You have build that PC already, right user?

You have build that PC already, right user?


>buying/building a pc when prices are at their worst

you're not stupid enough to do that are you op?

Nowadays? With these prices? are you NUTS?

Of course I have

Yes, I got a 1070ti for 450 in december and feeling smug that even a non ti 1070i is 900 dollars now

Less smug that my 212 isn't coping as well as i'd like for my 8700k so im going to have to remove my motherboard to replace the 212 with an h80 v2 because my case is stupid and doesnt have a window for the cpu bracket

>having one "high end" graphics card makes you a crypto miner

ok buddy

like 4 years ago

Fuck no. It's a terrible time to build/upgrade. I bought a PS4 instead.

>the r9 270x and FX-8320
running every modern game on medium low just to get 1080p makes me want to kill myself. If I want to upgrade 1 part I'll have to update the whole thing.

>those fans

Yeah I upgraded to a 1070 over a year ago.
Still running a 3570k though


>tan and burgundy

that 3570k is fine

absolutely disgusting

my hdd is dying

What cooler is that?


Cryorig H5 Universal.

>go to best buy to get a digital drawing pad for my pc
>go to look at gpus because why not
>all that's left is a rx 570 for 350$
>also a few 1050s non ti versions

I really hate crypto miners, I don't understand the ones here in Idaho. They don't know what they're doing but whatever.


>noctua fans

Lmao ret

>Define R5
My negro

Same case, neat

Noctua fans are good but that fan set up is absolutely garbage.

So, what exactly do you need for crypto mining?

When I bought all the parts the Elite was a little too expensive, also I prefer this one aesthetically.

Because they are the default Noctua fan colours.

Noctua likely uses those colours because they are hospital prosthetic colours and were in cheap and ready supply when they were starting out.

I'll have to disappoint you, it's a Define C.

There's nothing wrong with building your own computer to save money, but anybody who builds a "gaming " rig to play AAA garbage is a moron. You idiots are burning money on i7 and 1080 ti when a an eight year old AMD cpu and 750 ti can play every game worth playing.

That's a good one too, my friend has it. Basically R5, but smaller.

Looks great user.

I have another 3 up front for intake.
Rebuilt the whole system yesterday in the R6 and decided to go full hurricane.

t. poorfag

I got fucked by newegg and the postal service and am still waiting for my processor & RAM. So not yet

Eh, I bought most of it reasonably priced.
16 GB DDR4 two years ago for ~75€
8700k + MB for MSRP, sold off my 6700k + MB so ended up paying about 200€ for it
Sold a 1080 I got on launch and bought a slightly discounted 1080Ti, ended up again about 200€

You mean 95% of the entire planet user? Unless you're making more than six figures a year, you're barely even middle class.

Thought I was the only one that prefered the original S340 to the Elite. The window taking up the whole side on the elite looks ugly.


I'm waiting for Volta, Coffee Lake-S and Ryzen+

wew lad

Nice negative pressure setup.

You literally don't know what you're talking about.


>built late 2016 when ddr4 and 10xx cards were at their cheapest
Feels pretty good, man.

Almost forgot :>

Maybe he enjoys cleaning out dust every week.

Guys, should I update my CPU?

>own i5 2500k
>been wanting to upgrade forever (RAM, mobo, CPU, doing fine on GPU)
>hear about intel's latest screwup
>everything going up in price
>not sure what to do anymore

>bought tons of graphics cards for mining
>thought at the time i would have to sell for half profit
>can sell them at a 1.5x profit online because expensive
Feels alright.

yes. i have no plans to upgrade my CPU until meltdown is fixed on the hardware level.
i also have a small mining rig in my room with a 2500k and r9 380x.

Ryzen 2 or whatever it's called is probably the safest bet, I would wait for that.

Intel's screwup only effects server performance ie you run one for a large commercial business were hundreds or thousands of computers are frequently accessing and creating files. Gaming and media production are fine.

Built it about 5 years ago and ive only upgraded the gpu. It's a gtx 750 ti. I really do wanna upgrade it but im broke as fuck.

I built my PC almost 5 years ago, it's still holding up quite well and I've upgraded my gpu last year from a 660 to a 970, bought it cheap from a friend who switched to a 1070.

Waiting for GPU prices to come down for my next computer

I have to justify the expense to my wife. Which sounds cucked, but the reality is that if I don't, then she doesn't have to justify her expenses to me. You really don't want a woman like her running around with your credit cards and no oversight. I got lucky the she was willing to compromise on consulting each other before spending more than $200 on a single item.

You know, I really don't understand this trend. I'm not knocking this guy's PC in particular. But PCs should really not be see-through. They get really ugly on the inside after a few months. And after a year, you would pretty much have to get in there with a fine brush to clean it all out because air dusters won't get in there anymore. I'd much rather have an opaque case that hides the inside.

this is the modern man everyone

tell her to get a job and stop sharing bank accounts

People are going to call you a cuck anyway, but it's reasonable for both of you to agree on the same rules. I'm not sure exactly what qualifies as justification though. Good luck justifying any gaming PC purchase if she thinks video games are a waste of time.

That's a healthy marriage, neckbeard. A good partnership will compromise as a team instead of just getting drunk and hitting each other or divorcing over some stupid shit. You should learn about maintaining a healthy relationship before leaving your mom's basement. Or replying to other people that actually have partners.

what exactly do you mean?
if you clean your pc, then it will be clean
if you do it every month or two months it will take no more than 10 minutes if you're half competent and your room isn't filled with dust
I've had mine for 6 years and it's spotless
I even removed the clear plastic from the window so I can reach in easily

>until meltdown is fixed on the hardware level
it's been fixed this entire time by amd

unless you have hundreds of thousands to waste on gpus and a ton of space to put them is mining even that profitable?

crypto has made me 13k from 1k in 6 months,,i love cryptofags :^)

It's a display piece, sort of like RBG ram and peripherals.

Bought a 1070 Ti for $500 just before the Jews raised the prices



I've been doing this since 2012, so:

No miners will be buying cards at these prices, they're simply too risky and have such a stupidly high return on investment length that they're simply not worth it. Blame the sellers and idiots actually thinking these prices are safe to buy at for mining.

Most of the mining phase comes from speculation; we mine low-difficulty coins and hold them for a while until we see a good price to sell at. Those mining shit like ETH and buying a GPU almost 2x its actual retail price are idiots and will never make their money back.

Yeah no shit, I feel bad for those idiots mining bitcoin with gpus. I'm using my pc to mine siacoin . it's pretty easy right now and it's starting to be worth it.

I bought my 970 for a third of the price they're going for now
Breddy smug

>I'm using my pc to mine siacoin

You're one of those idiots. There are already ASICs on the network. It's a waste of time.

>G.SKILL 16GB (2 x 8GB) Ripjaws V Series DDR4 PC4-25600 3200MHz I bought back in nov. was at $182.
>now they're $239
Crypto currency was a mistake.

what's the best altcoin that I could be mining atm that's going to set me up well

Relatively new to mining, got a 980ti for $175 and 1070 for $400

Did a light test on nicehash and made $10/ day but I do want to look into other alternatives to mine. Any better options or places to look into?

Nice grammar

This isn't and never has been a get rich quick scheme. Look into cryptocurrencies that are new, innovative, and have a relatively low difficulty. Start with BitcoinTalk.

If you're hearing about a coin from someone else, chances are it's already too late.

do you even need that much cooling power?
how fucking much have you clocked your shit?

I'm getting into it because every time I thought "it's too late to get into Bitcoin" I regret it just a few months later.

I'm not going to go out and buy a $1,200 1080ti though, only looking for cards at reasonable prices.

First learn why these things are priced where they are.

If you go in only thinking of money and ignoring the technologies behind many coins, you're only going to lose money. Understand what you're putting time and electricity into first.


I understand they can make more money per day, as for electricity I have a few server rooms at work I can stow this rig away in no problem. So it'll be all profit on my end.

>Taiwanese graphics card

>server rooms

If they're mostly CPU, start looking into CPU-only coins.

Once again, this isn't a get rich quick scheme; normies have treated it as such for a while, though.

>mfw purchasing a ASUS 1080ti, a 1700x, and a 4K monitor when all I play are 20 year old games

But user watching a bright screen on a dark room causes eye cancer.

With these prices I'm glad I built mine a year ago.

Got a GTX 980 for $100, previously bought but never used

Did I do good?

I gave up, I'll come back when gpu+ram for my build will cost me less than 600 dollaritos.

Asics for siacoin is a big waste. You don't need them yet, I mine using 100MH/s and have been getting around 90 coins a month. Which is enough for now. If I need to I could easily go up to a 1000 MH/s and get a silly amount of sia but whatever.

>90 coins a month
>Price in the mid hundred sats
>Total supply is basically unlimited
>30k coins per block

Does that sound worth it when ASICs are making thousands and increasing the difficulty? You missed the ideal mining time.

reminder if you think building a pc is hard you are the tiniest of brainlets

i didnt know dogs could express disgust

depends on what you play. youre probably throttling gpu. to avoid a full rebuild, go with i7 4790k or whatever or the i5 of it, having haswell still is pain, i REALLY am not looking forward to buying a new mobo when i upgrade

Considering siacoin is only 6 cents a fucking coin right now yes I'm okay with it. Mining is supplemental as I also take advantage of their cloud storage service and charge 200 coins per 1tb. I have 24 tbs set aside just for it.

Meaning you're wasting that tiny amount of hashrate on a loss instead of finding a good coin that's more profitable and holds more promise.

My speccy still has that 20c offset for my CPU

Well, I'm looking to get a new mobo for the i5 8400 as pcgamer said it was "the best gaming CPU in years" but first I have to get a fucking job.
But sometimes I really don't feel the need, as every game runs as advertised for the 1070

>superfluous mb light
For what purpose

That's a damn good computer.

Thanks user, I built it for gaming and productivity so I can work on autodesk and rendering from home so I don't have to use the shitty work xeons. I also got really lucky with an EVGA give away and got a free DG-87 so the airflow is incredible.

>tfw made a decent amount of money off crypto but don't want to spend any of it on an overpriced GPU
How am I supposed to feel?