Name a board that's more soy than Sup Forums

Name a board that's more soy than Sup Forums.

You can't.

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

Found the Redditors.

Sup Forums

Offiacal Sup Forums soycore ranking (top is the most soy)

1. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums
3. Sup Forums
4. Sup Forums
5. /fit/
6. Sup Forums
7. /soc/
8. /fa/
9. /lit/
10. /jp/

24. /k/
25. Sup Forums

Found the butthurt amerimutt.

Sup Forums without any doubts.

Sup Forums

Unironically this.

Sup Forums

I wouldn't say Sup Forums is particularly soy, just unbelieveably dumb.

For example, how the fuck was it possible to believe pubg would be fotm?

Obvs no on expected it to overtake minecraft but it was blatantly obvious it would be big since june.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums

I'm not racist but I will get mad as FUCK if any character in any videogame is not white
I'm not sexist but I will get mad as FUCK if any female character in any videogame exists for any reason other than to appease my dick


Sup Forums

>painted nails

I hate niggers and shit too, but Sup Forums is such a faggot hivemind. You're better off browsing /lgbt/, that's how fucking gay Sup Forums is.

Sup Forums
