>already cracked
>emulator coming soon
>no games so far
B-but... bing bing wahoo... on the go...
>already cracked
>emulator coming soon
>no games so far
B-but... bing bing wahoo... on the go...
>mfw just fucked a cute twink from craigslist
>he's a nintendo fan
>Mario Odyssey isn't a game
The only thing that's "cracked" is the brains of teenaged nintendo haters.
Did you suck his dick?
>more people can play the switch games and admit they're amazing
>Not giving Nintendo a penny
Feel so good
>Emulator coming soon
>Just like the xbone and PS4 emulators that came on the same week the consoles were cracked which was also the same week both consoles were released guys!
Try again:
>more people can play the switch games and see they're overrated pieces of shit propped up on buyer's remorse and brand loyalty
>collecting moons: the game
pure trash
>from the citra guys
>no games so far
>oversimplefying game concepts
you can do this to every single game in existence and all of them will sound boring
>t-that one doesn't count!
is that any better than giving money to the inevitable patreon for emulator """"development""""?
It isn't fair. Why does Nintendo always get attacked first? There's no PS4 emulator.
>another console-war wojak thread
reddit needs to learn new tricks
Yeah, I can't wait for switch emulation in 10 years with numerous issues. Literally can't fucking wait.
They actually care about gamers.
There's no PS4 emulator because sony would sue them to hell and back, then to hell and back again. nintendo has shut down fan projects, you think they wouldn't shut the fuck down an emulator that has the potential to ruin their sales? The PS4 was cracked during the first week because its hardware is basically a computer so it wasn't hard.
>Implying that's a bad thing
that's because the ps4 is stronger than any computer currently on the market
Emulators are fair use
Is that what sony bros actually think?
I can play Zelda BotW 4k/60 fps while you can't. I will be able to play Switch games with better graphics while you won't be able to stop crying over your wasted money for a shitty tablet.
>it was meant to be experienced on an under powered tablet
Then why were the PS4 and Xbone emulators never released? They've been cracked for years now
I love that you implied that I own a switch. I don't. That is the definition of SEEEEEETHING. Couldn't give less fucks about switch emulation. But if you're expecting to get a working switch emulation within the next 5 years you're straight up dumb.
Can't wait for these threads in a few years "Switch emulation, PC WINS AGAIN"
wish retards on this site recognized a joke like this
Very few people give a shit about xbone/ps4 exclusives
So much Soypony salt.
You'd think they were mad because all the jRPGs are starting to go to Switch now and the Switch is mere months away from outselling the PS4'S lifetime sales in Japan even with the massive stock shortages over there and if they could get them on shelves they'd outsell it now.
kys degenerate
They actually care about gamers, Nintendon't.
PS4 has no game, that's why. We literally stole 99% of its exclusives. I'm starving for more nintendo games after emulating the Wii U. No way in hell I'm buying their latest toy though. If they want my money they will need to get with the time and put them on steam.
I actually regret having gotten mine even cheap second hand.
>PCfags pretending they hate Nintendo
Why can't you fags just admit you like their games? You try so fucking hard to shit on them and when they become available to you you try to hide your love for them as much as possible
inb4 pc mustard race donates 30k monthly to play last gen nintendo baby games
>Bump up the resolution and framerate
>Don't make a single thing in game
Nintendo did more work than they did
his ass was tight?
>Literal scum behind emulation cares more to the players than actual game developers who put their time and love to the creation of a compelling experience
Did you suck him up your ass?
You fanboys are hilarious. Valve, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft. None of them are your friends. People who make emulators however are your friends because they make them for you, but also for them too. Because they want to emulate the games as much as you do.
If it has no games, what are people going to pirate and emulate?
>twink on twink action
>Devs didn't make games for consumers to play
kill yourselves
>(He doesn’t know that emulsion drives hardware sales)
Lol go home
Correct. they made them to make money.
>Giving them free publicity
Good goy
They make games for money.
Why the hell is false flagging Sup Forums's favorite pastime? Play some games instead you fucking fucks
No devs make games they want to make, the companies use those games to make money
Same thing with emulation devs and their Patreons
>hooking up on craigslist
I don't want to be you 20 years from now when you have to spend $1k a month on AIDS management
Neo-Nintendo makes games for money, Sony and PC makes games for us real gamers, and so did real Nintendo back then.
>Sony and PC makes games for us real gamers
Nice try falseflagger
>twink bf
>Hoping he gets a Switch so I can play Odyssey
On one of our first dates he brought his Wii U and we played Mario Kart 8 I got my ass kicked most of the time
>he thinks I play on consoles
>no games so far
>had the two best games of 2017
>dodged bait
>still replies
Sure you did.
>ass kicked
>not ass fucked
Zelda is also on PC.
They're already in the process of making homebrew for the Switch. That's step one and it's embarrasing that it took less than a year to crack it open to that point. The hackers got close with PS4. But the only vulnerability they found was patched out year two of PS4 production and couldn't be used to tap the source code. It would only have allowed you to play pirated game isos.
Only a switchnerd would ever post such a cringefest of a post.
Its still Nintendo's game so
I'm the top, though I would like to bottom for him, problem is I have kind of a sensitive butthole and he's got a pretty big dick, but maybe in due time.
Homebrew =/= cracked you insufferable mong. Besides the current exploits are still unserviceable for homebrew software.
Do even the slightest bit of research before you post you moronic consolewarring faggot.
Also on PC.
Also Nintendo's game
It's the same guys doing Citra. We won't have anything actually functional for at least half a decade or so.
God you're an idiot
Fuck off Odyssey was amazing.
You're a genuine retard of you think the console being cracked somehow infers there's a homebrew in the works. Most of the shit they'd need for something like that is still a few years off.
Because there's only ever 1 emulator for a particular hardware
>tfw saying random edgy things on Sup Forums
It sounds stupid because you are stupid.
Being able to make your own shit and have it run on the system is step one to cracking the system wide open. That's literally how it works. Step one is homebrew. Step two is playing pirated games on the hardware. Step three (the hardest step) is full emulation.
I'd rather listen to him than to some shilling cocksuckers. Nintendo doesn't make good games nowadays, it's a greedy, full of shit corporation that should die in fire along with its mentally impaired fans. Fuck off.
Good for you, pcbros. Enjoy waiting 10 years and wasting thousands of dollars on a virgin tower to play Nintendo games at a silky smooth 14 fps. Enjoy our sloppy seconds, you dumb animals.
And step four is the TORtanic sequel we have all ben waiting for!
Go back to your Discord you faggot
If all you did was travel down straight hallways with a rare monster that doesn't even attack you, sure
Doom was at least challenging, which is not something I can say for Odyssey
will my i7 8700 allow me to emulate shitty nvidia tegra for 60 fps gameplay is what I wonder
The Nintendo cultists delusion is so funny
I think you fail to understand the work between cracking and having homebrew. It'll be a real fucking long time before anything is actually playable, let alone stable.
Fucking this. The only sucess the Scratch got was from nu-shitters. Old, real Nintendo fans fucking boycotted that shit after the disastrous launch. Funny how every game on Scratch is unanimously reviled by real critics, really makes ya think about those paid reviews huh.
I remember when Nintendo used to make real games with actual challenge. Fuck 06yssey.
Fuck off eric
I think people who go this far on console wars to the point of having this ridiculous memes with some logo on a hat are in desperate need of therapy. Its just pathetic
Fucking this. They will probably shatter soon when the Scratch sales finally drop like a rock. It will happen. Soon, ny bretheren.
Who the fuck is Eric? Fucking Nintendcult shitters and their boogeymen.