Is this the peak of Monster Hunter's monster designs?

Is this the peak of Monster Hunter's monster designs?



No, why would it be? Monster design went to shit in Gen, half of the new stuff seems like it came from a FF game. It certainly is the peak in music design for the series, though.

You are but a baby.

im not even a monster anymore guys, help

looks like a Digimon

Which Final Fantasy is this guy from?

It became dogshit around the start of gen 4, but World seems half and half. Some of the new monsters look vaguely like they would've been appropriate in an early Monster Hunter game, others still look like impractical overdesigned weeaboo garbage.

yama was a boring fight though

Fuck off grandpa first gen and most of the second gen monsters are objectivally shit

as someone who exclusively played tri and ultimate i feel i've missed out on so much in this series, i could never adjust to handheld controls.
like who even are these fucking monsters

I bet you're one of those nintenchildren who cry about World being casual without seeing the irony. MH has gone downhill in every way since gen 3.

The first couple generations have a degree of verisimilitude that the later generations lost. That's not to say that there aren't exceptions on either side, and it says nothing about how fun either camp is to fight, though.

You've only missed two games, a lot of the monsters you're seeing are just new.

I wouldn't worry too much. Half the monsters back in gen 2 were reskins of each other and all the ones worth bringing back have been brought back in either 4U or Gen. This guy ought to get brought back but he wasn't wholly interesting back in the day. Same with Shen Gaoren.

Narkakos is the first giant monster in the series I had fun with because it wasn't a total slog. Gogmazios was close but he just had too much HP.

One of the best looking monsters in the series

>looks make a cephalopod monster
>lets only give like 2 tentacles lmao
I know it has some more tucked away somewhere but c'mon.

t. 4U babby

there are squids that specifically have two longer/heavier tentacles for clubbing their prey, what's the problem?

It's my favorite monster design in the whole series, but I wouldn't say it's the best. The more simplistic designs of Rathalos and Rathian capture the idea of hunting beasts with nothing but your fuck-huge weapon much better.

having a bunch of dragon tentacles would've been radical