Damn thats a nice pussy Ubisoft

damn thats a nice pussy Ubisoft

...okay? I don't get it.

Is this your first time seeing one?


damn is this first or second one

might get it if i can see naked ladies

this entire post smells of reddit.

Don't be fooled by the pandering, the game sucks ass.

So this is what they were talking about when they said they were going to be censoring the game post-release.

god I wish I could see a vagina IRL at least once

where's her dick?

why, vaginas are ugly

>no penis
not very progressive of you Ubisoft

... wait. Are you... serious?
How can you tell... that I'm from Reddit? (pls upvote)

If you can't see one for free, you might just pay up if it's that important.

thats the first in OP


so there are vajajays in 1
but not 2?

there is except on PS4 where Sony forced Ubisoft to patch it because its not kid-friendly

is watch dogs 1/2 good games?

>killing is kid friendly
>women vagina aren't

Explaining murder to a kid is easy, but explaining sex is hard

Just show them

we like our murder simulators and hate looking at vagines and benii

sony is japanese

lol since when?

Paying for seeing one removes the fun of seeing one. It's like paying to win a game.

You don't know that. Only one way to find out.

mods delete overwatch thread but not this
this place is lost

they just deleted the anti-reddit one too, lmao

it's hard if you follow the american parenting system of treating your kid like a lobotmized retard

I mean it's San Francisco so I guess it would be weird if there weren't any nudists in the game.