League of Legends - New CINEMATIC TRAILER


How pumped are you, Sup Forums?

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I don't play videogames

Says that he doesnt play video games yet he posts on video game image board. Top kek

I haven't played for a while. I took a long break after hitting D3 and didn't feel like coming back. Now I've been itching to get back in, playing a few games a week. I decayed to low Platinum and these shitters just blow my mind, so the ladder reset is something I'm looking forward to.

I dont know if you noticed but people here don't play videogames

I don't play since season 4 but that looks cool

>it's another cinematic that's nothing like the fucking game

hate it when games do this. your gameplay is so shit you don't even show it off.

>remade by fav character into two homos and a demon having gay gangbang in one body
hype level 0

>no warwick
>no nasus
>no orrn
shit trailer

>riot employees still shilling
shit cinematic, no yordles

league is shit but at least it has kled, my husband.

>I know cinematics won't be gameplay but...

they only have one map in the game lmao, i hate these mobas, at least smite and hots do maps

league has 4 maps, know your facts straight.

>cancer samurai of feeding first in the trailer
riot really pandering to their playerbase of bad one trick twelve years

I'm talking about where 99% of the population plays, just copy the dota map and I'll accept they have 2 maps

Lucian looks sick as fuck, that whole sequence felt like something out of Hellsing.
On the whole, pretty good. Took itself seriously but didn't try to pitch too many jokes.

>not fragmenting your player base for novelty maps is bad!

>didn't played lol since season 2
>every champion I don't know is brown/black
>pixar/nu-blizz style
Bravo RIOT, you manage to make your abortion worse each day.

That was cool as fuck.

Everyone knows league is dying and riot os desperate to save it. They litterally unbanned Tyler1 so that they wouldn't lose yet another big name streamer since they are all abandoning the game now like the Titanic.

What are you talking about? They started making big titty skins and hot girls again. They got their act together after seeing that nobody wants to play (buy) champions like Illaoi or Taliyah. They even made a new loli for all the fetishists.

Alright, i can understand Lucian and Yasuo, but why le tumblr nose earthbender literally only 2 people worldwide play and everyone else doesnt forgot it exists day after release

>What are you talking about?
The video in the post I'm linking? Are you retarded?

So, will be this season another Tank meta?

It will be another "fuck all squishies" meta, it will be another "Oh hey, ive pressed R on you, so you are literally just dead and might aswell just disconnect" ala Zed, just another bunch of "you want to play a mage thats not in meta? Fuck you, you wont", another "You want to play a champion in a differend way than what weve intended you to? Nope, fuck you, le balance"

Who left?

>meanwhile the game is mostly clicking on stuff when the hp is low enough

fuck off with this shit, make a real game

Not really. ADCs are strong as fuck right now, and their lanes are really strong with double Relics.

I mean, my main focus was out of emta AP mages...

>Best girl is in it
>All she does is get to swim up while everyone else gets to use their abilities and do cool shit

Fuckin lame

are you high
>loli for fetishists
you mean the ugly dreamworks/disney cartoon whore?
>new big titted characters
literally who?

>Katarina is DEAD.

>new big titted characters
>literally who?

Urgot got reworked

Kat is fine too but I don't think she's dead

>Everyone knows league is dying
Is this actually the case though?

The Worlds prize pool seems to get bigger every year, which suggests they have more people/money to do this.

The gameplay is an abstract representation of what is actually going on. What is actually going on is shit like in the trailer. You just have to use your imagination

This isn't Sup Forums, fuck off normie.

This many years later, and Sona is still best girl.

damn i havent played since end of last season this cinematic has got me hyped up.

i main tank tops (was playing a lot of ornn, tahm, maokai, cho) and then play support mf tahm and blitz a lot when i duo with my adc buddy. how fun is the new meta for me right now?

Tanks are kings in top lane and ADCs and mid laners abuse Arcane comet, this is competitive tho, you won't ever see people doing that on soloQ. K6, Xin Zhao and J4 are kings in the jungle yet you won't see them often, ever since the rune rework people play diverse stuff

>new big titted characters
What is reading comprehension?

also I forgot to mention, KR players discovered that the buffed rune Fleet footwork is pretty OP combined with relic shield and the overheal rune, thanks to this Vayne is top tier too

Everything is viable in solo queue. If you can't make it work, that's your fault.

The game would be nice if you did not have to balance / fix all the time

Everyone join me in our yearly chant:
>I must not get back into League.
>I must not get back into League.
>I must not get back into League.
>I must not get back into League.
>I must not get back into League.
>I must not get back into League.

There. Now cleanse your body of all desire to return to this toxic, mismanaged game.

See you all next season. Amen.

Did someone hurt your feelings?

All the lol cinematics are ugly as fuck, why not just hire blur like everyone else. Is this some inhouse shit?

They should have kept the pacing that Taliyah had after Yasuo. Going from fast to FASTER but it ended up coming to a halt with Ekko bouncing around like an idiot.

I was hyped at first till that point and it was just bore to watch through the rest. Shoulda had Yasuo and Taliyah be the last 2 to show before title drop.


Original trailer still a best because it showed cooperation between the majority of the team members. This one just shows how "cool" each champ is fighting on their own.

>why not just hire blur
They've done that in the past. I think they just want to try different styles, as all the cinematics vary wildly in terms of aesthetics.

Toxic as in any attempt to shot call of offer good advice about the next course of action gets met with immediate backlash as everyone decides the exact opposite of what you just said is the better course. Doesn't matter how well you're doing.

>the nigger character is now even niggerer

The game is fucking brain poison. Quitting it is a life improvement.

>Tanks king in top lane
Orn is the only tank meta tank right now because tanks can't pressure nasus, nasus checks tanks. Top is dominated by bruisers and teemo, shit that counters nasus.

ADCs are using FF targons, no one gives a shit about jhin, good luck running jhin into klepto susan and WW.

Warwick is the king of the jungle he has the same playrate as kha with a 54% wr to khas 49%. Shyv and eve are also strong but have a lower playrate.

>The game is fucking brain poison.
It definitely is, but I'm too far down the rabbit hole at this point. I didn't play for almost two years but I'm still getting the itch and I can't enjoy any other game anymore, no matter how hard I try. I'm going back in.

The players you're playing with are in the same skill rating as you, and they got there without any assistance from you. You coming in and telling them they're doing something wrong is a direct insult to all the hours they've put into the game. It gets better in the higher divisions.

>Make macro call in diamond
50/50 on autistic screeching or someone having their brain turned on.
They're going to int/afk or call you bad then try and 1v3 die and lose baron
they'll just claim this account thats been gold for 6 seasons with 3000 ranked games is a smurf and their main is masters so they don't have to listen to you
Why even bother saying anything no one knows how to play anyway.

Playing aram, Sion goes full ad, Sucks.. we have varus. Why do i always get sions from shithole countries, Why cant i get a good norwegian sion palyer? MAGA

>When you realize every Xbox One game looks like their Cinematics and that actual LoL game looks like shit and is only eagle perspective to hide how low polygon the game is.

Also the trailer makes game seem cooler than it really is, enjoy your shitty PvP grind with no story lol

Tanks not named Ornn or Maokai fucking suck right now.

>MF in the water
>her giant knockers were toned down for the cinematic


It's shit. Remove the Taliyah.

Closed the tab right there

I miss summoners

Stop that.

>cinematic anything with a 100 gorillion dollar budget
cool dude, but i'll forget about it in

>only Blitz out of the original heroes is featured because all the base game heroes are totally out of the meta by this point

Oh boy.

>Make not earthbender
>Can only slide on walls

Its like riot didn't want anyone to play her.

nobody fucking asked you

>desire to comeback is getting big again
>then remember that you have to waste around 30 minutes in game that was decided 5 minutes in
>desire vanishes
Every time

>The Worlds prize pool seems to get bigger every year

Skin money will do that.

you are saying this like Lol wouldn't had a fucking long run and still isn't the most played game in the world

like sure, no game can go on forever, and lol way overstayed it's welcome but it's fucking far from being dead

Not only that, but their designs are unappealing to modern audiences when they release heroes like not-Blade, Tumblr Bird, and le badass samurai man.

Hell, looking at Yi and Yasuo side by side shows how far gone modern champion design is. They would rather make 1-to-1 translations of cliches rather than do their own thing.

Only if the game was that good.

>Skin money will do that.
And what does that imply, you absolute fucking mongoloid?

Whatever chinkshit company makes this is really bad at their jobs, all the characters are off model

>implying anyone would find this good if the characters were on model

It's still the funniest thing that Fiddlesticks has such cool splash art but absolutely shit tier in game model.

They include 3 brown fags but no Karma fucking riot

I'm not that guy but you might actually be a fucking idiot if you can't figure out what that means.

for fuck sake i miss old league

Do you have problems with reading comprehension?

>Cinematic has absolutely fucking nothing to do with how the game is played, not even the models

>THEN: Lawbreakers
>NOW: Overwatch

>they actually made taliyah look attractive in the trailer
now they need to fix her down syndrome manface from ingame art

>still has that fucking tumblr nose

wtf they only have like 5 black characters of 140 characters they have and they show them all in that trailer that is Hypocrite as fuck

overwatch league on suicide watch, yuck yuck

fuck u Im bronze 5

>0 white males in the entire trailer

ayy lmao

>more sjw shit
no thanks