>Shit graphics and fan-service.
>Good gameplay.

>Good graphics and fan-service.
>Shit gameplay.

Pick your poison.

Other urls found in this thread:

I enjoy both video games

Neither tbqh. I'm just going to stop playing the genre until someone releases a fighting game that's as good as ST and SF4 were.

I know which one I WON'T be watching at EVO.

Yeah the ugly one because it's a literal eyesore.

I'm not sure I will watch EVO at all this year. Mr. Wizard has always been a money hungry whore with no principles, but hearing the way he treats his staff and the people who help organize the event with indifference or disdain really turns me off. There's a million other fighting game events that deserve more support than EVO.

>Good gameplay
pick one

>good gameplay
If you're gonna make a bait thread, at least make something less obvious.

I know which one i'll be watching.

DBFZ is fucking great. I played in the closed beta and loved it.

If you are mad casuals are wrecking you with single button combos git fucking gud.

In the past, before the eports, back when the FGC was raw thuggery, MvC:I would have been the successful one.

However, today, it's all about the 00's babies and they love social media and all the memes that come with it. And so, DBFZ is going to be the successful one and it wont matter that the gameplay has less depth than Mahvel. Social Media killed any chance Marvel vs Capcom Infinite had at being successful.

>SF4 good

I ccouldn't care about e-sports, tournaments and such.
I just want a fun game.

Marvel Infinite is a garbage game and you are an idiot if you bought it for $60 and still play it. Can you tell me when the rest of the cast is coming out because Capcom sure as hell isnt saying anything. See you in 6-10 months when they release one or two fucking character for a game that looks like it came out in 2007.

Why is fan service a category that's considered for this? Why would fan service be considered an integral part of a fighting game?

Isn't 18 the only female in dbfz? How is that more fan service than morrigan and others

why is Sup Forums such a bad place to be for fighting game talk

When the only real alternative is DBFZ then yeah MvCI has fucking good gameplay.

Not quite as good as some of the older stuff but certainly better than anything that's out right now.

See you in 6-10 months when you have to shell out $1000 dollars for 50 DBFZ characters.

>another retard willing to wait 6-10 months for one character

Capcom shills on their deathbeds

Calm down RayScreamo you'll get to 12th rank eventually.

That's not how it works, especially when the game you are trying to claim has better gameplay has, at the very best, the same level of gameplay


Report this shit thread

>Good gameplay.


Capcom has two games they still havent finished bruh..keep grasping at straws though over some bullshit game that is barely alive and literally nobody cares about.

Damn that battle for the stones was hype...all 1000 people who watched it were real excited.

How daft do you have to be to not realize the word "fan-service" was used literally and not as a codeword for tits and ass?

>No Doom
Instant trash

>no training mode
i'll stick too for now autocombos

DBFZ's game play is easily twice as good as MvC:I

Saying otherwise is basically admitting to being a casual scrub who's never touched a fighter outside of SF or Smash.

>MvCI has good gameplay

Nice try Punk. Go back to the rice fields.

no idea who youre referring too I dont play Capcom shit just because its Capcom. You have to justify being stupid enough to buy that shit somehow though

tbf capcom killed it with the graphics dont think the reception would've been this bad had it not been for the graphics

MvCI would've been shat on just like CFJ, especially if MvC2 was an alternative.

>graphics are the problem
Poor representation of both parties due to licensing. Horribly slow combat. The fucking easter egg collectors edition.

Did you just assume I play MvC:I? I simply gave you the truth. DBFZ is a meme game, in the past, both games would have been played by the same community rather than little boys arguing anime vs western cartoons on social media.

FYI I've played EVERY single Marvel vs Capcom game in the series except for MvC:Infinite.

depends on what you want out of it. i don't see much variety in combos in dbfz it doesn't help each character has so few moves compared to mvci

they just made a lot of rookie mistakes when trying to adopt the marvel formula is all. By trying to make the game closer to a GG control scheme with input dashes and the main means of approach being vanish/super dash it really boiled down a lot of potential for interesting neutral. The assists also being on independent cooldowns and being able to be called whenever sounds fun at first but it'll devolve into calling invincible gohan+ other assist after awhile.

This removes a lot of the possibilities in what kind of playstyles are available when the universal vanish + assist or super dash+ assist is the stronger choice for any character in the game. Marvel 3 made assists interesting because there were a lot of rules in how they could be called. Can't be called at superjump height, can't be called at same time, if one is called triggers small CD on other etc etc. Since characters also approached in different ways it created unique needs for assists to fill. All this talk is about neutral approach/needs as well. There'd be a post two/three times as long explaining why the combo system is stale and how they could've improved it.

I admit that makes a lot more sense. Though considering we're on Sup Forums I'd still say it's more likely OP was talking about tits and ass.

SF4 a good


Don't post my wife.

>gettin gud at DBFZ when smashing one button is clearly superior
nah, hell nah man

>Capcbros on full duty shill mode
>Xenoverse kiddies wojacking and shooting their moms
>Arcfags got DLC cucked
>Shenron is a party mechanic
>KBuu is broken but I use him so fuck you kid
>L A Y E R S

>Oh yeah it sucks it's easy its sooo bad you just mash square summon a dragon that will be evo every match yeah.

Anyone else trying to figure out in their head what assists are goonna push chadhan over the edge?

>When people pretend that your anime shitter games are popular.
Post player numbers all you want, it doesn't change that MVC:I and SFV are still more popular.


>still trying the MvCI good gameplay meme
keeo crying

lmao what the heck are those vanillaware proportions

Well, yeah. "e-sports" is all the defence sfv faggots like you can use.

you want player numbers for a game that hasn't launched? you dumb?

I'm going to buy [st] instead, but I hope DBFZ does well because I'd like to see something in the same vein for an anime I care about a bit more. I don't mind the shallow gameplay so long as it's still fun enough, depth is not something I expect from fanservice fighters.

>DBFZ's game play is easily twice as good as MvC:I

DBFZ is literally not a serious fighting game.

I'm not saying that to shit on the game. It's not that ArcSys is trying and failing at making a competitive fighting game with DBFZ, because they aren't even trying in the first place. DBFZ is a game designed to mainly be fun for people who don't play fighting games seriously, it will have an extremely shortlived FGC presence because it's simply not that kind of game.

Don't bother buying those trash tier dead anime games when you could get SFV and MVC:I.

>people saying this game is all auto combos
this is why you never listen to Sup Forums shitters

>>Arcfags got DLC cucked
But this is an arc game with already announced dlc too.

I bet you don't even play those games.

>SFV and MVC:I
Both of those are ugly and boring.

>I'm going to buy [st] instead
English version is finally coming out this february.

You are ugly and boring.

Not 20 fucking characters, though. Just 8.


Why not both? What are you, a poorfag?
>tfw didn't fall for le MVCI is bad meme

Does it really make a difference when is the post saying that? We're all here to make someone mad at this point.

Go back and play USFIV after playing SFV.

While SFV is bad USFIV is awful now.

Kill yourself, Capkuk

I have, it's still alright. I'd still play ST over it but it wasn't bad.

SFV looks fine for the most part.

Stop (you) ing me kid

literally the same game

SC and Tekken are the only worthwhile fighting games

Kill yourself first, Arcfag.

>SFV and MVC:I are the only worthwhile fighting games


Dude, graphics were literally one of the main selling points back in the arcade days. Or are you an "old-school vet" who started with Street Fighter IV?

may as well be with that damage output

>would have been
This is like a new level of desperation.

Capcom boys on roll today to smear the game

The last capcom fighter with good gameplay was USF4.
They released like 3 shitty titles in the meantime.

I rather play BT3 and have some fun.

Why do we need to smear the game when the game does our job for us?

I'm not interested in those, I am interested in [st]

Artstyle of both IV and V is kinda ugly.

Why do FGCshills defend Capcom to the death? Infinite and V were shit and nobody will think they're suddenly good.

Why are you interested in a dead game?

DBFZ has okay gameplay.

It's not AWFUL but doesn't feel like it'll stay fresh for long.

For fighting game fans I'd say this is probably a budget purchase (especially if you intend to get the FighterZ Pass to pad it out with the other characters).

It looks fun.

Its better than the last 4 capcom releases though, in terms of gameplay as well as in terms of asthetics.

Honestly I haven't played a fighting game I would consider good in years. Quality really dropped off a cliff in the late 2000s.

Oh, thanks for catching that for me

Even 100 people is still 100 people you get to fight and grow with. The game has been fun to me so far and I'm going to keep playing it.

>he makes this for free

>Why do FGCshills defend Capcom to the death? Infinite and V were shit and nobody will think they're suddenly good.

Because despite their flaws, there's nothing to properly replace Capcom fighters. People have been waiting for the SF and MvC killer for years, and nothing has actually managed to do it.

>The amount of people who never played a tag game let alone this game in this thread
>The tag game has simple mechanics!
>abloo ablooo

Cant wait for this year's evo.

>Even 100 people is still 100 people you get to fight and grow with.
So you are perfectly happy with your game dying a pitiful death as long as you have 2 players to fight with?

I mean i understand these threads: People getting triggered and defending DBFZ is funny and all but on a serious note both MvCI and DBFZ have auto-combos. Game play wise there's hardly any difference other then button lay out.

I tired out the beta for DBZ. I don't think it's for me. I'll just go back to [st].

Not him. but yes.
I just find uniel much more fun and interesting, despite it being "dead".

Works for pretty much every poverty fighter. If a game is fun, it's fun.

Because the only compitision towards them fucked itself yesterday, Cross tag is dead on arrival and fighterz is super smash bros with dragonball characters. neither are worth shit to anybody who isn't normie trash.

I hope you niggers singing Marvel's praises and defending it felt the same about KoF XIV otherwise you're just a bunch of shitposting hypocrytes, but even that managed to beat out MvC:I in Japan.

>inb4 but japs never liked marvel and they favor muh glorious nippon ip over filthy gaijin one
With a name as big as marvel it shouldn't have even come close and I thought snk was a chink company according to you guys so they should hate that even more. It's only something that nothing but irrelevant spics and chinks liked according to you all.

Nah you niggers are trying to storm up shit out of something you know very little to nothing about trying to bring back your shit in order to prevent it from getting shitstomped out of something better and bigger. The shit you niggers claim plagues DBFZ applies to marvel too in addition to marvel having broken shit up the ass. Can't let people enjoy their game gotta shit on it because they like something different.

>neither are worth shit to anybody who isn't normie trash.
So, those will be insanely popular and successful?
Normies=money and sales, as they are 70%+ of population.


Is there any hope that DBFZ will be like nu-KoF? They both have auto-combos, but in KoF they are not even close to being the most effective combos or even look the coolest.