We all agree on this, right?
We all agree on this, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Worst is not that bad, edit the stickman's size to be a 100th of its current size and THEN it's truly the worst.
Why is an open room with big holes the best?
>walk straight down and then straight right
wow that sure is great
Am I the only one here who doesn't have autism and knows what a representation is?
Maybe fucking draw an actually good representation then, instead of reposting the same shitty one over and over.
I got this from a thread like, 6 months ago.
Okay? I didn't just mean you, retard-kun
Why don't you draw it? You seem to be the only one who knows what you're talking about.
Someone post the level design learning process that's much more clear.
Nothing inherently bad about a linear game.
Could be a valid design choice.
Though I could name way more bad linear games, than good ones.
>Multiple reply
>I-I don't have autism, but...
The representation fucking sucks ass
Fixed that for you.
>every room is a huge square
>best makes you go all the way through a maze, realize you don't have the key, backtrack through the maze, go through another maze, backtrack through that maze, then repeat the first maze a 3rd time
Make it so an exit appears at the end of each maze after you reach the end and you've improved.
Are there games doing this except rouglikes?
Don't make me go full Doom and make every building a maze with a locked door, a key, and a switch to the exit.
>lots of dead ends where you just waste your time
0/10 - see me after class
So your idea of the best level design is that city stage in Doom 2?
You guys are fucking nerds.
Couldn't find this on google, what is it?
Linear>All, and the "best" on this picture is a waste of time for the player.
>Best is a Sandy Petersen Doom 2 map
He's right you know
>He didn't find the secret area under the white trapdoor
Did you even play the game user?
Only if you know where the star is in advance though?
I bet you like this too
The least you could have done was make it a stealthy loss thread.
>top left
xbox games (lineair shooters)
>top right
nintendo games (lineair platformers)
>bottom left
sony games (variety of everything from rpgs to platformers to shooters to action ect ect)
>bottom right
pc games (ASSFAGGOTS)
*blocks your path
That's because making a linear game is easier, and thus there are more of them. More open games take more time and effort to make usually, so they're more likely to be good.
Oh man, I wish we could get another FROMSOFT game with the leveldesign of early DkS
>t. sonybro
Bottom right is botw
Sen' s Fortress has the same altitude than Darkroot Garden?
Top right is every major release on PS4 both currant and future except Bloodborne and Horizon.
>Western level design
Hey, I did a similar thing before.
Small open worlds > large open worlds
is this loss
BRD is shit when you have a new tank how just runs on random and doesn't listen
>good level design
Literally not a single person who ever played that game liked it.
So best is literally more of a waste of time than open world, which is worst.
Okay lmao
obviously there would be a quest log telling you to look for a specific zone and if you can't tell what they mean then you may go to the wrong one and have to back track
This is literally just that one gif of the woman with black hair drawn over with shitty art.
>backtracking through the key room after getting it
Lies, it was great
From 50-55 you could do arena runs and get great gear that was good even at 60. From 55-60 you could do grim guzzler runs and get gear that was good at 60. At 60 you could do dorf runs and get some BIS items.
It used to be like a month process to go 50-60, and BRD was a great dungeon. So many different paths.
Only full clears sucked, but you were a faggot if you ever wanted to do them in the first place.
left isn't open world at all.
Was just thinking that.
Hmm, they all look boring. I guess single player games are just shit.
>fishing minigame
Well you are not wrong.
>put more hours into fishing in dark cloud 2 then the actual game
>still spent 100 hours on the actual game
God damn, I love completely optional side quest minigame things.
That's the point faggatron.
BTFO'd the fuck out. You said "literally" not a single person, so all it took was one user to prove you wrong. Your argument is invalid.
>Fishing minigame
post the good version
It's as open world as Thief, Soulsborne, Dishonored and Witcher 1/2. The best kind of open world. The one where exploration has a purpose.
>lists 4 dogshit series
thanks for posting
Doesn't matter if the series are good or not. The maps are the best in the industry.
The immersive sim genre is what open worlds should strive to emulate but on a greater scale.
BotW is the closest yet but fails because it doesn't have any unique content.
*blocks ur path*
>I love completely optional side quest minigame things
>pic related
I am with you bro
What is this?
this only would be good if the boss is hard af, otherwise it loses the purpose
i think you need to leave
But golf is better than fishing in Dark Cloud 2.
>3d world
I'm sorry I haven't played the latest Dragon Age or Witcher or whatever new flash-in-the-pan game this is. Stop being so obnoxious.
its dark souls you fucking moron
For the brainlets:
>Top Left: Call of Duty 4 / almost any linear military FPS
>Top Right: God of War / any linear action game with slight puzzle elements
>Bottom Left: Dark Souls / any world with interconnected levels
>Bottom Right: Horizon Zero Awards / open world slogs
Mario Odyssey is basically bottom right
I want to preorder you game
I don't give two fucks about what you have and haven't played. Read the fucking filename next time.
No, if it was there would be easily 10x as many stars.
Thanks. Is this a good game or am I being memed?
kinda, you can see dark root from the bridge that takes you to sen's
the first ones map was KINO
it was neat, it looped and circled around the starting area, every place was linked.
you can see distant landmarks and actually visit them
It is a good game famous for being hard, you should try it out if that's your thing.
>18,13 and 14,2
why is this legal again. And dont give me the get out of jail free ticket.
Best is just as shit as the others
Sounds nice. How does it compare to Skyrim, will I like it?
>top kek
you can always name more bad than good. that's how it works
Fuck you, that's why
>The shape of the map is the challenge.
Where is your god now?
So, is the last one supposed to be BoTW?
basically, but they forget the map isn't flat and if you don't prepare you can't climb or swim in straight lines if you don't have the right dishes
>64fags really think this
>all those long as fuck corridors
>that useless waste of space in the bottom left
pfff no one would play this shit