Was it really that bad?
Did it really deserve the treatment it got?
Were people really expecting the moon and the stars from a 20 person dev studio working on their first major project?
Was it really that bad?
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Yes yes and yes. This wasn't Spore where the publisher fucked things over to make it more marketable. The devs here intentionally led people on, knowing that they were over promising.
I still don't understand the controversy. I'm sure it was a shit game but what exactly were people expecting? As far as I know everything in the trailers and demos was in the game. It just turned out it wasn't actually that fun to play.
Yes, its the devs fault for fucking lying though. Literally was promoting things that where not possible.
The quality of the game was never the problem. The problem was that the game promised content that wasn't in it.
It doesn't matter, though. Those guys have worked really hard since the launch to bring that game to where it should have been. And they've done an amazing job. And, best of all, they did not charge any money for the last 2 years of work they put into fixing the game.
That studio has more than made up for their initial PR blunder. Which is way more than EA or Bethesda will ever be able to say. People need to let it go.
What did they promise that wasn't in the game?
Yes it was.
Yes it did.
And people expected the moon because the chimp in charge of promoting it, was lying though it's teeth to sell the product that would never be.
They lied about features and all the retards got hyped about it, making the disappointment bigger. If it were a $10 or 15 game, people would be posting it in comfy threads or r/comfy or whatever.
>will you be able to see people
>yes but the odds are low
>can you see the player model
>only if you run into another player
>showed large ships in atmosphere doing shit
>showed dynamic ships and other space objects that turned into static models
>exploration based game about finding new things and places but you need to be constantly hunting for and maintaining your supply of a half dozen materials to even exist on a planet (minecraft is justifiably ripped apart due to one single meter replenished by a large amount of different items, this is next level bullshit)
they marketed a universe and sold a chore
>No Man's Soy
they say it's a lot better now
It's complicated. It wasn't like an edited PR release. The lead guy just didn't do interviews very well. And answered yes or no questions based on his aspirations and not reality. It was not deliberate, malicious dishonesty. It was just a guy that didn't know how to handle communications.
The biggest example off the top of my head is how they constantly just danced around multiplayer and went as far as they could to never just say "no, it is not multiplayer." The fact that they didn't do that is all the evidence I need that they knew they were over promising, if not outright lying, which makes this a worse fiasco in my mind than Spore since it's more malicious.
Being able to see other players on the same planet as you
Being able to join space battles you come across
Having fleets of ships roaming the galaxy and having factions at war that you can take sides in
Running into space anomalies while traveling like blackholes and wormholes
and thats just what I remember off the top of my head, whenever the main dev was interviewed about the game he just made shit up for some reason
if you just want to explore is there any reason to buy this instead of just getting space engine for free?
So it sounds like he didn't actually lie, people just let hype and their imaginations get carried away without taking responsibility for an impulsive purchase.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on a lot of shit like that. It seems like true multiplayer was planned but they were clearly having trouble implementing it and then they had to cut it last minute, as seen by the stickers correcting the multiplayer on the boxes.
>And, best of all, they did not charge any money for the last 2 years of work they put into fixing the game
Though I don't knw for sure, just using my common sense, but it looks to me that they got funded by sony and sony rushed them to relese by the deadline, when they weren't ready to release at all.
They have added a lot of content that they didn't intend to as well, but I gather if they had had another year or two, it would have come out with good reviews
I enjoyed the game
You're gonna sit there and pretend that every fucking studio on the planet doesn't dance around touchy subjects that they aren't sure will make it in the game or not? Nigga, please. That "malicious" interview was done long before the game was finalized which is why the dev thought all those things would make it in the game. Use your fucking head instead of just grabbing the torches and pitchforks because the sheep told you to.
Right now it's a decent 15-20$ indie game.
And the developers supported and encouraged that by telling half truths and not denying rumor, which is the bad part.
No, he lied
Someone specifically asked if you could interact with other players. He said yes, and it was found that multiplayer was not there in any way whatsoever
this so much
specific questions and answers and people choose to pretend like there was some form of vagueness to it
no, he flat out said you could see other players and that was simply NOT POSSIBLE with the software they originally released.
Yeah, it's a chill game. I think a lot of people are pissed because they were expecting epic space warfare and RPG elements and all this other shit when it's just an exploration game that you unwind with after a long day at the office. Not high-octane high-drama super-galactic-Armageddon with a gazillion customization ships and weapons and shit.
At the end of the day, people are just pissed because they got burned on pre-orders. And the funny thing is you know they didn't learn their fucking lesson. STOP BUYING PRE-ORDERS/PRE-ALPHAS/EARLY RELEASE/EARLY ACCESS or this shit will continue!
>expecting what devs promise is expecting the moon and the stars
actually people wanted just an exploration game, not a meter replenishing simulator
He didn't lie. At the time that question was asked, the game was not finished, and he believe that content would be in the game. Just like everything else from The fact is he just shouldn't have been in front of a camera. It was human error, and it was not malicious. They should have hired a PR person, and I'm sure they realize that now. There was no deliberate dishonesty in an attempt to deceive the consumer.
>ask if you could see other people
>he says yes
>you cant
I mean how retarded can you be?
I dont care if it was malicious or it wasnt finished.
There is no way to weasel out of the fact that he lied when he was asked about it, intentions good or not, he sold something to gamers that he didnt even know was possible.
Why do people defend this retard so much.
You realize you can still lie and not be malicious about it right? A lie told out of ignorance is still a lie.
>"there is MP?"
>a) yes
>b) not yet, but we're working on it
>c) no
One option is a lie. A lie made to increase sales and profit from the ones you lied, hence malicious.
blame that fucker, lying through his fucking teeth about mechanics the game did not support. the game would have had a more mild reaction if not for him.
Yeah the guy you're quoting is a retard. He definitely lied, and not accidentally
Anyone have the no man's soy edit?
no man's soy XD
>is there MP?
>game releases with no MP
His ancestors are smiling at him. Can you say the same?
So because other devs lie they are allowed to lie too? How hard it is to say "No" and then surprise everyone with an unexpected feature?
Is semi-long hair plus untrimmed bread plus glasses the ultimate soyboy essential package?
I dont get why everyone defends the devs when this comes up, who gives a shit if they are indie devs or idiots. If EA did this shit you would be pissed at them too, so why do people act like this was an accident.
I bought it as a comfy space exploration game and that was what I got, games like scam citizen or elite aren't for me. I like the art style and although they have changed the game lots, making the grind long, I got my fun out of it.
Only gripe I had is the massive changes they made to how the game functions, like resources and the base I built, when i came back to it the entire planet has changed, is desolate, devoid of life, and the base is fucked. Also that it I didnt get the atlus pass 3 until well after the 2nd big update.
Thought that said No Man Soy.
>He didn't lie. At the time that question was asked, the game was not finished, and he believe that content would be in the game.
Ok but then he kept his trap shut for the months leading up to release when he knew the game wouldn't ship with any meaningful multiplayer component even as people were continuing to talk about it like it was a sure thing.
If the reason wasn't indefensible they would've just said something before the second week of articles about how NMS players are still trying to find the secret event that activates multiplayer
hey guys did anyone see "that" webm when this game came out...I thought he would at least do #2
shut the fuck up you apologetic nigger, those interviews were done up to release date and he kept spewing the same lies
At launch it was a super dissapointing $60 random landscape generator
Now, almost two years later, it's just another grindy survival game. If you're into that kind of stuff, I'd say its worth the cheap price they're asking for it these days
The game was so big that you will never find your friends. Basically pretending that it could be multiplayer when it was not
please tell me you are just baiting and you are not this removed from reality
>Was it really that bad?
>/thread on your own post
The developers were very vague in their interviews leading to a very distorted expectation of the game on release
The developers also did very little to clear this up before they dropped the game (probably because it sold them more copies), when it was clear that people were expecting something completely different
>grindy survival game
yeah it's a shame, it's an exploration game but it takes so many resources to explore.
Fortunately there is still ways to break the economy and become extremely wealthy, but that takes time too and there are even bigger things to buy, like S class ships and bigger freighters
there is absolutely nothing vague about saying the only way to see the player model is to encounter another player online
>Why do people defend this retard so much.
Because humans fuck up some times, Mr. Perfection. Some people don't handle pressure well. Some people don't handle public speaking well. They choke and start sputtering shit that they should. Why do people defend them? Because empathy and understanding are human traits in the west. Find some.
What you boys talking bout?
Why do people keep saying they where vague, they outright fucking lied you can watch the interviews yourself
so from that statement alone, doesn't that imply there is a way to encounter another player online
i cannot tell if you're asking a question or making a statement
Actually they used pretty specific language and conspicuously failed to correct any of the media outlets that logically inferred the existence of features that were implied by that specific language
I bought this game on steam just i could refund it
>Selling a product that people pay for
>Lie about what the product is and falsely advertise it
>People realize they got scammed and its the biggest gaming scandal of the 21st century
>I-it was just a mistake, forgive him!
Get fucked, when you are selling something to millions of people you dont get to lie about it and not get shit for it. Its not like he messed up a line of code or something on accident.
>he was just fooling the goyim to enrich himself, dindu nuffin!
Don't deserve a single (you).
No empathy for lying faggots, he could have just say "No multiplayer guys, sorry" but he didnt. Now fuck off sean.
>on Sup Forums
>for scummy lying bullshit dev
you are in the wrong place friend. you gotta go back. defending lying devs kek
shit b8
They should have just made joe danger 3 instead
They legit lied about it so yes.
Thread theme
fuck off lebbit
I heard they actually have a form of multiplayer now, but the ship has fucking sailed already
What kind of shitty feedback marketing is this?
Game is shit, with or without multiplayer, the emptyness of the game and being sold at full price on release was attrocious.
The player base is so small that it would be impossible to find eachother.right?
The only time i pay 60 bucks for a big empty space is when im 12 inches deep in ya mom.
>threading your own post
Go back please
Is this @ thing a new kind of ironic shitposting or is it that newfags just dont even care to lurk for a even a few seconds anymore?
It's like a way shittier 3D version of Starbound, just imagine that for a moment.
you can travel to other player's universes and everybody shows up as a floating blue orb
so even is a lie as well
He blatantly fucking lied. I don't know how anyone can possibly argue this.
He lied again, and again, and again, over an extended period of time. He just made shit up, like that guy whose uncle works at Nintendo.
Not even that guy but how new?
If you had any reading comprehension whatsoever, you'd have realized that it's because
>Don't deserve a single (you).
Turbo nigger please.
If he innocently fumbled his words like you make it sound, the next action would be to correct himself later. Instead he kept up the charade until ousted as a snake oil salesman.
Why exactly should I give my already limited empathy to this conman that got caught?
yeah I got your post, but I've been seeing it misused for a few days now, that's why I'm asking you.
that was added post-launch, cunt, we're discussing the immediate backlash that came about when the released game did not match the statements made by devs
>everybody shows up as a floating blue orb
it's used as a way to reply to a post without actually replying to it within the Sup Forums system
They hyped it up as this ground breaking game. There isn't even much of a game in it.
fucking quick reply
didn't mean to include that quote
the threads making fun of this game's flop managed to even surpass andromeda's threads
those were the days
summer 2016, no man's sky threads
dumbass devs celebrateboards.fireden.net
game got leaked, devs go full damage control, shutting down streams, people realize game is shit, dumbass normies don't realize the game was shit until a month or two afterwards
Misc no man's sky Sup Forumsthread/348202159
No man's sky, my post, first person to make this joke on Sup Forums
end of july some guy finishes no man's sky
funny how the retards on the subreddit were still defending it
later two people met up in same place which according to sean murray is impossible because the game is huge according to him
GOLD NMSboards.fireden.net
GOLD todd vs seanboards.fireden.net
two players meet around aug 3rd, news outlets didn't catch on until the 8th
Look at this fucking horseshit.
>He wasn't here for TORtanic
>He wasn't here for HAZE
>expecting the moon and the stars
The problem is that devs didn't even lie about the game, they simply didn't tell all the truth. And even then, all the disclosed data about their engine was enough to see that it is going to be shit. And yes, surprisingly enough, people were actually expecting all the fucking moons and stars and a personal loli harem to sniff cocaine from their cute butts. Hell, there were even retards who expected multiplayer, even though the game was clearly stated as single player both on gog and steam before release. Devs were merely riding on the wave of hype that all those clueless retards created themselves. Can't even blame those fucks. If someone is throwing money at you just grab it.
>Not a peep about the two streamers not actually seeing each other despite being in the exact same place.
>h-he still isn't lying though
i fucking hate video games
>They didn't lie
>This was posted the day before release
>They didn't lie
shut up, shaun
Where is a lie? Can you see other players in dragons dogma? Yet it also has online features, "shared" game world and even tradable pawns. Only complete retards actually thought there would be an actual multiplayer.
>it's not a multiplayer game
oh okay odd for you to admit this *NOW* and n-
>because it's just so big you won't ever find another player even thought they are TOTALLY there!
oh fuck you