So can we agree this is the new best video game movie of all time?

So can we agree this is the new best video game movie of all time?

it's not based on any videogame?????

Ummmm sweetie?

i swear they had karen gilligan do 100 crunches before every take

You have autism?????

Instead of a board game, this movie is about a Jumanji video game.


>american reading comprehension

And it's good.

Anything with the rock in it is good

But board games are still a thing. In fact they're gaining popularity recently thanks to the nerd culture shit.


>go into movie ready to hate it for making it a videogame out of no where
>it fucking makes sense and fits the canon perfectly
Ill be honest, I wasnt ready for it to make as much sense as it did and walked away shocked at how much I loved the movie.

>that forced as fuck homosexual relationship between Jack Blacks character and Nick Jonas
>Jack Black literally screams YAAAAAAASSS QUEEN at one point
>ruby roundhouse killer of toxic masculinity
>All those jokes involving The Rock being too manly meanwhile makes fun of the black guy for being weak and small, make up your mind writers
>All that PlayStation advertising because Sony

I do. High functioning. And several other nervous and social issues. Why?
I would advise that you be very careful using disabilities against someone around here.
I do have isses, but I can handle friendly "jokes" about it, but others around here may not be able to.

When I first saw this thing's trailer I thought it'd be shit, but it's actually a decent movie. Reminds me of my japanese isekai animes

It looks like they just combined Jumanji with the Breakfast Club, then splashed it with a dose of isekai.

did the movie upset you?

Prince of Persia is the best video game movie

Where do you think you are?

It was an okay film. It should have been funnier considering who was in it. I would have preferred to have had the board game still, because Jumanji coming to the real world was the dopest shit in the original.

>watching isekai shit

I couldn’t stop looking at Karin tummy