. Also optimization isnt the worst anymore, I can still play the game on a old laptop like the thinpad t420.
none of this matters if you didn't play seriously
lurk for what you casual faggot
>who in their right mind would think that listening to what reddit wants in terms of balancing is a good idea
they don't
You're just abusing the word reddit because you're a lazy shitposter
Also latest patch made Pyro way too op. Main reason people complained about Pyro was W+M1 mains. And yet they made W+M1 even stronger, to the point there's pretty much no point in using compressed blast and shotgun on regular targets.
Stop giving the ironic OWfags (you)s, that's all they're here for
It matters to me, because I can say over half of my hours have been spent having fun regardless of the skill level. Over a thousand hours of actual fun from a single product?
why is every tf2 character that isn't scout slower than the default OW move speed? you're full of shit lmao
If they didnt go f2p they would have died
>play seriously
ok bud
>all that time in gold
>never went plat
so you were a roster rider, huh?
The funny thing is, TF2's gameplay feels bland compared to Overwatch.
Why is it that I cant seem to aim as a sniper? I can play most classes pretty good. Do I have to aim where the guy has been due to network compensation or something? I usually have 40-60 ping on valve servers and have custom net settings.
On a side note why does every sniper I come across that can aim suck at every other class?
i wasn't being literal really
those just seem like the changes reddit would want
>Id rather have OP weapons than a boring balanced game
yea mate except tf2 wasn't boring
i may be lazy, but i'm not shitposting
i'm still playing the game regularly, but i can't bring myself to play solo
Don't worry son, you'll get out of gold someday, just keep at 'er sport
he's broken and unskilled to use now because they made his flames complete retard mode, but he's not "op" in any sense
literally just kill him before he gets in range, it isn't difficult unless you're playing on a shitter map like hoodoo or junction, pyro is still one of the weakest classes in the game due to his short range and average mobility/health/damage making him totally mediocre at everything except range, in which area he is the worst
pyro's flames need to take actual skill to use, but they also need a buff in exchange for that
TF2 isnt boring because most classes feel OP. TF2 has never been balanced and I want it to stay that way. Besides stock weapons are best.
>Do I have to aim where the guy has been due to network compensation or something>
Sometimes on VERY fast targets, yes. But in 99% of situations, no, you just need to learn to click on heads.
so much jealousy
they were thrown together teams to sandbag golds, was fun despite the meta being "whoever has the best sniper wins" (because almost every sniper was hacking at the time)
Why doesn't OW have any movement options like rocket jumps or sticky jumps?
Turn off mouse acceleration off in the game's settings and in your mouse's software.
>tf2 before it went f2p
>Great servers everywhere
>Some retarded casual matchmaking and a competitive that literally a few autist play
I'll help you with that shit.
Photo Evidence
Then invent a time machine and go back five years when the game was still busted. I know I want to because that's when the weapons were still fun.