What are the MUST HAVE PS4 games

What are the MUST HAVE PS4 games

Yakuza 0


Bloodborne and uh...

Gravity rush 2
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Monhun world
Gundam vs
Guilty gear rev 2
Dragon bol

But I can get just about all of those games on other systems.

I'm a ps4 owner be half of those are on ps3 or pc. Gravity Rush games aren't good either FYI. I'm just gonna save the cash for later. I don't know what people are smoking about this gen being so good, it's starved for new game content. I think spiderman could be a good exclusive game if it has more than 5 hours of story content without open world padding. The Japanese open world samurai game looks retarded and I don't buy fucking undub games. The only game right now I'd get is horizon if only it included a paper bag to cover this ugly aloy monkey face.

Yakuza 0/Kiwami
Persona 5

The Witcher 3
Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Final Fantasy X Remaster
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Gravity Rush 2
inFamous Second Son

Okay? So do that if it’s more convinient to you, otherwise PS4 is available. It’s no hassle user.

Gravity Rush 2

Too many. That's the beauty of it. You can ignore all the trash you don't like and still have dozens of gems to chose from.

And you can get all of them on 1 instead?
What you jsut said would only benefit if you already owned:
-a gaming PC (and don't mind huge delays or shitty ports)
-a Xbone
-a Vita
-a PS3

If you don't have ALL of those already, no exception, then you can't play all the games from the post you quoted.

>half of those are on ps3 or pc

>What are the MUST HAVE PS4 games

FF XV. everything else is a nice plus.

>-a gaming PC (and don't mind huge delays (rarely happens) or shitty ports (rarely happens)
Now you have a machine that can play all those games much better than PS4
>-a Xbone
Now you don't have to install Windows 10, and can play some OG Xbox and 360 exclusives too
>-a Vita
Now you can hack it AND take the games with you
>-a PS3
Now you can hack it and get whatever is left for free
Much better than a PS4

My Wishlist

Omega Labrinth Z
DJMax Respect
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival
Earth Defense Force 5
Gal Gun: Double Peace
Nights of Azure 1 & 2
Gravity Rush 1 & 2
Onechanbara Z2:Chaos
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Peach Beach Splash
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Dragon Quest Builders 2
School girl/Zombie Hunter
Little Big Planet 3

Are any of these good/worth getting?

So you argue to play worse versions of games as long as they are free?

He asked for must have games. It's not a must have if you could potentially get it in another platform. Simple logic, my dude.

This is retarded. PC confirmed for no games

>b-b-but the superior experince!

Then why are you making arguments to just play games like Persona 5 and Yakuza (read moon do you?) on PS3 instead?


>must have

You are confused. Stop sniffing glue, my dude. Drugs are bad for you.

>shit he got me! Better shitpost and merely pretend!

Is there a portable Playstation yet that isn't shit like the Vita? It's 2018 for christ sake

Buy. Kat's. Game!

gravity rush maybe
yakuza bretty good
bloodborne is good but its too hard for me
knack 2

The Vita

If you don't like Japanese games you shouldn't own anything Sony

Any fighting game

what games?

Bloodborne and yakuza
I'd say kingdom hearts collection but then I'd get asked why I don't just emulate it or have a ps3

>Get asked why I don't just emulate it or have a ps3

Can someone explain to me why the “muh superior experince” meme does not apply in thiis situation? Why do anons always suddenly advocate PS3 over PS4 for sony exclusives but would NEVER dare say “you can just get this multiplat on PS4 bro, do not get it on PC obvs” what gives??

Persona 5 PS3.


Would like to hear what you think about PC vs PS4 games, especially since PC doesn't forbid online play without paying for it. Why are you the same triggered retard who got offended by PS4 not really having exclusives then pulling out MUH GRAPHICS excuse, god you're pathetic.

So fucking triggered at the prospect of not real exclusives he has to individually defend the ps4 honor by each poster calling him out.

My definition of must have doesn't exclude games that run at 1080p 60fps on console

Nier Automata
Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Metal Gear Solid 5
Odin Sphere liefthrasir
DOOM 2016
Tales of Berseria

Ready to watch monster hunter world on YouTube?

I know this is bait but...
>Now you don't have to install Windows 10
Dual-booting is a thing.
>and can play some OG Xbox and 360 exclusives too
You're better off just getting a 360 if 360 games matter that much.

Yes user, the boogerman is plotting against you

Everybody's Golf
Wipeout Omega Collection

>Would like to hear what you think about PC vs PS4 games

Sounds like you would tell anons to just go right ahead and play the PS4 version to me user.

Horizon seems to be pretty hit or miss but it's a must have for me. I'm a fan of open world action games in general though

literally only bloodborne