Anons, I need your suggestions

Anons, I need your suggestions.

I have around $150 to drop on Steam games.

Please, no matter how many, nor what the cost, nor matter the year release, please list off your best/top Steam game suggestions. Your "must plays". Your "do not miss this game" titles.

Any and all you will recommend, just please make sure they're damn good games. Please, kindly, and thank you!

Also, I foolishly kept this request to Steam, but there are other sites (GoG, CD Key, etc). I suppose I'd extend this request to any games I could buy for/play on PC.

Also also, if there's a site/method of me long-listing all my current Steam games (like Steam Gauge), let me know and I can copy/paste the list or upload a list image.

Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Hotline Miami 1 and 2. Street Fighter V: Deluxe Edition.

This thread again?
How many times do you need people to suggest the same shit over and over just for you to delete it at 100 posts?

Sadly, my thread was deleted yesterday after like 6 posts. I genuinely don't mean to be a bother, or to post what potentially gets posted a lot here, I just look for recommendations from Sup Forums.

came to post this. And UnderRail.


I'll suggest the same i shit i posted last night

Escape from Tarkov (not on steam but its getting more and players and more attention and is still promising imo)
Most Total War titles
Long Dark for "survival" autism
Factorio for factory building autism
Nioh runs pretty gud
Metro series
Deadspace 1 and 2


Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Fallout: New Vegas

The Holy Trinity of FPS/RPGs

Darkest Dungeon
Binding of Isaac: rebirth
Borderlands 2
Euro truck simulator 2 (because comfy)
Total war games

There's probably more but I cant remember.

Mount and Blade: Warband

Skyrim:Special Edition,Fallout 4 ,Fallout 4 season pass and Fallout 3 GOTY

Dying light

Nice recommendations todd
Could you recommend me any non Bethesda made games?


Dying Light
Dishonored definitive edition
Resident evil 4
splinter cell chaos theory
fallout new vegas
TES IV: Oblivion
Just cause 3
Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl
Mirror's Edge
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Grow Home (and the sequel: Grow Up)
Dragon's Dogma
Overcooked (if you want a fantastic little coop game, with a friend/girlfriend or with a bigger group, guaranteed to have everyone screaming)
DOOM 2016

Pirate GTA5 because once the campaign's done the game is pure trash because the focus is on the online, which is just mmo tier grinding for money.

Tekken 7
Civilization iv
Age of wonders 3 (with dlc)
Planescape torment

Is Talos Principle GOld worth it for 10 bucks?

Caves of Qud
Endless Space 2
Endless Legend

STALKER series
Men of War series
Stardew Valley
Mount and Blade: Warband
Evil Genius
7.62 HC
Marauder/Man of Prey
Titan Quest
Hotline Miami series
Killing Floor 1
Stronghold Crusader HD
Tropico series
Gothic series(1-3)
Wasteland 2
Mass Effect 1
Dragon's Dogma
Valkyria Chronicles
Half Life series
Dawn of War
Door Kickers
Ufo series
State of Decay
Legend of Grimrock series
Supreme Commander 1
System Shock series
Homeworld remastered(iirc they fixed formations?)
Mafia series
Metro 2033
Gal Civ II

invest in shitcoins

I made it like 2 weeks in max in the long dark, how do you get farther than that without getting bored? do i need to advance into turboautism?

>STALKER series
it's bad bud has a kind of charm
>valkyria chronicles
broken-ass port
>legend of grimrock series
only the first one tbqh
not 3
not the remasters, they are poopoo


How is the VC port broken?
The enemy fire being too fast bug was fixed years ago.

Resident Evil HD Remaster
Dragon's Dogma
Metal Gear Rising
Papers, Please
Dark Souls 1 and 3
Darkest Dungeon
Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas
Divinity original sin 2
Shovel Knight
The Evil Within 1&2
Star Wars battlefront 2(005)

it crashes like hell for me

it's probably a tabbing issue, maybe borderless gaming can fix it

Anyone have a recommendation on an easy way to list what Steam games I already have? Want to try and make it easier on the kind anons who are making suggestions.


Here are my suggestions:

1) Wait until each game is on sale. This applies to all games recommended by anyone. You don't necessarily have to wait until summer. There are weekend deals and stuff. If you're considering brand-new $60 games that aren't likely to go on sale this year, just kill yourself.

2) Max Payne series (when it's on sale).
3) Painkiller: Black Edition (when it's on sale).
4) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series (when it's on sale).
5) Portal series (when it's on sale).
6) Bastion (when it's on sale).
7) Transistor (when it's on sale).
8) Gunpoint (when it's on sale).
9) Hammerwatch (when it's on sale).
10) Half-Life series (when it's on sale).
11) Serious Sam series (when it's on sale).
12) L.A. Noire (when it's on sale).
13) BioShock (when it's on sale).
14) Dishonored (when it's on sale).

I'd recommend Alan Wake and the original F.E.A.R., but you can't buy those on Steam anymore. (Technically, you can buy F.E.A.R. if you buy the whole series, but if you're going to do that, get it from Fanatical [formerly Bundle Stars] because it's much cheaper. F.E.A.R.'s publisher is completely retarded and doesn't want your money.)

Divinity Original Sin 2
Get it.

So are you going to buy them at full price like a good goy?

Train Simulator and all the DLC

Well obviously not, I only have a buck fiddy. I'm trying to get a good bunch of solid recommendations and then I'll narrow them down and decide.

alright here goes my top picks

Witcher 1-3 and DLC

Magicka with Stars are Left DLC, I wouldn't bother with the 2nd game (not the same devs)

Darkest Dungeon, great if you like the Mike Mignola aesthetic and lovecraftian myth.

Subnautica, great concept

Total Warhammer if you are into strategy games and fantasy (the best fantasy setting)

Ori and the blind forest.


Civ V
Total War: Warhammer
X-Com: Enemy Unknown

my obscure faves

Master Reboot
The Last Tinker

100% Orange Juice
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
Mark of the Ninja
Freedom Planet
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Bleed 1 & 2
Senran Kagura series
BattleBlock Theater
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Shantae series
Meltys Quest
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Hotline Miami 1 & 2
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4
Castle Crashers
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
Giana Sisters series
Electronic Super Joy series
They Bleed Pixels
Strikey Sisters
永遠消失的幻想鄉 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo
東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers.

STALKER trilogy
Serious Sam 3
Talos Principle
Witcher : Enhanced Edition
Killing Floor 1-2
Resident Evil Remake
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD

Crosscode is pretty fun.

Final Fantasy IV

>recommending Witcher 1 and 2

Witcher 1: EE is literally the best game in the trilogy, and the only must play game of the sereis.

Get a load of this hipster faggot


Seconding these,

Sasuga console fags, not recognizing great games and higher quality even if it hits them to the face. I bet you cucks haven't even read the books.

TW1 > 3 > > >2

You're the casual Xbot here, who clearly didn't play the OG game.

Yes, yes and yes.

offline coop where do you think we are

Who... who here said anything about consoles?

I've played the entire Witcher series, all content, since release on PC back in '07. And I must say, if you dfor any reason think that the W1 is "better" than W3 in ANY regard, you are either the largest hipster faggot I know, or are completely delusional. Seriously. I mean hey, everyone has their preferences, that I totally understand and back 100%. But W3 trumps W1 on every. Single. Aspect of gaming.

Every aspect. It is objectively superior on all fronts. Does it have its flaws? Well fuck yes it does, not saying it's a 10/10. Does W1 have its flaws? Yes, again, read above. But I'm not talking about which is the more flawless. I'm making the simple, competent, objective, tangential statement that W3 > W1.

who the fuck gives a shit about the UI

>Who... who here said anything about consoles?
TW2-3 were literally made and designed for consoles head first.

>I've played the entire Witcher series, all content, since release on PC back in '07.
Good for you. I only got into the series back in 2013, and absolutely loathed TW2. Third was just meh.

>if you like what I don't like, you're a delusional hipster!!
Yeah, console faggotry.

>W3 trumps W1 on every. Single. Aspect of gaming.
Except story, characters, roleplaying, gameplay, UI design, performance, art-style ... I could go on.

Everyone should.

You need to be one helluva ADHD GenZ kid to NOT play a story-driven T R I L O G Y in the release order.

Jesus you're that same guy got mad couple months ago. You even uploaded screenshots too

>Except story, characters, roleplaying, gameplay, UI design, performance, art-style ... I could go on.
Yeah. Delusional. Gonna stop feeding your bullshit. Enjoy whatever you like lad, no one's gonna stop you.

>Except story, characters, roleplaying, gameplay, UI design, performance, art-style ... I could go on.

God no.
Wow, your pc can handle a game from 2007

As expected, it's the samefags bitching about Witcher 1. It's clearly a brilliant pleb filter.

Go back watching your Game Of Thrones, kid. That's clearly your cup of tea.

wait for a large sale. you'll easily be able to buy twice the amount of games.
As for stalker. just download the repacks off the /vg/.

Dragon's Dogma

Witcher 1 had the best alchemy system, the most fun and varied combat mechanics, proper ROLE playing stuff, menus and controls all optimized for PC users, and no Batman-vision handholding bullshit. The story was also interesting and branching in fascinating ways, plus the atmosphere is top notch.

He does it for the (you)s. Stop feeding him

Game Of Thrones is god tier well at least jewish directors followed the books

Yo OP could you gift me something for like 4 bucks? I'll gift you something for $10 or less when my check comes in Wednesday

Now you just repeating yourself with your bullshits you dont even believe in.
Fuck you, here is your very last (you) from me

>Game Of Thrones is god tier
yeah, I already knew this thread was filled with fags.

Sorry that you live in a such tiny bubble mate, but Witcher 1 is one of the best games available on PC, one of the greatest modern era CRPGs, the best Witcher product after the books, and miles above its dumbed down AsscCreed x BatmanArkX sequels. I can say it here and now without a hint of irony, and I will do so in the future.

Dude Witcher 1 is not a crpg

Civ V complete edition
Dark Souls 1

Wonder why high culture products like GoT trigger people. But then again took a look at your disgusting weeb reaction gif and I think I answered the question myself

Wait for buzzwords like "millennials" or "underage".

>Wonder why high culture products like GoT trigger people.
The irony's totally off charts here.
Maybe you Netflix era kids should try PLAYING the original GoT. I'm sure the books' author just wrote down the events of some random game night one day, and thought it'd make a good novel. Well, it didn't, and it resulted even worse, low quality as fuck TV series, that has nothing else to offer than tits and poorly done shock-factor gore.



>PLAYING the original GoT

What you mean a boardgame or something? I remember there was GoT rpg but its pretty jank and shite.

Pen and Paper game, you goddamn child.

>you Netflix era kids

Goddamn old people should die already


Get off Sup Forums, Adam. Rest up for work in the AM - don't be late...

>Pen and Paper

Fuck off man its a trash. I mean Im used to play whfb, it just cannot top it

you first, cancer gen.

>millennials meme posting

Daily reminder if you arent a millennial, you are either too young to post here or too old to visit sites like Sup Forums

Shadowrun Dragonfall or Hong Kong
Darkest Dungeon
Trails in the Sky FC
Grandia II
Witcher 1
Anno 1404

Pirate: V:TMB


Buy: Multiplayer
Pirate: Singleplayer


Buy her game

Why wouldn't you do this during a steam sale you massive retard faggot?

because he's either a shill or a cuck

or both

>永遠消失的幻想鄉 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo
Grabbed this yesterday.
What a soundtrack.....

Spend it all on Crusader Kings 2 DLC

Is Divinity II any good? I see many folks downloading/playing it.

Can anyone promote it? Talk about why it's good?

Fallout NV
KOTOR 1 and 2
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Dragon Age Origions
Witcher 3
Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2
Shadow of Mordor
Batman Arkham Trilogy
Dark Souls Trilogy
Civilization 5
Xcom EU and 2
Paradox Games EU4, Victoria 2, CK2
Total War Games (get historical if you like history, get fantasy if you like fantasy or you want the newest game)
Battle Brothers
They are billions
Darkest Dungeon

You could spend all of that on Train Simulator.

You won't even be able to buy all the DLC with that money.