Titanfall 2

*Stims behind you and CARs you down*

*Calls down Tone and instantly kills your scorch*

*Ronin dashes to you and Nuclear ejects*


Best sound.

*misses kraber shot and phase dashes the fuck out*

*online is dead*


>PC fags

You've made this thread several times now, and it's still fact that anyone with the EPG and using Grapple is going to be faster.

>Implying I stim behind them
>Implying I don't stim straight at them to CAR their heads off

>Game launches.
>Game dies.

Seriously, no mech loadouts, what the fuck were they thinking?

Worse in almost every way to 1.

Am I the only who enjoyed this game with a controller? Platforming feels so awkward with mouse and keyboard

it's also a fact that anyone with an epg is going to get gunned down because of the low TTK and the fast as fuck rate of fire of all shitscan weapons

>using the developer approved aimbot

>Worse in almost every way to 1.
You're kidding, right? Name me three ways in which 1 is better.

Even on maps like Homestead, there's enough cover and buildings to zoom through to make up the distance, and the way the EPG works allows you to put down pressure intermittently without being affected by your movement. If you're getting shot at, then you're not going fast enough.

all the speed in the world isn't going to stop you from getting shot at by shitscan weapons that will melt you in 3-4 bullets, while the epg projectile disappears since lmao 20 tickrate

My favorite game mode is ctf what about you guys?

Attrition and Titan Brawl are pretty amazing.
I liked the featured mode they did last week with all EPG high ttk Live Fire. Too bad it was made useless thanks to frags

I don't know. All I can play is fucking Attrition.

Frontier Defense

>going slow enough that they get a solid bead on you
>being out in the open long enough that they can get 3-4 shots off
These are things that one needs to avoid. Even the R-97 at its worst was slow enough to avoid.

>CAR at Generation 2
>Meanwhile, no other weapon reaches Level 4
It's just so much fun to shoot niggers down at the speed of light.

>blocks your path

This game is dead on ps4 right? I tried to go online last week and it took 5 minutes to get into a match everytime and I gave up trying to play frontier defense, made me sad because the campaign was pretty fun for a short little addition

The flaw here is that the hitscan user will have to stand still in order to get a solid 4 hits on you while you are traveling at the speed of light. Because they are standing still it should be a free kill with the epg unless they move in which case they can not kill you. If you are moving so fast that they need to stand still to gun you down then you should be able to find cover before taking 3 hits.

I think the PS4 might have the most life. I just got done playin and I didn't have a hard time at all. That's all anecdotal, of course

They need to release a third one so we can have an actual community

Dead on PS4 too. Takes me like 5 minutes to find a match at peak times.

>The flaw here is that the hitscan user will have to stand still
Probably the most objectively wrong post on Sup Forums right now.

>Europe PC
>Get a match in less than 30 seconds after matching up
It's always Attrition, but better than nothing

Hell yeah

>that time the enemy team misunderstood that fire is lethal

>avoiding hitscan
do you even play the game? the rate of fire is so ridiculous that any shitter can spray and get an accidental kill. shooting 3-4 rounds takes less than a second with just about every hitscan weapon

>He doesn't style on slow shit-scanners by computing trajectory, accounting for movement, and time one shotting them

>t. has never played the game

ok so I take it you haven't played the game?

>T.logged 13 days plus in multiplayer
Fuck off

press LB to time travel

Fuck off back to your gen-Oh wait.

Why is Papa Scorch so fucking fun bros

>implying i don't
i doubt you've even played the game long enough to know what you're talking about

Most satisfying to get kills with, and highest damage output if you play the map right and position well. Highest skill ceiling of any Titan baby.

>mfw don't want to boot game up again cause the only people playing it now are just sweatysweats like it happened with Titanfall 1 and I haven't played a shooter in 7 months

Then don't cry about shit-scanners. I absolutely do, it's annoying but hitscan not a real problem at this point imo. Mostly seeing greenhorns on the servers lately, all ground slows.

Jumped on after taking a break it's like riding a bike. You don't really forget.

He proved he played the game, you didn't. Sounds like you're a lying shitter.

I'll help I'm

>not a problem
based retard

Depends on your level. I'm generation 2 and am easily in the middle pack of my games while fucking around.

But if you're higher than that, yeah, it's probably tryhard land.

>3-4 rounds
>3-4 bullets
>3-4 3-4 3-4
Only at point blank. After just twenty meters, all of the hitscans plummet to needing 6-to-10.

Tone is insanely satisfying due her (his) combo. Too bad the entire titan has all the cancer loaded onto it and only shitters use it

Nice lie
Any session takes less then 2 minutes to get in to maybe be even less it's far from dead

Might depend on regions.

Region? Because NA is really active and even the less popular game modes still are less then 3 minute wait time

Post proof you've actually played the game.

This was my Game of the Year, bar none. And it's already dead. Already fucking dead.
>Titanfall 2 dead after a year
>Metal Gear Online 3 has pitiful netcode
>Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 has even worse netcode
>Street Fighter 5 is shit
>Everyone is in love with Fortnite and I can't stand that game
I swear, I'm not allowed to enjoy anything. I think the last games I thoroughly enjoyed were Persona 4 Arena and MAG.

Why are reapers annoying?

Jealous, takes me an hour to find a LTS

Legion is OP. If you run into him and have no cover you're practically dead

>He doesn't main scorch

What are you gay?

Hah ah don't be a butt hurt faggot. Get gud.

It usually takes me 2-3 minutes to get a match

>turn around
>hit you with my EPG before your little peashooter can do shit to me
heh, nothing personnel kid

I wish you could control the reapers holyshit

Hahaha stop lying. It takes me less than 30 seconds and on Xbox it takes me less than a minute. Stop being a lying faggot

>needing to get good
>when your titan has rapid fire instant kill shots and tracking rockets

I actually played this on my Xbox for the first time in months. Didn’t have any queues.

Shit is still fun as fuck

Hahaha fuck me. You've played 19 days and have only won 2857 games? Haha I bet you're one of those fags who just sits back and avoids trying to die and gets as little kills as possible without trying to win just to have a high K/D

Favourite Weapons?
Mine are EPG, SMR and Mastiff
Theres just nothing as satisfying as those


Get gud. The only OP titan is legion

CAR, R201 and I’ve started using the spitfire - it’s weird but I’m liking it

Used to use the volt to when I first started but it ends but being a bad version of the CAR just more controllable

>Not exclusively using Scorch
You some kind of limp wristed faggot or something?

>The only OP titan is legion
good job, you almost had me going

You just need to get gud, that's all. And get better reaction images you larping faggot

Hardly. On certain maps and in certain situations, he's nearly unstoppable. Most of the time, though, he can't defend himself properly. The shield forces Legion to turn slowly and it also takes a while to switch between long and short range modes.Scorch at least has excellent melee range options and Northstar has the mobility and traps to get out of close range. Legion is just pitiful at close range.

I'm with you user, I'll probably be adding Sea of Thieves to my list of dead games I own later this year too


Yes, you see, these images are not adequate to be used against me.


they need to stop trying to force the Origin meme like fucking retards

user if you cant even spell git gud with a I I dont see how you can deal with my images.

I should add that, with all that said, Legion is invaluable on a well coordinated team. He completely shuts down the enemy from coming down a long hallway. As long as his flanks are covered, Legion is unstoppable turret. A great team will have Legion cover the opposing team's only exit from an the rest of the team's onslaught.

What annoys me most is that Legion is a more consistent sniper than Northstar, but a Northstar that lands every fully charged shot is definitely killer. Also, tether traps into nuke is hilarious and fun. Even if you're opponent has the foresight to manually eject, you're still getting rid of their titan so it works well.

Post loadouts
>Holo Pilot

Flat Line and Volt

EA's playing the long con. They're really, really hoping that people eventually get tired of Steam and move on to other storefronts. I really don't see it happening though, especially with GoG as another alternative.

CAR, Spitfire's pretty good, Hemlock, Softball

Literally gambling: the gun.
The attack power doesn't matter for shit; the spread on that thing is retarded and every encounter might as well be a roll of the dice.

Seriously, you find these facebook memes funny? Are you 12?

>Being amerimutt
2 minutes max to find a server for euros.

I think they also consider that putting shit on steam costs 30% of your revenue. If you already have a functional (but terrible) private store, why put it on another store. Especially since then you have to tell people why you poured millions in a store you gave up on

Even PC only ever takes me 1 minute. You must live in bumfucknowhereistan or something.

I really don't think they are
I think they're making a purely pragmatic decision: they're willing to accept that non-flagship games (i.e. games they publish that aren't battlefield or battlefield spinoffs) are going to suffer losses of potential sales as well as shortened online lifespan, for in turn being able to just have that extra %30 or whatever.

I think they figure that bit by bit this is how they will grown Origin into more than just a battlefield platform: eventually more and more people will use it until it can actually sustain itself. It's a frustrating strategy that essentially guarantees that any game released on that platform in the meantime is dead in the water, but it's a necessary one for them to ever have a chance in the future.

Hemlok, Alternator, and EPG, though I haven't touched that gun in a while and have been using the devotion as of late.
Spitfire's pretty cool too
Grapple, firestar, Hemlok, MGL, P2016, Fast regen, kill report, and shadow boxing for the execution.
As of late I've been using Monarch as well

CAR. CAR all day. CAR all night.

But don't forget that Origin is a fairly recent store. One of the last games I remember seeing from EA on Steam is Mass Effect 2. Obviously they have to stick with Origin now but even at the time I'd say it was a fool's errand to create that competition. Maybe if Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda weren't such a mess then it might have had something going for it.

I can understand that but losing over 50% of your customers just for 30% extra profit doesn't really make sense. Like I said up there, they're stuck with it now but I can't imagine that they ever actually thought they'd make more money this way rather than through Steam.

>If you already have a functional (but terrible) private store, why put it on another store
here are some reasons their strategy is dumb for them in addition to frustrating for the userbase

>a) potential lifetime sales could be so much smaller on your own store compared to what they could be on another store, easily compensating for the 30% loss
this is purely hypothetical but seems to align with what we see happening

>b) even if we assume potential lifetime sales to be equal to each other, placing it on your own store exclusively also has the effect of shortening the lifespan of the game, which in turn means that you severely undercut potential microtransactions which is where something like 80% of publisher revenue comes from these days, which is an even more massive loss. A game whose niche appeal and unavailability on consumer platforms of choice ends up strangling the community after 2-3 years (titanfall 2) versus a game whose niche appeal and availability on literally as many platforms as they can get their hands on grew it year over year to the point that it was one of the highest grossing PC games 2 years after it floundered at release (siege)

>Obviously they have to stick with Origin now but even at the time I'd say it was a fool's errand to create that competition
Steam takes a pretty big cut, and that was forced on people with HL2. So they look at their games like BF and FIFA and think they can pull off the same strategy. I dont know how expensive it is to set up a digital store but Im pretty sure that it costs less than the money they lose on a BF release. So they think
>origin costs X to make
>steam taking a cut from BF is Y
>so we can already recoup our loss in 1 release

tf2 is a casualized trainwreck of a game made by retarded devs who know absolutely nothing about what's actually fun in their game
it's dead for a reason and good fucking riddance