Send Steam friend a message

>Send Steam friend a message
>They immediately go offline

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choose one

>steam friend constantly asks me to play games even though I've constantly told him I don't want to anymore
>never fucking gets the hint
fuck off already

Have you ever considered that you're fucking annoying

Stop fucking messaging me so much Mark.

Why are you all so gay

>random person from a Steam group adds me
>they never message me
>they remove me a few days later
The autism on this platform kills me.

>pls giv me ur cummies daddy and make me boi preggers =^_~=

Gee, I wonder why no one wants to talk to you. Leave me alone.

Where are the emotionally fragile boys. I will be here for you and protecc you

>add a guy on steam to play games occasionally
>deletes me when i refuse to play once
fuck you too

>Sup Forums user adds me on steam
>for a few months we play loads of games and have a good time
>a few weeks ago get a message from him
>"hey bro, what you up to?"
>"not much, you?"
>"just jerking off and was wondering if you want to join in"
>respond "uh no I'm fine thanks and leave it"
>for the next two days get messages saying "It's not fucking gay or anything I was just wondering stop being so weird about it" or something to that effect
>after that get messages saying "I'm so sorry bro, I was just horny and made a dumb comment"
>he then deletes me from his friends list

I'm not!
I dont know...
I dont talk like that!


sissy bitch

Stop giving this homo attention.

>add someone from Sup Forums
>Turns out to be the coolrst mother fucker with a great taste in games
>His schedule makes it so you can never play vidya
Makes me cry every time

Nice I hope you're having a good day and I support you for you decisions in life, my friend.


>play games with steam friend for years
>finally get a job
>can't play as often
>suddenly he deletes me

why are you on steam then?
why do you nerds treat steam like facebook?

just delete him?

I'll let you sit on my lap if you don't talk too much

thank you I need hugs
What makes you say that? Rude
pls protect me

You seem nice man. What games you play?