>tfw you finally roll KOSMOS after 50 hours of farming cores
I am so fucking euphoric right now
>tfw you finally roll KOSMOS after 50 hours of farming cores
I am so fucking euphoric right now
what's the easiest way to farm legendary crystals?
>mfw casually getting Kosmos and Zenobia while trying to get a good healing blade for Nia.
Cloud Sea King Ken in Tantal, piss easy to kill and a lot of health so plenty of smash oppurtunities
>Got her only after 6 hours from a Rare Core Crystal.
You guys don't have to be too mad at me, though. I know someone who got her from a common core crystal in the middle of chapter 3. Also he has as many Rare Blades left as me without bothering to do any grinding.
Post pics, her model never gets posted. No apreciation it seems.
The level 99 Ardun. You... didn't kill it, right?
What is she doing on the computer?
I wanna enter the Praxis!
>finally roll KOS-MOS
>on Morag
That being said, Morag is doing better on attack then she ever did on tank.
That's because most everyone woldn't have her without smashing Mad Cow, You're a Squid Now or Dracula (female)
Me, I just want FUCKING Newt already
I'm setting everything up to prepare for NG+
>Post yfw when you hear this for the first time
>skim through his dialogue
>glimps at what appeared to be "grow up strong", "toughen up" ect.
>"oh so I should just roughen him up a bit"
>fight it
so what do you do with her now that there is nothing to do in the game
superbosses of course
Hey niggas, noezou is on the move.
I'd imagine it's because the vast majority of players don't have her. It seems you either get lucky pulling her super early in the game or you have to do some kind of grinding to get her and to be fair, grinding isn't something you can expect most players to do, it's pretty boring especially since you can't even mix up how you're fighting when you're grinding for items.
Also on a sidenote I should really attach my Switch to a junk Twitter account where I only post screenshots instead of the one I actually use.
legendary cores are a meme
got all my last blades from rares
This is kinda true. In my grinding so far I've pulled only 1 of the 4 blades from Legendary cores.
im in chapter 7, when the fuck do I get my main blade back. I'm so fucking angry I just went through an underground section WHERE I COULDNT USE ALL MY POWER, ONLY LEVEL 1 ARTS ETC AND I GOT _NOTHING_ FROM IT. literally took me 3 hours
shit posting in this thread.
How many cores did it take?
End of chapter.
End of the chapter. I ended up just using Zeke instead for that chapter because Pandoria is pretty good.
but you got the answer
>use a legendary core with boost
>use a common core without boost
>get Kosmos
yep, legendary cores are a meme
He actually drew the ether marks?!
Relentless Arduran. I get between 30 and 40 legendaries per kill.
If I only have 4 blades left to collect is there even any point in me opening my common core crystals? The only reason I've been opening them is because I'm not sure whether having the max of them effects drops or not.
I'm planning to buy a switch and Xenoblade 2 in the next month or so but I never played the first Xenoblade. Does it weigh heavily on the story of the 2?
Thing about the gacha system in this game is that the RNG is not between common and rare blades, but each rare blade has their own individual roll chance, and the more you roll of them the less and less of a chance you get to roll a rare blade.
Past a certain point, it's far more about sheer quantity of rolls than it is quality
I've began a new save where I use every common core I find. Had 4 rares in chapter 3 just from common, but I got none from rare cores.
I wouldn't say it weighs heavily through most of the game, but they are connected.
I hate fighting Ken. He's fuckhueg which tends to fuck with the camera. His tentacle spinning shit has to be the most annoying attack in the entire game and sometimes the tentacles push you either up or away when you launch him.
At this date, all the blades have art?
80 hours in and on Chapter 10 and I finally got KOSMOS from a legendary core.
Godfrey is the only one I don't think.
And for good reason, nigga sucks ass
I remember seeing that the different cores only change what rank common blades you get. Rare blades have the same chance on all cores so it doesn't matter what you open. Not sure if this is true or not but it makes sense from my personal experience, all my rares have come from commons so far.
Sheba has literally ONE fanart.
I don't feel like this is totally true. Maybe it's my own anecdotal evidence but the first 3-4 legendary cores I got when boosted ended up as rares, but that was back when I barely had any of the rare blades. Once I started racking them up it became more and more difficult
Jesus Christ this isn't rocket science. Most of your rare blades come from commons because you roll the most commons. If you were to release everything in a post-game save and try rerolling it all back with common or legendary cores one would be infinitely faster.
You can finish with a wind combo to seal his blowdown effect, stops the knockback bs
Altougth Nias OI U CUNT U CANT DO THAT spam is amusing
I don't know why people are still so confused by this
Link? Or post screenshots.
Thanks for the answer, I guess it will make me all the more curious about the first so it ain't bad
No I'm saying I SHOULD make an account where I do that. I don't have that many screenshots because my Switch is currently attached to my personal account and I don't want to litter my timeline with Switch screenshots.
You'll miss some great references and moments linking the games but its mostly stand alone
overkill Relentless Arduran again and again.
What's a quick way to level up in the game? I'm at level 78 and want to get to 99 for super bosses
I'm sure your friends and family will appreciate blade upskirts just as much as we will
Which rare Blades are you guys missing? I haven't gotten:
I honestly just want Zenobia to use against the superbosses but the legendary cores keep giving me commons
Go to Mor Ardain harbor then go through the gate and there's some level 85 Griffoxes
You go kill Kraken Ken over and over, you'll be 99 in 15 mins and also get the best crit chips in the game, legendary cores
Just missing Vale and Perun. Grinding most of the other rares to fill their affinity
KOS MOS and Theory. Haven't run into any quests for Theory after Praxis. Where do i trigger it?
Not counting the ones that you don't roll I have
Last one I rolled was KOS-MOS.
So far Floren is the only one showing in any of my previews.
I think you need to have lvl 4 affinity with Praxis or something. There is a node that triggers the Theory quest.
I'm done with everything I could think of, 203 hours in.
People say that the getting the last blade is hell
People say that getting the light core is hell
People say that doing Ursula's quest, cooking dumplings and making fabric is hell
They are all wrong. The real hell starts when you get all rare blades and you need to force feed pretty much every single one to 9800 affinity
fuck, my fingers
Whose idea was it to not let us use Nia's blade style as her master version? AND WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT LINKING HER TO HIKARI/HOMURA FOR TRI ATTACK WAS A GOOD IDEA? I don't want to change my team for this.
It's annoying as fuck for sure and one of the biggest flaws the game has to offer. Takahashi can't into QoL
>Someone actually drew this
You guys are alright sometimes
The only two I need are Newt and KOS-MOS. Fuck these drop rates. It's honestly the biggest complaint I have against the game. I've rolled at least 200 rare and legendary cores since my last rare blade and still haven't got either of them.
Literally what? You got the best healer Blade in the game for it
it's almost as if you were not supposed to spam pouch items to max their affinity XDDD
What's the point of Kosmos when you can just use Mythra?
Zeke can't use Mythra
Because if you don't want to use Rex the only other way to get the light element is through autistically grinding Tiger Tiger for the Light mod on Poppi
KOS-MOS is for people who don't want to play as Rex.
She has one of the best heals in the game
Having said that, I find no use for her postgame. She is highly overrated.
>Tfw even Wulfy's got art
Is his third art
>We'll never get the game Xenoblade 2 was MEANT to be
He's one of the best blades in the game though so that's not a surprise. Nigga shits damage
Literally the most low hanging fruit for potential scenario DLC would be a "What If" with Malos being the one summonsed by Amalthus instead of Mythra
>We will further improve the convenience of the mini map as we add more quests and additional elements for second playthroughs next year for all players (not just those who purchased the Expansion Pass!) We appreciate your continued patience.
So we know about Pneuma's LV4, Story Blades on Merc Missions and "Those" Blades but what is this about adding more quests? Did Takahashi ruse us and actually hide some substantial NG+ mode as a "quest pack"?
>What d'you say kid, want to take me to Elysium?
>Another FFXV-esque brofest but the gameplay isn't total dogshit
Sign me the fuck up pham
>never have a game where Rex and Malos will start off on the rough end but end up forming a brotherly bond with Malos being the aniki Rex never had
>Level 5 Super Strength
>Level 5 Focus
>Level 5 Earth Mastery
Jesus, it was really nice of the game to just give you Wulfric, he's great. His animations are top tier too
>tons of Bashing
>Level 2 is a chest beam with his shoulder things venting heat
Maybe that's what NG+ is and that's why we can send off Pyra and story blades on merc missions
This artist other pics in the set put malos a great cook, is there any evidence of this in the game or is a joke related to his sister pyra?
Who is kosmos?
>Takahashi isn't satisfied with making three superior games in the time it takes SE to make one
>He makes a $30 DLC in a year that styles all over XV just to show he can
Someone stop this madman before everyone at SE commits sudoku.
Literally the patron saint of robowaifus
Nia probably would have won, too
Probably just a joke
plz don't bully Square Enix.
Even though the Torna designs are probably some of the most interesting that Nomura has done in a while
>Jin, the most hammy Coldsteel
>Malos, the most hammy Chad
>Akhos, the most hammy Pushes-Glasses
>Mikhail, Demyx but good
>Patroka, qtpa2t with a temper great outfit
Nioe, his revenge shall no end until SE is dead.
And guess what, all them die. Takashi figuratively made his characters kill SE.
love this track, would feel right at home in a wild arms game
Nopon Chronicles when?
what moment in the game hit you with the most feels Sup Forums?
>get rare blade
>it's another healer on a non-healer character