This can outperform your $1500 pc.
This can outperform your $1500 pc
no it can't
to bad it never does
Maybe if its CPU wasn't slower than a $100 Ryzen 1200
you literally cannot buy a cpu slower than consoles nowadays. a $58 pentium outperforms in every single game
>tfw it's actually true and not a joke
This is fucking sad, console gpus are actually decent but the CPUs are on ARM tier
At current prices you don't get much for 1500.
PC gaming will die if the prices don't sort themselves out.
>Plays 90% of games at a locked 30FPS, with no way to possibly unlock the frame rate (even if we could though it would be a stuttering mess thanks to the massive CPU bottleneck).
>He thinks it can outperform a $1500 PC which will be able to play every single game at 60+FPS with any resolution/graphical settings of his choice.
Imagine being this retarded.
Absolutely false, Celerons still exist. Try again.
reminder that xbox one xxx's cpu is worse than pentium g4560 even in multithreading
>Celerons still exist
but they are not new production. I suppose I should say that they don't even manufacture desktop CPUs less powerful than consoles. The cheapest new processor you can buy is $58 and it outperforms even the X and the Pro
>This can outperform your $1500 pc.
obvious bait thread but still, I honestly didn't expect the One X to be outdated this fast. a 8400 i5 and a 1060 runs circles around it.
Xbox thread?
Xbox X uses a CPU weaker than a $70 PC CPU & a $200 GPU (RX 580)
Problem is due to miners & chinks price fixing RAM the RX 580 has doubled in price, making Xbox X seem better than it actually is, making ignorant console gamers think it's actually as good as a $1500 PC
you know what's weird to me?
in my area there are a shitload of girls on craigslist in the w4m platonic personals who are looking for new friends to play xbox games
I'm honestly a little confused
Too bad the CPU is still fucking dogshit, enjoy your bottleneck.
This would get me back into the series. I loved 2 on the Xbox, but 3 was very rough on the PC for some time so I never got into it. This was the setting I originally hoped 3 would be and seems like the next logical step for the games to go in.
With the way PC pricing is right now, the X is the obvious choice. Not to mention you get to use that snazzy new 4K TV w/HDR and play the biggest game of the decade. I bet those with an OLED set will have their face melt by how amazing the picture looks.
A $550-575 PC, possibly. The GPU on the Xbox One X is the equivalent to a RX 480 (which won't be able to handle 4K without comprpmises), but the CPU is crap enough to where it's not possible to buy a recently released CPU that is as shitty.
If you count a year membership of XBL towards the cost of the Xbox One X, it would probably be cheaper to buy a PC with a 1060.
Just wait for the 1060's price to lower back to $250, and this will cost about the same:
>the X is the obvious choice
>the X
Hello marketer, doesn't your handbook tell you Sup Forums has never called your shitty products by their little pet names like "The One"? Go back to shill school.
If you're going to factor in Live, then you should account for M&K as well as a wireless adapter assuming you're not using an ethernet. Don't post some $5 Chinese M&K combo either.
The Xbox One X is an okay choice if you're okay with faux 4K or 1800p with framerate dips, no exclusives, no japanese games, no mod support, and if you're actually dumb enough to pay for multiplayer just to hear eight year olds call you nigger all day.
Nah, I doubt it. Prebuilts and laptops will catch on more.
I'd suggest just going with a prebuilt PC right now. It's cheaper than building one yourself at the moment.
NVIDIA needs to disable cryptocurrency mining on their non-tesla $1000+ GPUs, so the consumers aren't getting fucked over by bitcoin faggots.
I can't get into racing games. I want to be able to trash the ever living fuck out of cars, tear them the fuck up to the point where they look like they were just hit by a bullet train carrying a ballistic missile. Instead generally all you can get are a few dents and some scratches in the paint, along with internal damage.
>getting triggered by a moniker
>getting triggered by the X
Have you played NextCarGame? It has some insane destruction on it's tech demo.
I'm not triggered. I'm just saying that claiming that the Xbox One X is a no-compromises and not flawed 4K console is asinine.
For PS4 and PC players, there's really no reason to buy the system, when Xbox One has no games anyways.
You say that you're not upset, yet you still post memes and use them as the crux of your "argument". I know not all PC and PS4 users are this vapid, so I'll give you a pass on that part of your post.
>literally bought an Xbox One X a couple of days ago to play my old 360 games, newer MS games and multiplats because I need games physically and cannot download 100gb games for PC
>literally can only download a gb or 2 per hour
>bought two games so far and both forced close 20gb updates
>already filled up almost 20% of the 1TB hard dirve
I just want to put in the damn disc and play. I hear the MS servers download games/updates faster than PSN (I wouldn't know since I don't have a PS4 or ever intend to get one). I have a Switch too and the cartridges are a godsend - I just pop it in and play right off the bat first time, and if there is an update, I'm not forced into it and can just skip it and play.
It's an attractive alternative since bitcoin faggots have driven up the price of everything PC related.
Are these prices ever going to come down? How long will the bitcoin fad last?
>unplug it from network
>put in a disc
bitcoin isnt the only cryptocurrency around
if bitcoin fails then the price of ether will rise
well that's what Ive heard
Does it use an excavator based APU?
Shouldn't have to require disconnecting from the internet to just play games.
PSN's slow download servers is an example that puts salt inside of the wound. I never had to deal with download speeds that shitty, even if I was connected via 5Ghz and my internet is 100mbps. It still is slow with Ethernet.
>how long will the bitcoin fad last
It'll last exactly as long as there are idiots buying them from the miners
In other words it's here to stay
I hope
Fuck me, why didn't I think of that? I've just been connecting my bone via wifi but have intended to eventually buy a long enough cat5e or even cat6 ethernet cable that I could just yank out at will.
With the current prices, how much would it cost to build a PC that's on par with the new Xbox?
>With the way PC pricing is right now, the X is the obvious choice.
That is such an ignorant statement. Gaming makes up a tiny fraction of the potential applications and uses of a personal computer. Where as your little console can only play games and stream netflix. There is no fucking comparison, even at current PC prices.
All you had to say was that you didn't know.
>just to hear eight year olds call you nigger all day.
but it can't BE a PC, and I barely make use of my 980ti anyway, I only play Japanese indies on steam.
Pentium G4620s use to be like 80 bucks but went up in price. Also very good cpu for the price
too much
More than $500 if you're building from scratch. Let's say you don't initially have any PC equipment and just have a TV. The Xbox One X gives you everything you need out of the box. For PC you'll have to buy all the parts, the tower, and a decent mouse+keyboard. If you really want to match the Xbox One X, then you'll have to get a 4K UHD optical drive as well.
So that's why the other user curtailed my question. I appreciate it. How can anyone justify this and then tell someone to build a PC in this climate?
Do pre-built PCs have the same mark-up on GPUs, or do they use MSRP since they buy straight from the manufacturer or something? Or do they price-gouge regardless because of the going rate of GPUs on the market right now?
Well cryptomining sort of ruined the prices. Bitcoin does not use gpu's anymore i believe but lots of other currencies now
PC has a different selection of games and can be used for shit other than vidya
If you only need something for playing and want the games that console has to offer go for it
>playing pubg on low settings at 20fps with a controller
The game sold almost four million copies in just 19 days. The game was a mess at launch and people didn't care because they had fun. Now the game is in order and I expect that number to double pretty soon.
You are leaving out so many details, and making so many uneven comparisons, that I don't even know where to start. There's dozens of holes in your comment. No person in their right mind would get a console over a PC if they actually knew the advantages, even if the PC cost 4x as much. You could make back that extra $1500 in the first few months with Pirate Bay alone.
>people playing MFPS with controllers crying because they're not good enough.
>getting ass raped by people with mice and keyboards
Why bother?
>the game is in order
>still a steaming pile of shit compared to the unoptimized PC version
>low res textures
>20 fps even on xbox x
>framerate spikes whenever in a gunfight
>but it sold millions
are you an unironic xbox shill? the game is trash on PC and its even worse on console
Which one is the best?
I'd rather pay only 400 bucks and play games with ease than buy a damn 4D puzzle box that will be shit without the latest 1200$ add-ons.
PC is nice and all but if you don't have the money to support it, what's the point.
Apparently, the Horizon 3 update is live and some are able to update.
But PUBG runs better on my $900 PC than on XBox One.
I have an Xbox One X and a fairly high end PC I built myself. I don't really use the PC for gaming much aside from VR and niche PC exclusive indie, it is primarily a work machine that I do company work on, as well as independent commissions and side projects that involve 3D modeling and animation. The Bone is strictly for gaming and watching movies on. I don't know why most people say "just build a PC bro," if you're not a heavy user like me, the price isn't justifiable.
Yeah, I made my post quickly and while there are way more advantages with a PC, they don't matter as much to an average consumer that just wants to play games. And are you seriously suggesting just pirating everything to make up for the initial costs of building a PC? The only things worth pirating are high end programs that cost several hundred or even up to a thousand dollars if purchased (AutoDesk can go fuck itself), or old games to emulate that can't be bought anymore. Otherwise, just buy your games.
Would actually buy
My heart says yes but my brain says "2019 second quarter release."
I build PC with Ryzen 5 and 1060 for about 1k
PUBG is 70 fps average on low/high settings, Witcher 3 runs like butter and I get to play Total War games. PC outperforms consoles everywhere
To sum it up, you spend twice as much for a few games you can't play on a console and higher frame rates. Is that really worth the extra $500+, though? That's just not viable for the average consumer in my opinion.
>Forza Horizon 4 Dorifuto
Yeah, no.
No way in hell they're naming it like that
That's about right, yes. For me it was worth it but I needed PC for more than just games.
And that's perfectly understandable. If you need the workstation and enjoy games, you really do benefit like this user
>Checkerboard 1378p @24FPS
Brazilian classification board says 2018, but I don't know how truthful that information is.
>30 zone
I wouldn't be surprised if it's held off until 2019 because I heard they were helping with a new Fable. Though, Playground does have a snazzy new office and they're expanding as we speak so who knows.
This is why I would never get any Asian lettering on my skin. Nobody knows what these characters mean and almost everyone has a different take on the words.
Holy shit these motherfuckers better implement a drifting mode and have a bunch of black and weeb music like NFS Underground
Hopefully they ditch the crappy driving physics the Horizon series has too, and picks up Motorsport's.
I imagine there will be hill climb races and such in the countryside and mountains. I think Horizon 3 had some drift challenges so I'm sure they will be implemented.
They do have a second studio but they are busy with making a new open world game that's not a racing game. It'll be interesting to see what a racing game focused dev can do outside the genre.
> I want to be able to trash the ever living fuck out of cars, tear them the fuck up to the point where they look like they were just hit by a bullet train carrying a ballistic missile.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
He spent too much time on BeanNG. It happens to use all who play it for any length of time.
With good quality components? about $700 right now, With cheap af components? about $650 right now and both of those prices are $150 too high because of miners and price fixing.
>GTX 1070
>On par
Good one user
Its not crossplay on it yet user and the xbone port has no mouse support.
>you'll have to get a 4K UHD optical drive as well.
Please enlighten me! Where can I find a proper "4K UHD" optical drive? The places I'm used to buying equipment only label their optical drives with buzzwords like "DVD" or "BluRay" and meaningless numbers like 4X and 8X.
Surely they're not just the $45 jobs I see spattered all over Amazon, right?
Do you even know what HDR means?
You also don't know you just have to plug your damn PC into the TV, get 4K, "HDR" and at higher FPS?
>buying anything less than a 1070 for 4k
PC is only a bad choice right now because it is hard to get GPUs at a good price due to crypto fags.
Once crypto currencies implode, gpus will be reasonable again.
Should I believe an actual developer who has worked on the machine, or some Anons on an image board?