Planning on downloading this. Is it any good?
Planning on downloading this. Is it any good?
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Yeah, fantastic main cast
Typical jRPG with usual flaws. Only characters carry this game.
One more question: how's the PC port, excluding Denuvo shit
garbage level design, combat AI is dumb as shit, battle system is a clusterfuck of conflicting game design choices, music is mostly forgettable.
only redeeming features are the anime cutscenes, cast, and skits.
Yes it's good, I'm playing it a lot.
The characters are all fun and so is the combat, I love Velvet's break soul.
She goes "DEVOUR!!!" and if you're using it against a person enemy then she goes "AAAAAAGGHHHHH!"
check the system specs on steam. if you meet or exceed the recommended, expect 1080p@60fps on high.
It's playable enough, nice main cast, but not much past that.
Most of it's praise came from the fact that it wasn't a complete fucking dumpster fire like the previous game.
The main theme is pretty hype.
Got me into FLOW.
Fuck, I just realized that I never finished this game, and now that I've kind of forgotten everything about it, I'm probably going to have to start over again. I'm kind of glad this is going to be a slow year for games, my backlog is ridiculous.
>Walking Dead Season 3
>Shadow of War
>South Park Fractured Butthole
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2
>Wilson's Heart
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Oh yeah, the Rose/Alisha fiasco. Never played Zestiria. Heard the story and the gameplay were utter ass
Definitely ass.
I think it's good though. I'm into the combat once you can actually get stars. The cast is also my favorite of any tales game.
I bought this and Zestiria last year for PS4
Pirated them on PC because why not? I get to have all the DLC.
Haven't played Berseria yet as Zestiria is a prequel of sorts I've been told. I'm around halfway through Zestiria and man is it a chore.
Playing it right now, I'm REALLY enjoying it... It sets up in the same world as Zesteria though so take that as you will.
Its the other way around, Berseria is the prequel. Berseria is a lot better. But Zesteria is okay.
I liked lailah so i pushed thru in zestiria
Combat is a mess of button mashing. Beyond that, it's pretty good. But, man, it won't leave you happy. You're not going to get a warm feeling in your tummy at the end of this.
Why even talk about the ending shithead...
Do you have to fight everything in your way in order to not be underleveled? I'm running past a lot of fights but I want to make sure I'm not screwing myself over.
I would also like the answer to this. I want to keep going but the battles can get a bit tedious as they are typically really easy and mostly just button mashing.
It would be nice to know that I wouldn’t have to fight a lot of battles and still be able to make it through.
I fought literally everything that was in my way so no boss was a problem for me.
Game was pretty fun, I should go do NG+ with all the grade shop goodies.
It's not even the ending. I mean, that's part of it, but long before the end of the game, you'll start to realize that your team really is the bad guys. At best, you're a bunch of amoral jerks, fighting a worse threat. But you leave misery and innocents dead wherever you go. And some of your are real bastards. Rokurou, for instance, set his brother up so he could take over the clan. This definitely isn't One Piece. You're not the Straw Hats.
I bought this hoping for some good turn based party shit like in the old days and it isn't that. I'll probably still play it though.
But side question, is there a good old school turn based JRPG for PS4 that I'm overlooking?
You have got to be kidding me right? Velvet's entire family betrays her and conspires to fuck her over mentally and then she's the bad guy for I feeling mad?
play the ex-dungeon
I mean, there's obviously Persona 5. But I recall people talking about another one like Persona 5. I recall there's another game like it on the PS4, but I can't remember the name.
Well. She is fucking over whole villages and causing deaths of many innocent people.
Will I like this game if I'm an anti weeb?
I haven't played this yet but I will once the price drops a bit. Did you like it? (Or have you even played?)
can't you adjust the battle difficulty at any time in the options? you can cheese through the game fairly easily and if you have a tough time just lower the difficulty.
Dragon Quest XI.
If you're ANTI-weeb? No. If you're just simply NOT a weeb then maybe but being anti something implies something a little different to me.
Look, games and anime where you're "the villain" are a dime-a-dozen in Japanese fiction. Hell, it's not even Japanese fiction. That kind of thing dates back to Les Miserabe and Robin Hood. But the difference between most fiction in that genre and Berseria is that you don't help shit in Berseria. You don't go around protecting the innocent. You don't save people, purposely or even inadvertently. Most of the time in these kinds of stories, you're an anti-hero who ends up unwittingly helping the townsfolk on your quest for revenge. In Berseria, however, you leave the town burned down and the townsfolk starving to death. Then you sail somewhere else and do it again.
To save the world from their king/ruler who literally wants to genocide every single person.
One of the best in recent Tales releases in both characters and story.
What, Persona 5? Everyone likes Persona 5. Though I'd say the first five hours are pretty agonizing, as they're a massive tutorial that limits your options.
I've never played the Persona clone for the PS4. I just remember some people saying, "If you liked Persona 5, give this a try." You could probably find the name of it if you google around a little.
But you do. I still remember than one mission where you had to plunder some medical supplies but it turned out to be some mind control drug anyway.
>the town burned down and the townsfolk starving to death
They violated NAP
Not out yet but how's DQX? Any idea? Or haven't played this series since the NES days but I loved it back then.
Which city or village was destroyed? You could revisit everything. Velvet's company are the only ones fighting the force that is trying to genocide every person in the world.
Disregard that question. Didn't realize it was an MMO. Fuck that.
Velvet's VA carries the game, fantastic work.
If you loved NES Dragon Quest you should still love the newer installments. Other than X (MMO) and IX (focused on multiplayer), all of the numbered titles have stayed extremely true to the series roots gameplay-wise.
Hellawes. You destroyed the port
You fuck over that port town pretty hard. But there's more than just that. I recall you messing up the onsen village, as well.
Im anti anime in general because it potrays women as these really nice and innocent creatures and that clashes with how I view them, destructive vengeful harlots.
Dub or Sub?
Boy do I have a game for you
I love Velvet but that wasn't even entirely her goal at that point. She just wanted to kill Artorious at that time, and damned anyone that got in her way. By the time the whole plot got revealed she was way more relaxed.
I enjoyed Zestiria, the gameplay was dope and the music pretty good.
About the rest, Alisha was easily the worst character early-on, so all the better that they replaced her. The story itself was weak.
Sub. I've heard good things about the dub but didn't check myself.
sub obviously, dub is for losers.
Dub was great, Vee pulled off Velvet very well.
There were times I had to mute the TV though. Everyone knows who I'm talking about.
Absolute trash level design, most of the music is shit.
But absolute best cast and great story.
Dub is shit btw, don't fall for the meme.
>no Magilou pit doujins
>no Magilou naizuri doujins
>no Magilou doujins
I wonder if she'll come back and work against Sorey in the eventual sequel.
Pcbro detected.
My fucking god, wow, I'm at loss for words, I almost puked my insides, what the fuck is this shitty voice acting, Is it the standard nowadays?
Go watch a comparison video, sub is CLEARLY superior.
Is she not the king of calamity or am I mistaken?
Does this game play better with a controller or with a keyboard?
Nope, the OTHER one.
look this
Vee wasn't bad, honestly surprised she could pull off dark and broody, especially when I heard young Velvet at first, thought I'd hear dark Noel/Shantae the entire game.
*Lord of calamity
Sorey isn't a bad person, she would have no reason to work against him.
I know this isn't canon but they interact in the shitty mobile games.
Damn I love Rina Sato.
Mexican garbage
As far as the main cast goes, the dub is fine outside of Laphicet.
Bienfu's dub was perfectly fitting.
the game was made for consoles first, so controller obviously.
I played on ps4 tho
I'm sorry but from what I've seen in videos, it's not "fine" and it feels like a fanmade dub.
All these complaints about the actual gameplay being shit makes it seem like it'd be better to watch all the cutscenes. I guess I'll just do that then.
>Play Tales games previously and love the shit out of them
>Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss
>Excited as shit for Berseria since it's been years since I've played a new tales game
>Get about 20 hours in
>Realize I can't deal with the fucking characters anymore
>Generic anime tropes everywhere
>Go online
>Everyone raves about the cast
Well fuck me I guess.
that's actually the best choice. watch all the anime and in-game cutscenes from youtube. save yourself money and hours of pointless walking and gameplay.
I wanna fug that cat
It's okay, if you don't have an armpit fetish it's really hard to get into the game.
>Berseria got you into FLOW
that's weird, I'd think Code Geass or Naruto would have been everyone's introduction to them
Loving it so far.
I like how you can switch artes during cast. This is the first Tales game that I enjoy playing as a spellcaster.
the characters are the only thing I like about the game 10 hours in desu
anyone else hate how these new tales games are abandoning the linear pov battle system in favor of this behind the person always free running crap?
I'm fine with that, what I'm NOT fine with though is how insanely cheap the past few tales games feel.
It's good, just don't fall for the MUH EDGE meme.
Velvet isn't edgy.
Just finished Berseria over the christmas break. Great characters and interesting story carry some of the shittiest dungeon design I have ever seen.
Also, the game realizes that the dungeons are long and boring so they give you a skateboard. The skateboard isnt that much faster than running and you cant use it half the time.
I want to love you Tales games. Why do you make it so hard?
Does anyone have the mega for all the dlc? My save messed up and i want to see if that fixes it.
You're wrong.
Theres two kinds of Tales games
a )games with convention defying protagonists with interesting motivations and arcs
b) games where the protagonist wants to protect his friends
Berseria, along with Abyss and Vesperia (at least Yuri) is part of the first one. Ironically Symphonia is part of the latter.
Dungeons were never good in Tales games. You'll just have to accept that.
>I want to love you Tales games. Why do you make it so hard?
The "skateboard" animation is fucking trash too.
Did anyone bother getting good at the combat or did you juat mash random shit since everything dies either way? Is it even possible to get good at it?
You should watch donguri videos.
Yes I did, switch blasting between characters and stuff, I was always having fun while in battle.
Maybe it'll be decent in the next one? Isn't bamco working on a Switch exclusive Tales game or is just a few exclusives.
the game is so easy anyways that you can mash buttons most of the time as long as you exploit the enemies weakness.
>Switch exclusive
Please, no.
Good thing it hasn't been confirmed as an exclusive I guess.
you can change the difficulty settings at any time so it's up to you if you want to get gud at max difficulty or breeze everything on easy mode.
The combat system doesn't give you much to work with at first, but it opens up a lot more later on. If you're not terribly interested in getting good (which I wasn't), just putting together 4 face buttonx4 combos that target an element or racial type is good enough.